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Exact Financials (v3)   

System Manual - Introduction


About this manual

This manual describes the steps required to set up and maintain your accounting system in Exact Financials. The documentation is based on everyday work situations.

Contents of the documentation

The main sections of the document are the 'Package introduction', the description of the accounting process and the 'Exact Encyclopedia'. Each of these sections provide information on a different level.

  • Package introduction (in this introduction)
    This is a general overview of the package which will be particularly useful for first time users and to present the modules which can be used to extend the functionality.
  • Accounting process (other chapters)
    The section between the Package introduction and the Exact Encyclopedia describes the accounting process. All steps are documented in a logical order based on everyday routines. Also a number of distinct examples are included.

    Each chapter describes a clear-cut step of the process. In the introduction, the contents of the chapter and the location of the particular chapter in the overall process is described. This is followed by a brief working procedure for all the topics dealt with in the chapter. Most of the steps in the procedure are explained in detail in the chapter.

    For each topic, you will find a general explanation of the topic along with an explanation of the function(s) involved. These explanations also include field descriptions.

  • Exact Encyclopedia
    • The Exact Encyclopedia is included in the Exact System manual.
      The Exact Encyclopedia can be considered a blueprint of the entire Exact Financials C/S software suite except for the system functionality such as user access control. It enables you to quickly gain a good understanding of the software and provides information on the accounting terms used in Exact Financials. The Exact Encyclopedia complements the description of the accounting process, and you will often find references to the Exact Encyclopedia in the description of the accounting process.
    • Some of the information relates to other packages, also to packages that you may not have. This information may still be useful, for instance, if you plan to start using other Exact packages in the future. Note that Exact software is an integrated software suite: packages are often related and it is often possible to re-use data that was originally entered in another package reducing unnecessary double entry.

Crucial functionality

A number of fields and functions are of crucial importance. In the documentation this is indicated by a bomb icon. Crucial functionality has an extensive and often irreversible effect on the company data and/or working procedures. Before using crucial functionality, read the information provided carefully.

References to functions

In the text, functions are represented by 'paths'. The path shows you how to access a function. The paths are displayed as follows:

  • The option [File, Menu] is never mentioned if the manual refers to a function that is a part of the obvious menu for the manual you are reading.


    In the Exact Finance manual, the quick inquiry function for debtors is referred to as [Debtors, Quick inquiry] and not as [Finance menu, Debtors, Quick inquiry].

  • References to paths described in other Exact package manuals always state which manual you should consult.


    In the Exact Sales manual, the quick inquiry function for debtors in Exact Finance is referred to as [Debtors, Quick inquiry] in the Exact Finance manual.

Use of the software

In Exact Financials the default Windows functionality is used. For more information consult the Windows manual.

On-line help in the software

In Exact Financials you can open a help text by clicking the 'Question mark' at the right of the menu bar, followed by Contents or by clicking the Help button. Most of the help information is context-sensitive. This means that the text displayed on screen offers an explanation of the function that is currently active. If you open the help text while no specific function is active, a table of contents is displayed. You can then quickly retrieve information on a specific topic by simply clicking the topic.

Menu structure

Each Exact Financials package has its own menu. When you want to use a particular function, you should open the corresponding menu.


To activate the quick inquiry function for debtors in Exact Finance, first select [File, Menu, Finance menu] to go to the Finance menu. Then select [Debtors, Quick inquiry].

Searching for data

In many functions you need to enter data that you have created or previously entered. For example, when you make journal entries, you should select a VAT code and a general ledger account. A list box with all available data can be called up by clicking  or by pressing <Ctrl+B>.

Useful keystrokes

There are several keys and keystrokes which have the same function throughout all Exact Financials packages.

You want to: Use
Open a list box with recurring or previously created data to be used in the current input screen. <Ctrl> + <B>
Select data. <Enter>
Go to the next field. <Tab>
Return to the previous field. <Shft> + <Tab >
Go to another tab <Ctrl> + <Tab>
Enable or disable settings. <Space>
Select or deselect more possibilities. <Shft> + <Up> or <Shft> + <Down>
Change sorting method in a list box. <Ctrl> + <Right> or <Ctrl> + <Left>
Exit a function <Esc>

Entering data

A few tips for entering data:

  • Some data is mandatory, this is represented by a red Browse button, . You need to enter or select correct data to continue. Pressing <Enter> will usually open the list box if no data is entered.
  • Option buttons
    You can only select one of the options. If you select (enable) an option, other options will be disabled automatically. In the dialog below, enabling the option 'E-mail' automatically disables the option 'Printer'.

  • Check boxes
    Enable or disable a field by clicking it.

System Manual > Contents > Introduction


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 06.803.744
 Assortment:  Date: 21-09-2006
 Release:  Attachment: