To ensure that invoices correspond with orders and avoid time-consuming corrective procedures, you need to check and approve all incoming invoices. This process is usually handled manually by your Finance and Administration department. However, with Exact Synergy Enterprise Incoming Invoice Register, invoices that have been scanned and registered in Exact Globe can be checked and authorized using a secure, online portal. As a result, the process becomes digital, predefined, transparent and traceable, eliminating manual work.
Users who have the Incoming Invoice Register Role assigned, are able to:
The Incoming Invoice Register role can be assigned to:
1. Users who have the Professional Role In this case the available Incoming Invoice Register Role (YA5312) count will not be decreased. Assigning the role to a user who already has the professional role, will not require an extension of your license
2. Users who do not have the Professional Role. In this case, the incoming Invoice Register Role (YA5312) count will be decreased. That means for each of these users, a check is done whether the license contains sufficient Incoming Invoice Register Roles (YA5312)
The Incoming Invoice Register requires the following software components to be installed:
1. Exact Globe.
2. Exact Synergy Enterprise.
3. Incoming Invoice Register (SE5311) for Exact Globe.
4. Incoming Invoice Register Poll function (SE5482) for Exact Synergy Enterprise.