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Overview of created bank files

This screen is displayed when you click Start at Cash flow ➔ Payments ➔ Created bank files.


This screen displays a list of created bank files with information such as the run number, who processed the bank files, date, own account number, balance, quantity and the file name.



Click this to clear a selected line.


Click this to export the data to Microsoft Excel.


Click this to create the bank file again. For example, if you select the line with the bank file CLIEOP03.005, and click Recreate, another bank file will be created with the number CLIEOP03.006, if your other bank files don’t already have that number. If that number is already in use, then the next available number will be used for the newly created bank file. You can view the data and additional information (for example, payment format, check number and transaction date) of the selected line in the Process report, which is generated every time a bank file is created.


Click this to exit.

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 Release: 390  Attachment: