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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Overview of quotations

Menu paths

  • Click the Quotations link or My quotations in the left menu.
  • Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the account cards.
  • Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the opportunity cards.
  • Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the item cards.



Sales quotations are created when customers want to know the prices for certain items. On this page, the overview of quotations is displayed. From this overview, you can:

  • create quotations,
  • view and/or edit existing quotations, or
  • view the account card.


Roles and rights

All users can view quotations.



  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.


What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 251.


How do I view quotations?

  1. Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the account cards or opportunity cards. Alternatively, click the Quotations link or My quotations in the left menu.
  2. Define the search criteria, and then click Refresh.
  3. Click Close to exit.


Keep in mind: Depending on which entry point you are accessing from, the list of quotations displayed may vary. For example, if you are accessing quotations from an account card, all quotations linked to that account will be displayed. You can view the list of quotations that you have created if you have accessed the quotations from the Quotations link or My Quotations in the left menu, or view all quotations linked to a specific opportunity via the opportunity card.


How do I create quotations?

  1. Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the account cards or opportunity cards. Alternatively, click the Quotations link or My quotations in the left menu.
  2. Click New. For more information, see Creating and modifying quotations.


How do I edit quotations?

  1. Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the account cards or opportunity cards. Alternatively, click the Quotations link or My quotations in the left menu.
  2. Define the search criteria, and then click Refresh.
  3. Select the required quotation hyperlink in the Quotation number column. For more information, see Creating and modifying quotations.


How do I view account cards linked to quotations?

  1. Click Quotations under the Monitor section on the account cards or opportunity cards. Alternatively, click the Quotations link or My quotations in the left menu.
  2. Define the search criteria, and then click Refresh.
  3. Select the required account hyperlink in the Account name column. For more information, see Viewing company account cards and Viewing person account cards.



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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 20.768.075
 Assortment:  Date: 01-06-2023
 Release: 251  Attachment:

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