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Overview of suppliers


You can obtain a report on suppliers which provides a comparison for the quantity purchased, average purchase price, costs incurred, percentage difference, and budgets for items by the specified supplier. The report, which allows you to compare the figures of the specified year with the previous year, can be obtained at Purchase/Reports/Various/Suppliers.


You can filter the items that you want to display by specifying one or more of the following criteria. The items that match the search criteria you have specified are then displayed when you click Refresh.


Type or select the supplier account to display the items ordered from selected supplier.


Click Selection to select the classification, size, and sector of the creditor. After making each selection, click Select. Items that match these selected criteria are then displayed.


Select a warehouse to display items in the selected warehouse. Select All to display items in all warehouses.


Select a range of dates to display the items that are purchased during the selected range of dates.

Sort by

Select Costs, Quantity, or Item to sort the items being displayed by the respective selection.


Click Assortment to display items linked to the selected assortments. After selecting the specific assortments, click Select.

The selected creditor’s information such as the ID, name, bank account number, category, status, contact details, pricelist, and currency is displayed.

An overview of items that match the filter criteria is displayed when you click Refresh.

Note: It is possible that not all columns in this example are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. For detailed instructions on how to customize displayed columns, see Related documents: Inserting and deleting columns.

Below this overview, the totals for the current year and the previous year, and the difference in percentage between the current year totals and previous year totals are displayed.



Click Refresh to display the items that match the specified criteria.

Purchase orders

Click Purchase orders to display the overview of purchase orders for the selected item.

Creditor card

Click Creditor card to retrieve the supplier’s financial transaction card.


Click Pricelist to display the supplier’s purchase pricelist.


Click Export to export the displayed overview to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


Click Close to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.546.895
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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