Modules ? HRM ? Setup ? Schedules ? Work schedule grouping
On this page, you can view the selected work schedule group. A work schedule group contains a list of individual work schedules linked to it. Work schedules are created at Modules ? HRM ? Setup ? Schedules ? Work schedules.
Note: Work schedule groups are available if you have selected the Activate: Advanced Work Schedules check box in the Person: Planning section of the HRM general settings. For more information, see Defining HRM general settings.
To view work schedule groups, function right 100 — Maintain default work schedule, 101 — Maintain company work schedule, or 102 — Maintain individual work schedule is required. By default, users with the HR role have these function rights.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 259 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click this to exit and return to the listing of work schedule groups. For more information, see Listing of work schedule groups.
Click this to modify the selected work schedule group. For more information, see Creating and modifying work schedule groups.
Click this to link the work schedule group to a person. Once clicked, the functionality for linking work schedule groups to people will be displayed. This functionality is similar to the one at Modules ? HRM ? Setup ? Schedules ? Work schedule linking. For more information, see Listing people for the purposes of linking, unlinking, blocking, and unblocking of work schedule groups to or from people.
Note: You can only link a work schedule group to a person if a minimum of one work schedule has been added to the work schedule group. A work schedule group can be modified although it is linked to a person. However, the modifications will not be reflected in the work schedule group that is linked to a person before the modifications are done. The modifications will only be reflected in the work schedule group if a person is linked to it after the modifications are done.
In this section, the general information on the work schedule group is displayed.
This displays the division linked to the work schedule group. You can view the details of the division by clicking the name of the division. For more information, see Viewing division cards.
This displays the code of the work schedule group.
This displays the description of the work schedule group.
This displays the status of the work schedule group.
This section displays the work schedules that have been added to this work schedule group. The work schedules are added by clicking Add in the maintenance screen of a work schedule group.
This column displays the names of the work schedules. Click the hyperlink to view or modify the corresponding information.
This column displays the sequence of the work schedules in the ascending order.