E-WMS - Control Centre Replenishment
This document describes the generic usage of E-WMS control centre
Replenishment, as per release 412.
E-WMS control centre Replenishment is available in Exact Globe Next menu
WMS, To be processed, Inventory replenishment, Control
centre. You can start simplified versions of this control centre in
menu Send to scanner or
Read from scanner, when you want to limit
the possible options to the user logged on into Exact Globe Next.
This document has following sections:
General - control centre basic selections and columns
Selection fields
- Issuing warehouse
The control centre screen shows transactions for one (issuing) warehouse at
a time - the issuing warehouse selected here.
The issue picking advice is also based on this warehouse only.
- Receiving warehouse
This range selection determines for which warehouses replenishment
requirements can be generated. It is possible to select 'all' warehouses.
A side effect of selecting more than one warehouse is that the report shown
after generating replenishment orders, shows a status line for each
- Item code
This is not a selection field but a filter on the displayed replenishment
lines, giving you the possibility to show only replenishment orders for
a specific item ('search an item').
Button actions are still applied to the order and not only to the selected
- Transaction date
This is the date that will be assigned as financial and logistical
transaction date in Exact Globe Next, when processing replenishment orders.
- Status
The status selection determines which replenishment lines are shown in the
control centre. Button actions can also depend on the selected status.
From release
409 you are able to see all statuses at once.
Following columns are shown:
- Sequence number: this is the replenishment order number, generated by
- Issuing warehouse
- Receiving warehouse
- Lines: shows the number of different picking lines in this replenishment
- Items: shows the total quantity to pick in this replenishment order
- Status: only visible when status 'All' is selected; shows the WMS
picking state of this replenishment order
- Scanner: shows the scanner ID, when known
- Order picker: name of the user linked to the scanner ID
- Date: creation date of the replenishment order
- Reference: this is the reference that was confirmed or entered on the
scanner, and is available from status 'Picked'
- ReferenceOrder: this is the reference that can be entered while creating
a new replenishment order manually, and is also displayed on the scanner.
Depending scanner settings, this reference can also be used as default entry
reference on the scanner.
- Reference2: this is the reference that is filled automatically by E-WMS
with the target order number or selection code, when replenishment order are
created split per target order or selection code.
Depending on the selected status, following buttons can be used:
- Refresh - refreshes the
replenishment order lines shown in the control centre
- Generate - generate replenishment
orders based on preconfigured preferences
- New - enter replenishment orders
manually: transfer how many of which item to which location. Optionally you
can determine the issue location as well, or have WMS generate a picking
- Delete * - delete currently selected
replenishment orders. Only available for status 'new' and 'advice'.
- Advice * - generate a picking
(issue) advice for the selected orders in status 'New'. This button is also
shown when Replenishment setting 'Picking advice' is disabled, but in that
case only the item main location can be advised to issue from.
- Send to scanner * - send the
selected advice lines picking
- Roll Back * - roll back the selected
lines in status 'advice' or 'picking'. When rolling back from status
'picking' while the order already has been picked (partly or full) than all
picking details are lost.
- Read from scanner - Read back all
replenishment orders which are completed on the scanners.
- Validate * - Validates the selected
lines in status 'picked'. The result is that the status of selected lines
changes to 'validated' or 'picking error'.
- Process * - Processes the selected
lines in status 'validated'. The result is that the lines are removed from
this control centre and processed in Exact Globe Next as stock transactions
(type: location transfers).
* = available when one or more lines are selected in the control centre.
Generate - generating replenishment orders
To generate new replenishment orders based on preconfigured preferences,
click the Generate button. Different criteria will be displayed depending on whether the replenishment setting 'Requirements only' is disabled or enabled. When the replenishment setting 'Requirements only' is enabled, you will see
the screen from release 412.
You can limit generating replenishment orders for specific ranges only. Most of
these criteria are available since product update
- Receiving location - a specific range of target locations
- Item group - range of item groups
- Item code - range of item codes
- Sales order - replenish for a specific range of sales orders
- None: when enabled, sales orders are excluded as base for
replenishment requirement
- Route code - replenish for sales orders having a specific route code
- Production order: replenish for a specific range of production orders
- None: when enabled, production material lines are excluded as base
for replenishment requirement
- Operation: range of operation codes as used in the production orders
material list
- Selection code: range of selection codes, either linked to sales order
or to production orders
- in E-WMS you can configure a specific selection code for
'urgent' orders, this way it is possible to replenish for urgent orders
- Selection: selection on item status, 'Active' to 'Inactive': you can
select for example only 'active' items. When leaving all checkmarks
unchecked, then the item status is disregarded.
- Attributes: selection on item attributes 'Stock', 'Sales' or 'Purchase'.
When leaving all checkmarks unchecked, then the item attributes are
- Split orders: this section is only visible when the setting 'Ask user'
is enabled in section 'Generate replenishment orders - split orders'.
By enabling one or more of these checkmarks, separate replenishment orders
are generated per enabled option.
Doing so, the column 'Reference2' in the control centre will show the source
order number or selection code.
If the warehouse employee should be able to see this reference as well, then
it is
possible to start replenishment menu Replenishment, By reference 2 on
the scanner.
Click 'Start' to generate the replenishment orders.
Depending on the setting 'Immediate
advising', the picking advice for the generated replenishment orders is
generated as well.
When the advice setting 'Immediate
picking' is enabled, then the step of sending the advice lines picking is
also started.
You can still view or edit a generating picking advice, before sending it
picking. The next chapter 'New' also applies to editing a generated picking
New - creating replenishment orders manually
Instead of generating new replenishment orders based on predefined stock
levels, you can also enter replenishment orders manually. These are essentially
guided transfers.
For creating manual replenishment orders, it is not necessary to have predefined
target locations with minimum and maximum stock levels.
After clicking New, the Entry screen will be displayed.
In a company where E-WMS SKU Management is enabled, the lower
panel will display relevant information.
- Screen header
- Sequence number: the order number automatically assigned to this
replenishment order. This number is visible throughout the replenishment
process, also on the scanner
- Issuing warehouse: this warehouse is used as basis for the lines
shown in the lower panel
- Receiving warehouse: this warehouse is used as basis for the
lines shown in the top panel
- Reference: you can enter an order reference. This reference is
shown in the scanner replenishment order list, and depending scanner
settings, can also be used as default reference to be changed by the
warehouse employee after picking the order lines.
- Top panel
In the top item panel, you enter the requirements - the target locations
to be replenished.
- Item code - enter an item code or press F5 for a list of item
- Description - shows the item description
- Receiving location - enter the target location to be
replenished, for the receiving warehouse shown in the top of the screen.
Currently this field does not offer a browser. When you are not using
warehouse locations, this field is not visible.
- Free stock - shows the total available stock in the receiving
warehouse: shelf stock minus E-WMS reservations
- Ordered - enter the quantity (in standard sales units), to be
transferred to this location
- Advice - quantity already advised for this order line
- Picked - quantity already picked for this order line
- Unit - the item standard sales unit
- Status - the current E-WMS status of this order line
- Serial item - indicates whether the item is a serial number
- Batch item - indicates whether the item is a batch item
- DPA advice - this column is only visible when SKU Management
is enabled. When checked, then this order line is generated by E-WMS to
put the remainder of a SKU away (see 'full
SKU replenishment').
- Bottom panel
The bottom panel contains the picking list - where to retrieve the stock
from, to replenish the locations in the top panel.
By pressing the 'Process' button, E-WMS will generate a picking advice for
the order lines entered in the top panel, and put this advice in the lower
You can optionally enter manually the issuing locations or edit the
generated picking advice.
Send to scanner
Select status 'Advice' and press 'Refresh' in the Control Centre main screen, select the advice line(s) and press the 'Send to.. (scanner)' button.
Depending the setting 'Assign
specific scanner', you can specify a specific scanner or scanner group. A report will show after sending to scanner (depending
report settings).
You can filter the advice lines and send
these picking to different scanners using 'filter
order lines', on criteria such as warehouse zone, item code, picking
classification, or (when using SKU Management): 'scan unit'.
From release 408 you are able to
split replenishment orders into separate orders, so these orders can be
picked and processed separately. Splitting orders into smaller orders will improve the 'real-time'
factor because scanned replenishment orders are processed as soon as each
single small order is 'done'. Otherwise the first scanned item will only be
processed when the last line of the (larger) replenishment order is scanned.
Filtering, splitting, and generating
separate replenishment orders are different methods, and can be combined.
- Generating separate replenishment orders (412): the warehouse
employee can see for which target order (or selection code) he is
replenishing. Is applied during 'Generate replenishment orders'.
- Splitting replenishment orders (408): divides already generated
replenishment advice into smaller orders (per item, or location). The picked
lines can be processed separately because these are different (smaller)
replenishment orders.
- Filtering: does not create separate replenishment orders, but splits
the generated advice lines to be picked into separate scanner transactions.
When part of a filtered line is picked, this can still only be processed
when the last part of that replenishment order is scanned, read back and
When using Auto queue to automatically send replenishment orders
picking, the picking advice can be sent to different scanner groups, using E-WMS
group filters'.
Reading back
Select status 'picking' (or 'all') and press 'Read from ..(scanner)'. Reading back will:
- read back replenishment orders which have status 'ready' from the
scanner tables;
- delete these (now read back) transactions from the scanner tables;
- update the picking status of the replenishment order lines from
'picking' to 'picked'.
A report can be shown after read back, depending replenishment report
setting. Replenishment lines in status
can be edited or processed in the Control Centres. When opening and closing the edit
screen, the lines will automatically be validated.
When using the Replenishment RF service, reading back is done automatically.
Whether these lines are also validated automatically, depends on the
Replenishment setting 'Immediate validation'.
Select status 'picked' (or 'all'), select the replenishment lines and press 'Validate'. During validation, master data and
E-WMS available stock are checked. A report may show depending on your settings. Validation will move the picked lines to status
'validated', or to status 'picking error' when validation fails.
When using the Replenishment RF service, the setting 'Immediate processing'
determines whether validated lines are also processed immediately. In this case,
picking errors have to monitored in the
WMS RF Monitor.
Handling picking errors
When validation fails, the replenishment lines will move to status 'picking error'. A picking error can only be solved manually, once a transaction has status
'picking error' it will not be processed automatically even if the problem should be solved in the meantime. When opening a picking error, the problem will be marked red.
the mouse cursor over the red area and the validation error will show.
In the case of
Replenishment and using 'picking advice', an error 'insufficient stock' will be unlikely, since this advice was first calculated before sending to the scanner. But the warehouse employee could deviate from the advice, or other
(Exact Globe Next) transactions may have been processed in the meantime.
Upon calculation of the picking advice, Route Optimizing will include all
stock positions including WMS stock reservations - but this depends on the
setting 'Check stock' in the
WMS General Settings. The same stock check is applied in WMS validation.
The picked lines in the lower section of the screen can be changed or deleted, or new lines can be added. When pressing F5 on the 'issuing location' field, a pop-up will be activated showing the current
WMS 'available' stock positions. When the source of the 'picking error' is solved, the transaction can be processed from this screen by using the
'Process' button, or can just be saved. In that case the transaction will move to status
and can be processed manually from there. When all picked lines should be deleted and
the transaction saved, then the replenishment order will move back to status
Select status 'validated' (or 'all') and select the replenishment lines to be processed, then press
'Process'. After processing, the replenishment transactions will have become
Exact Globe Next stock transactions. A report can be shown depending
WMS Replenishment settings.
When using the Replenishment RF service, processing can be done automatically.
Related documents
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Attachments & notes |
Document Type: |
Support - On-line help |
Category: |
Security level: |
All - 0 |
Sub category: |
Document ID: |
27.128.579 |
Assortment: |
Date: |
11-12-2020 |
Release: |
Attachment: |
Disclaimer |