Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Setup ➔ Other ➔ Settings
This page allows settings to be defined for accounts.
As of product update 250, Exact Synergy Enterprise has introduced the Person (or Natural person) feature, which enables you to create an account based on a person. The term “account” or “accounts” will be used to describe both account types, namely, the Company and Person accounts. Otherwise, when used individually, the account type will be referred to as “company account” for account type Company and “person account” for account type Person.
Note: A person account can be registered as a prospect person account, customer person account, or supplier person account only.
To define account settings, function right 222 – Maintain CRM settings is required. Users with the Administrator or Customer manager role have this function right.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 252 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.
Click this to save the settings.
Click this to exit.
Select this check box if you do not want a warning message to be displayed when a blocked or inactive account card is opened.
Select this check box if you do not want a warning message to be displayed when a blocked or inactive contact card is opened.
Type or select a division to link the accounts to the division. When a new account is created, the account will be linked to the division by default.
Select Exact Synergy Enterprise to obtain the debtor and creditor codes from the Exact Synergy Enterprise database, or Exact Globe Next to obtain the debtor and creditor codes from the Exact Globe Next database. For example, if Exact Synergy Enterprise is selected, the system will propose the next debtor or creditor code for all the divisions based on the next account number from the Exact Synergy Enterprise database.
Note: This is available only if you have selected the Accounts check box at Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Central Master Data Management ➔ Settings.
Select this check box to allow the user to select an account type (such as customer, reseller, prospect, and other account types) when creating an account. If this check box is not selected, only Not validated accounts can be created.
Select this check box to automatically create and send a request to the account manager when there is a change in the account status.
Select this check box to automatically create and send a request to the account manager when the customer’s reseller has changed.
Select this check box to check whether the user can view the accounts of another division. If this check box is selected, the user will be checked against function right 524 - View account card. Users with the Customer manager role have this function rights.
Type or select a function right required to create the Prospect company account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Prospect person account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Customer company account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Customer person account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Associate account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Supplier company account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Supplier person account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Reseller account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Division account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Bank account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Lead account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Suspect account.
Type or select a function right required to create the Not validated account.
Select this check box to check whether there are sales forecasts for associate and prospect accounts, and accounts that are not validated. If the prospect account does not have a sales forecast, the background job will change the account type to Not validated. If the associate account or account that has not been validated has a sales forecast, the background job will change the account type to Prospect.
Select a sales forecast request to automatically create a sales forecast request when a new prospect is created. When creating prospect accounts, a new section called Request – Sales forecast will be displayed; and sales forecast requests will be created based on the information defined in this section. However, this section is displayed only if the Type: Select check box at the Account section is selected.
Type the number of months to determine the end date of the forecast request.
If this check box is selected, a prospect account can be turned into a customer account only after a valid contract has been attached to the prospect. If the check box is not selected, no restrictions are imposed on creation of a new customer. For more information on how to create debtor codes and contracts, see Viewing company account cards and Viewing person account cards.
Note: The debtor code must always be assigned to the prospect.
Select this check box to activate the Person (or Natural person) feature to create accounts based on a person, namely customer person accounts, prospect person accounts, and supplier person accounts as well as to link contact persons to accounts. By default, this check box is selected. For more information, see Viewing person account cards.
Note: This feature is available from product update 250 onwards.
Select a relevant policy document to link to the account. For example, to link a policy document to Customer (Person) account, select a policy document that will list the conditions and processes required to create and maintain customer person accounts.
Select this check box to apply the relevant account card function rights to the search results. Therefore, the search results will be available if you have the account cards function rights.
Type a relevant quotation number to be used by the next quotation created. By default, the system will pre-set the quotation number to 1000 for a new database. Once you start generating quotations, this field will be prefilled with the next available quotation number. You can only define the next quotation number in numeric value and it cannot be smaller than the last quotation number used. If you try to save a quotation number that is smaller than the last used quotation number, a message "To reset the quotation number, it must be greater than xxx" will be displayed with "xxx" being the value of the last used quotation number.
Select the check box to enable sales orders to be created based on quotations to the specified back office.
Select the check box if you want the information of the items in quotations, such as the descriptions, codes, and sales prices to be obtained from Exact Globe Next. Clear the check box if you want the information of the items in quotations to be obtained from Exact Synergy Enterprise. The sales price of an item in Exact Globe Next may differ from the sales price in Exact Synergy Enterprise. This is because the sales prices retrieved from Exact Globe Next take into consideration the discounts given to the customers as listed in price lists or price agreements.
Type a relevant portal address for the customer, reseller, and public to log in to. For example,
Type a path where the ASPX files for the customer portal will be stored. For example, /docs/
Type a file directory to save all the .vcf files into this folder. Once the background job is complete, all the vCard (contacts card) with new contacts or changes to contact details will be downloaded to the specified file directory.
This section is displayed only when the mail merge functionality is in use. The mail merge functionality is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Documents: Settings page is not selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. This setting is available only for existing users moving to product update 250. From product update 250 onwards, by default, this section is not available.
Select a label that will be used to print labels on CDs. This function is for Exact products only. This is mandatory.
Select a layout for mail merge in the account card. This layout will be the default layout for mail merge in the account card. This is mandatory.
Type the e-mail address of the sender for mail merge in the account card. This e-mail address will be the default e-mail address of the sender for mail merge in the account card.
Type the name of the group the default e-mail address belongs to.
Select a document for the public website request. This document is used when a company enters information in the public website request to requests for information. After the information in the public website request is saved, a screen with default text will be displayed whereby the default text can be replaced with the document type selected.
There are three options available: Google, MapQuest: Address, and MapQuest: City. Select MapQuest: Address to display the address location of the street, MapQuest: City to display the city map of the address specified, or Google to display a specific location and directions from one location to another. Once an option has been selected, you can click the links in the account card to connect to the MapQuest website at or Google website at By default, Google is selected.
This section allows you to define the settings for Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). When you purchase risk profile reports from D&B for the accounts from the accounts card, a connection will be made to the D&B site based on the settings defined. For more information on how to purchase risk profile reports, see Viewing company account cards and Viewing person account cards. If the username or password is invalid, an error message "A connection to D&B cannot be established. Please check whether you have an active D&B subscription and that the user name and password are valid" will be displayed.
Note: This section is available only if YA1016 - Risk Management is in your license. Furthermore, you are also required to have a contract or subscription with D&B. From product update 244 onwards, this section is not available.
Type the user name of your D&B account. This allows you to access the D&B site. When you click Save, the user name will be validated in D&B site to ensure that you have defined a correct user name. If the user name is incorrect, a message "A connection to D&B cannot be established. Please check whether you have an active D&B subscription and that the user name and password are valid" will be displayed.
Type the password of your D&B account. This allows you to access the D&B site. When you click Save, the password will be validated in the D&B site to ensure that you have defined a correct password. If the password is incorrect, a message "A connection to D&B cannot be established. Please check whether you have an active D&B subscription and that the user name and password are valid" will be displayed.
Select the type of document that you want to use for the information obtained from D&B. However, only document types that do not require versioning will be displayed when you search for a document type. This is mandatory. If a document type is not selected, a message "D&B report services document type. Document type is required to create a new document to store report purchased from D&B" will be displayed.
Note: You can select a document type only if you have a security level of 10 and above, do not have a role creating documents, status is Active, and manual entry is Allowed.
Select a default rating for the accounts. You can select from 1 to 7. The rating selected will be displayed at Rating under the Marketing section when creating accounts.
Select a default sector for the accounts. The sector selected will be displayed at Sector under the Marketing section when creating accounts. For more information on sectors, see Overview of sectors.
Select a default company size for the accounts. The size selected will be displayed at Size under the Marketing section when creating accounts. For more information on size, see Overview of sizes.
Type or select a default classification for the accounts. The classification will be displayed at Classification under the Marketing section when creating accounts. For more information on classification, see Overview of classifications.
Select a default source for the accounts. The source will be displayed at Source under the Marketing section when creating accounts. For more information on sources, see Overview of sources.
If the settings under this section are not defined, the standard message provided by the system will be sent to the customer.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the mail merge functionality when access to the customer portal is activated for the customers.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the mail merge functionality when customers reset password to the customer portal.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the mail merge functionality when access to the customer portal is deactivated for the customers.
Select a language that you want to use by default for the mail merge layout if the specific language of the contact person is not available.
If the settings under this section are not defined, the standard message provided by the system will be sent to the reseller.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the mail merge functionality when access to the reseller portal is activated for the resellers.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the mail merge functionality when resellers reset password to the reseller portal.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the mail merge functionality when access to the reseller portal is deactivated for the resellers.
This section is displayed only when the Word Merge functionality is in use. The Word Merge functionality is available only if the New Word Merge check box under the Word Merge section on the Documents: Settings page is selected. For more information, see Setting up documents. From product update 250 onwards, by default, this section is available.
You can also define personalized response messages at the following fields except the Default language field. For more information, see How-to: Sending portal messages using Word Merge. If you leave these fields blank, the standard message provided by the system will be sent to the customers.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the Word Merge functionality when access to the customer portal is activated for the customers.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the Word Merge functionality when customers reset passwords to the customer portal.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the Word Merge functionality when access to the customer portal is deactivated for the customers.
Select a language that you want to use by default for the Word Merge templates if the specific language of the contact person is not available. If the default language is not defined, a predefined language will be selected by the system and this will be used to send messages to the customers.
You can also define personalized response messages at the following fields except the Default language field. For more information, see How-to: Sending portal messages using Word Merge. If you leave these fields blank, the standard message provided by the system will be sent to the resellers.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the Word Merge functionality when access to the reseller portal is activated for the resellers.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the Word Merge functionality when resellers reset passwords to the reseller portal.
Select the type of document that you want to use to send personalized messages using the Word Merge functionality when access to the reseller portal is deactivated for the resellers.
Select a language that you want to use by default for the Word Merge templates if the specific language of the contact person is not available. If the default language is not defined, a predefined language will be selected by the system and this will be used to send messages to the resellers.