You can create and maintain the entries of employees in your company via several menus. The detail records and job history of the employees can be viewed. There are also laws protecting the information of the citizen, therefore it is essential that information of an individual is kept private and confidential. An extensive security check is implemented to protect such information and is accessible by authorized personnel only. Without the HR Maintain function right, you will not be able to access HR ➔ People ➔ Maintain, and therefore unable to view the private and confidential information of an account with type Employer, Creditor, or Debtor under the Account browser.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 416 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
General tab
Type / ID / User name
Select the type of person. You can select Contractor, Employee, Student, or Temporary. The default type is Employee.
At ID, type a number for the person. By default, the next available number is automatically generated by the system when an entry is created. Once you click Save, the ID cannot be changed. This is mandatory.
At User name, type the username of the person. This information is a mandatory, however it can be user or system-defined. If you do not assign a username to this person, the system will auto-generate a username for you when you click Save by using the information at Last name (up to a maximum of four characters) and ID.
Title / Initials
Type or select a title for the person. The options available are system-defined. For example, "Mr". You can also select from the available options or create titles by clicking
, and then clicking New. In the box next to it, type the initials for the person (if any) or leave it blank. You can type the first few letters of the person's name or any name representing the person.
First name / Middle name
Type the first and middle names of the person in the respective boxes.
Last name / Suffix
Type the last name or family name of the person. This is mandatory. In the box next to it, type the suffix of the person's name. For example, Bobby Downing, Sr. The suffix is Sr.
Maiden name / Prefix
Type the maiden name of the person. The maiden name is a woman’s family or last name given at birth before she is married. For example, Linda Peterson’s name is changed to Linda Mathews after she marries Michael Mathews. In this case, her maiden name is Peterson.
At Prefix, type the prefix for the person.
Gender / Nationality / Lang
At Gender, select the gender of the person.
Type or select the nationality of the person at Nationality. To set up the countries, go to System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Countries. For more information, see Creating and maintaining countries.
At Language, type or select the language of the person.

Click this to insert, delete, or save the photograph of the person.

Click this to insert or delete a digital signature of the person.
Personal section
Address 1 / No.
Type the main address of the person.
At No., type the number of the house or unit number of the apartment.
Address 2 / Postal code
Type the second line of the home address of the person.
At Postal code, type the postal code of the person's address.
City / Province / Country
Type or select the city, province, and country of the person's address. The country is a mandatory field.
Note: The available states depend on the country you have selected for the person. To set up the countries, go to System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Countries. For more information, see Creating and maintaining countries.
Phone / Mobile
Type the telephone or mobile number of the person in the respective boxes.
Type the personal e-mail address of the person. Click
to launch the default e-mail application to write and send an e-mail to the person based on the e-mail address entered.
is enabled only when you have entered an e-mail address.
Social security no.
Type the social security number of the person.
Place of birth / Date
Type the place of birth of the person, and in the box next to it, type the date of birth. The birth date is mandatory information only if you wish to define the payroll data under the Payroll tab.
Marital status / Date
Select the marital status of the person. You can choose from Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed, or Living together. By default, Single is selected.
At Date, type or select the date with relevance to the status. It is enabled only if you have selected Married, Widowed, or Living together at Marital Status.
Method / Bank account
Select one of the following payment methods for the person:
- Automatic collection
- On credit
- Cheque
- Post dated cheque
- EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
- Factoring
- Collection
- Cash
- Factoring: Letter of credit
- Debt collection
- Payment on delivery
- Confirming: Cheque
- Credit card
- Settle
- Factoring: Collection
- Confirming: On credit
Note: This is enabled only after you type or select a Creditor under the Employment section and then press Tab.
At Bank account, type the bank account number of the person. The bank account number of the person is useful as you can make payment to the person under certain circumstances such as when your company decides to bear the cost of inviting an outstation person to attend the interview. This is enabled only after you have typed or selected a creditor code for the person at Creditor no., and then click Save to save the entry. Click
next to the box to select the bank account of the person. You can also edit, delete, or create a bank account. For more information, see Creating and maintaining bank accounts.
Note: The Bank account field is available only if you have the To view person's bank account in People maintenance screen function right. For more information, see Overview of user rights.
Contract section
Job title / Job level
Type or select a job title for the person. The description of the job title will be displayed in the box next to it. This is mandatory.
At Job level, select the job level of the position to which the person is assigned. The selectable values are derived from the range of job levels defined when a job title is created. By default, it will be filled in with the lowest value within the defined job level range for the job title.
Start date / Inactive
Type or select the expected start date of employment. By default, it is the current date. In the box next to it, the number of service years will be displayed. By default, “0 Yr” is displayed.
At Inactive, type or select the date the person resigned or was terminated from employment.
next to the box if you wish to include a reason for the resignation or termination of the person. It is enabled only when you type or select an inactive date.
Note: Depending on the start and inactive dates, the status of the person on the top-right of the screen changes accordingly. The available status options are:
- Active — The person is currently in service with the company. A newly created entry is automatically granted an active status.
- Hired — The person is employed as a future employee, but yet to be in service. It is only applicable for the person with a start date that is later than the current calendar date.
- Inactive — The person is no longer in service with the company. An inactive date which is before the current date is entered.
Contract end date / FTE
At Contract end date, click this to view, edit, or save the probation period and contract information of the person. Click
next to the box to view, edit, or save the probation period and contract information of the person.
FTE, type a Full Time-Equivalent (FTE) factor for the vacancy. By default, “1.0000” is filled in. The FTE factor is calculated based on the Master Resource Schedule (MRS). For example, if a person is applying for a job with an MRS of 40 hours a week, which means the person is expected to work based on the standard work schedule of 40 hours a week, the FTE value will be 1.00000. However, if the person is applying for a job that requires only 20 hours a week, the FTE will be 0.50000. The value is calculated by dividing 20 by 40.
is enabled only when you are modifying an existing entry.
Adjusted hire date
Type or select the adjusted hire date for the person.
Employment section
Type or select the manager whom the person is reporting to. This is mandatory. Click
to view all person reporting to the selected manager.
Note: You can create only two entries without defining a manager. From the third entry onwards, the Manager field is mandatory.
Type or select the assistant manager of the person.
Cost centre
Type or select the cost center to which the person is assigned. This is mandatory. You can create cost centers at System ➔ Finance ➔ Cost centres/units ➔ Cost centres. For more information, see Creating and maintaining cost centers.
Cost unit
Type or select the cost unit to which the person is assigned.
Main location / Location
Type of select the permanent office location where the person is based at.
At Location, type or select the office location where the person works.
Phone / Ext. / Room
Type the company number, the phone extension and the room number of the person in the office.
Mobile / Fax
Type the business mobile number and the company fax number of the person.
Type the company e-mail address of the person. If the person is a payroll employee, the payroll slip will be sent to this e-mail address. Click
to launch the default e-mail application to write and send an e-mail to the person based on the e-mail address entered.
is enabled only when you have entered an e-mail address.
Creditor / Debtor
Type or select the creditor code of the person. If the person is a payroll employee, you must link every payroll employee to a creditor by typing a new creditor number or selecting an existing creditor who is a supplier, the message “Change: Account type?” is displayed. Select Yes to change the account type or No to select another creditor.
- If the person is not a payroll employee, it is not necessary to have a creditor. When you link a component in the Payroll tab to the person, a creditor is automatically generated with the same number as the employment ID. If the creditor number exists, then the next available number will be generated instead. For more information, see Creating and maintaining entries for people – Payroll tab.
- The Creditor field is enabled only if you have the To maintain person's creditor account function right. For more information, see Overview of user rights.
At Debtor, type or select a debtor code to assign a debtor to the person.
Note: This is enabled only after you fill in the creditor code at Creditor under the Employment section.
Current rating / Previous
Select the current and previous appraisals for the person. You can select the rating from A to E.
Security level
Type a security level for the person. By default, it is filled in with the security level of the selected job title.
Access rights
Select the Back office check box to allow the person to have access rights to the back office, and/or the Exact Synergy check box to allow the person to have access rights to Exact Synergy. A person who is involved in the administration must have access rights. By default, the check boxes are not selected.