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Release notes Exact Synergy Enterprise - Product update 502 - Service packs

Besides the new product updates that are released twice a year, every month a new service pack is released. This service pack contains all updates and hotfixes from last period. A service pack also contains all improvements from previous service packs for this product update.

It is recommended that you always update to the new service pack. Besides the improvements made in the service packs, Exact always work on improving the performance and security of the software.

Below you'll find an overview of all enhancements, grouped by the service pack. Click on a tab to retrieve an overview of the enhancements in that service pack.
The numbers between brackets refer to the internal reference of the improvement.

To check which service pack is installed, you can check the 'ReadMe.txt' file that is located in the root directory of the Exact Synergy Enterprise installation.

You can go to Exact Synergy Enterprise - Product update 502 summary for more release notes. 

Product Name Release Max Tabs Per Line
Exact Synergy Enterprise 264 6
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SP Subject Description
502SP22 General information Service pack 22 of product update 502 is available as of 22-7-2024
502SP22 SOI SOI may not work correctly due to expired certificate (HF 87.460.667)
502SP22 Service Management Solution You may encounter an error while retrieving a list of SMS contract agreements ordered by AccountID via REST (HF 87.471.247)
502SP21 General information Service pack 21 of product update 502 is available as of 1-7-2024
502SP21 Projects Special characters may not display properly when entering data in PSA (HF 87.444.098)
502SP20 General information Service pack 20 of product update 502 is available as of 5-6-2024
502SP20 Service Management Solution It may take a long time when opening a service request (HF 87.350.052)
502SP20 Logistics Item type may be mistakenly removed after changing assortment (HF 87.346.154)
502SP20 Legislation specific Legislation NL - The generated Arbodienst XML file may contain errors. This has been corrected (HF 87.348.876)
502SP19 General information Service pack 19 of product update 502 is available as of 6-5-2024
502SP19 Legislation specific Leg JP - Naming for the Yamaguchi prefecture has been corrected (HF 87.329.686)
502SP19 HRM Birthday reminder may happen only for the first year (HF 87.285.216)
502SP19 CMDM Ensured CMDM and Exact Integrator integration is supported between ESE 502 and EGN 424 (HF 87.273.715)
502SP19 Payroll Ensured Payroll Plus integration is supported between ESE 502 and EGN 424 (HF 87.282.115)
502SP19 Professional Services Automation Ensured PSA integration is supported between ESE 502 and EGN 424 (HF 87.273.711)
502SP19 HRM Improvements made to ensure continued support of Microsoft Exchange (HF 87.324.026)
502SP19 Legislation specific Leg NL - An integration error may occur when you reopen a request and realise it again (HF 87.275.754)
502SP11/18 General information To align the 502 service pack numbering with the service packs for product update 424, the service packs SP11 to SP18 for product update 502 are skipped.
502SP10 General information Service pack 10 of product update 502 is available as of 8-4-2024
502SP10 General and System An invalid release error message may appear when downloading MSI installation files (HF 87.251.532)
502SP10 Microsoft Reporting Services Integration Item code in reporting services may be wrongly presented in date format (HF 87.186.572)
502SP10 Legislation specific NL legislation - Absence percentage figure may not be updated after saving the absence request (HF 87.181.632)
502SP10 Legislation specific NL legislation - Improved error checking for Initials field in absence requests (HF 87.216.722)
502SP9 General information Service pack 9 of product update 502 is available as of 04-3-2024
502SP9 Workflow Choose files button may be unavailable when creating requests with an Attachments field (HF 87.129.721)
502SP9 SOI Improved password encryption for SOI (HF 87.132.103)
502SP9 Legislation specific Leg NL - Reduced percentage rate option may be disabled for some payroll components (HF 87.145.325)
502SP9 CRM You may encounter an error when creating a creditor entity from the Repository (HF 87.145.222)
502SP8 General information Service pack 8 of product update 502 is available as of 05-2-2024
502SP8 Payroll Deelnemer tijdspaarfonds value may be recorded incorrectly in payroll XML file (HF 87.074.908)
502SP8 Legislation specific Leg NL - When creating an employment contract, the termination date may mistakenly be set to empty (HF 87.056.227)
502SP8 Service Management Solution Opening a Service Management Solution request may take longer than expected (HF 87.063.406)
502SP7 General information Service pack 7 of product update 502 is available as of 08-1-2024
502SP7 General and System An error may be encountered when uploading image for corporate logo (HF 86.973.858)
502SP7 Social Collaboration An error may be encountered when uploading new picture in News thumbnail and Announcement banner (HF 87.003.207)
502SP7 Payroll Changes that cater to updated payroll legislation (HF 86.975.683)
502SP7 HRM FreeDateField may be updated with a NULL value when end date employment contracts are filled up (HF 86.974.089)
502SP7 Payroll Incorrect options for Premie Aof (HF 87.005.603)
502SP7 Service Management Solution Information entered may not be updated when contract is saved especially when start date is changed (HF 87.004.518)
502SP6 General information Service pack 6 of product update 502 is available as of 20-12-2023
502SP6 Documents Document downloader app did not download document even after progress bar reaches 100% (HF 86.904.789)
502SP6 General and System New request types included in Best Practice package to comply to updated mobility law (HF 86.964.944)
502SP6 General and System Slow loading of Monitor section in account card (HF 86.950.257)
502SP6 Exact Lightweight Integration Server Unable to view and connect to Globe+ databases when using ELIS migration tool (HF 86.914.844)
502SP5 General information Service pack 5 of product update 502 is available as of 04-12-2023. This service pack is currently in phased rollout.
502SP5 Social Collaboration Exact Synergy Enterprise Timeline feature causes a third party component's licensing error to appear (HF 86.949.394)
502SP5 Documents Older version of document may be displayed when attaching it to a request even though it has been removed (HF 86.846.002)
502SP5 HRM and Payroll Removal of Social security number field on family member page (HF 86.757.652)
502SP5 CMDM With CMDM environments, Item translations are sometimes not successfully synchronised from Exact Synergy Enterprise to Exact Globe Next (HF 86.923.881)
502SP4 General information Service pack 4 of product update 502 is available as of 17-11-2023.
502SP4 General and System An error "Invalid: Release" is shown when trying to download installation file from the Support portal (HF 86.825.276)
502SP4 SOI Clicking Add at Corporate tags section while saving a document using Synergy Office Integration (SOI) will cause a scripting error (HF 86.744.931, 86.744.933)
502SP4 SOI Clicking Contact browse button causes Synergy Office Integration to be unresponsive (HF 86.752.510)
502SP4 General and System Error occurs when rebuilding repository, deploying or creating the absences XML, and then rebuilding the repository again (HF 86.744.781)
502SP4 MS Exchange server connection Error received in ELIS when deleting appointment in Exact Synergy Enterprise even though synchronisation is set to Outlook to Synergy (HF 86.836.937)
502SP4 General and System Files with filename of more than 100 characters cannot be uploaded (HF 86.828.531, 86.841.664, 86.843.144, 86.845.171)
502SP4 Projects Improved security when recording hour entries (HF 86.895.780)
502SP4 SOI Item serial number is not displayed when Serial number browse button is clicked in Synergy Office Integration (HF 86.803.422)
502SP4 Legislation specific Leg NL - New Special reason start absence field with 4 options is available in absence request to comply with ARBO requirements (HF 86.835.832)
502SP4 Legislation specific Leg NL - Various improvements to ARBO integration related to return to work requests, employee contract hours, and employee details (HF 86.851.566)
502SP4 Legislation specific Leg NL - XML file generated from Return to Work request sometimes contains errorneous code (HF 86.863.475)
502SP4 General and System Migration from Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to continue using Federated Identity feature (HF 86.626.376, 86.736.322)
502SP4 Finance The symbol "&" was not converted properly when managing invoicing terms (HF 86.845.546)
502SP4 General and System When retrieving Globe data from Synergy, where the integration uses FID authentication, will result in error "Invalid: Back office - division" (HF 86.720.291)
502SP3 General information Service pack 3 of product update 502 is available as of 4-9-2023
502SP3 SOI A script error message appears when saving emails using Synergy Office Integration with the option "Follow up with request" (HF 86.698.398)
502SP3 General and System Anonymising of master data is successful in Synergy but unsuccessful when synchronised to Globe+ (HF 86.724.039)
502SP3 CRM Payment condition of quotations created in Synergy is not transferred properly when generating corresponding sales orders in Globe (BR 86.679.944)
502SP3 Legislation specific The Absence.xml generated for Arbodienst specifies the employee's gender as "Male" even when the master data is not. This also causes Employee.xml to have the wrong gender after synchronisation (HF 86.719.991)
502SP3 General and System Upgrade of ESE database for EG+ compatibility (HF 86.624.805)
502SP3 General and System Migration from Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to continue using Federated Identity feature (HF 86.736.321)
502SP3 Professional Services Automation Work In Progress is not released in EG+ when Invoice Proposal Request is approved and processed after approved hours are changed. (BR 86.673.502)
502SP2 General information Service pack 2 of product update 502 is available as of 7-8-2023
502SP2 Service Management Solution Configuration only displays up to 2 levels for Service Management Solution request although there are many sublevels (86.677.191)
502SP2 Documents Emails sent through Exchange Online using a Word Merge template does not include the template's image(s) (86.612.831)
502SP2 Exact Lightweight Integration Server Improved compatibility between Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+ - Personal Data Protection add-on (HF 86.617.131)
502SP2 Exact Lightweight Integration Server Improved compatibility between Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+ - Service Management System add-on (HF 86.617.106)
502SP2 Workflow Possible to hit error while creating multiple requests then browsing (F2) at a field (86.639.787)
502SP2 Professional Services Automation Received error popup, after running Timesheet.core background job to process Invoice Proposal Request, although it was processed successfully (86.613.780)
502SP2 HRM Selected free fields only sometimes show up as columns in HRM search result page (86.611.528)
502SP2 Payroll Synchronising with Payroll Plus/Loket intregation: When inactive date is empty, the field/block Term.Date in Payroll Plus is filled. (HF 86.625.926)
502SP2 Service Management Solution Unselecting a configuration causes previously realised or authorised hour and material lines to be deleted (BR 86.596.975)
502SP1 General information Service pack 1 of product update 502 is available as of 14-7-2023
502SP1 CMDM Add checks to ensure CMDM is compatible with Exact Synergy and Exact Globe+ product update 502 (HF 86.569.176)
502SP1 ELIS Add checks to ensure ELIS is compatible with Exact Synergy and Exact Globe+ product update 502 (HF 86.569.175)
502SP1 Exact Lightweight Integration Server ELIS: Add checks to ensure compatibility with Synergy 502 and Globe+ 502 (HF 86.617.131, HF 86.617.106 and HF 86.588.328)
502SP1 HRM Free fields showing incorrect label and values in the people search result screen (HF 86.583.301)
502SP1 Exact Lightweight Integration Server One of the asset will not be synchronised when linking two assets with the same serial number to different items (HF 86.615.701)
502SP1 Service Management Solution Status and action columns do not fit on the page when clicking on an hour or material line in a multiple service request (HF 86.539.995)
Info   Performing an update of Exact Synergy Enterprise
Info   System requirements for Exact Synergy Enterprise
Info   Overview release notes Exact Synergy Enterprise per product update - English
Info   Overview release notes Exact Globe Next per product update - English
Info   Overview release notes Exact Synergy Enterprise per product update - Dutch
Info   Overview release notes Exact Globe Next per product update - Dutch

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 31.367.784
 Assortment:  Date: 22-07-2024
 Release: 502  Attachment: