Projects ➔ Projects ➔ Work in progress
In project-based businesses, the project may require several phases of work before its completion. The work completed for each of the phases may be registered as work in progress (WIP), which may include the cost for labor hours, used materials, and third parties (direct cost). At this menu path, you can generate an overview of the project transactions, which can then be generated as WIP entries to record the costs incurred in a project.
The information in this document is based on product update 398. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Select a warehouse to display the transactions for projects that are linked to this warehouse. Select All to display the project transactions that are linked to all warehouses.
Note: This is available only if you have E-Warehouse Management in your license.
Type or select a manager to display transactions for projects with this project manager. Leave this blank to display projects transactions with any project manager.
Type or select a project or range of projects to display the transactions linked to the selected projects. Alternatively, select the All check box to display all project transactions.
Type or select a date or range of dates to display the transactions for projects with end dates matching the selected dates. Alternatively, select the All check box to display the project transactions with any end dates.
Select this check box to display the transactions of child projects that are linked to the selected parent project.
Note: This is enabled only when you have selected the projects with type Internal at Project.
Select this check box if you want to include transactions with a zero amount in the Revenue (Actual), Costs (Actual), or WIP (Current) column in the overview.
Select the Internal, Fixed, Time & Material, Training, or Production check box to display the transactions for projects with the corresponding type. You may select more than one.
Select the Proposed, Active, Completed, or Blocked check box to display the transactions for projects with the corresponding status. You may select more than one.
Select Item or Project to group the project transactions accordingly.
Type or select a budget scenario to display project transactions that are linked to the selected scenario.
Type or select a debtor to display the transactions for projects that are ordered by the selected debtor. Leave this blank to display the transactions for projects that are ordered by any debtor.
Type or select a debtor to display the transactions for projects that are invoiced to the selected debtor. Leave this blank to display the transactions for projects that are invoiced to any debtor.
Select the Percentage of completion cost recognition, Percentage of completion revenue recognition, Percentage of completion cost recognition (budget), Percentage of completion revenue recognition (budget), Completed contract method, Cost of sales method, To be invoiced, WIP cost and revenue transfer, or WIP cost and revenue check box to display the transactions for projects that use the selected WIP methods. You may select more than one.
Notes: Once the WIP cost and revenue transfer or WIP cost and revenue check box is selected, the following changes will take place:
Select the Transaction date or Reporting date as a filter to display the project transactions. You are required to fill in the transaction or reporting date at to.
Type or select a date to display the project transactions that occurred before and on the selected date. This date could be the transaction date or reporting date depending on your selection in the previous field.
Select the Suggestion (Recognized costs) check box if you want to display the suggested recognized cost for the project transactions.
Click this to generate the overview. For more information, see Overview of Work in Progress of Projects to be Generated or Completely Released.
Click this to exit.