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Creating and maintaining accounts receivable

Menu path

Go to CRM  Accounts  Maintain accounts or Finance  Accounts receivable  Maintain, and then click Open or New.


Besides the accounts payable, the other most important part of your administration is the accounts receivable. This function allows you to create or modify entries for debtors. Before you create and process the daily financial transactions of your company, you should create the required accounts receivable. Accounts receivable lets you enter the detailed information of your debtor. Whenever there are transactions linked to a debtor, you can display the related transactions from the accounts receivable. Furthermore, this screen displays the type of debtor for the accounts receivable. If the debtor is already your customer, the date the debtor became your customer and a green check mark will be displayed under the Customer box.

In Exact Globe, you have the option to view the accounts receivable using the Simple or Advanced mode. This option depends on the license you purchased. If you have the CRM module, you can display the accounts receivable in the Advanced mode that provides more information for the debtor whereby more boxes and tabs are displayed. The following section explains the accounts receivable in the Advanced mode. From this screen, you can also:

  • create a sales quotation for the debtor
  • create a sales order for the debtor
  • create an activity for the debtor
  • view the organization chart
  • send emails to the contact persons
  • view the sales graph of the debtor in Microsoft Excel
  • view the debtor card of the debtor, or
  • create a letter for the debtor using Word merge.

There are eleven tabs in the Accounts - Debtors - Advanced screen. The tabs are:

  • Basics
  • Marketing
  • Contact
  • Financial
  • Activity
  • Contract
  • Admin.
  • Transactions
  • Doc.
  • Extra
  • Log 

This document describes the Basics tab, which displays general information of the accounts receivable.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 406. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.


General section


Type the company name for the debtor. This is mandatory.


Click this to display the number of LinkedIn users who work at the selected company. The detailed information displayed depends on your log in status to LinkedIn.

Note: When you click , you will be directed to LinkedIn.


Select the type of debtor for the debtor. You can select one of the following:

  • Suspect — This is a potential customer who has not shown interest in the company’s products. These accounts are often gathered from external sources.
  • Lead — This is a potential customer that has shown interest in the company’s products but have not requested for a sales quotation. 
  • Prospect — This is a potential customer who has indicated an intention to purchase the company’s products in the future. A prospect is not a customer.
  • Customer — This is a customer who has purchased the company’s products whereby there is a contract.
  • Associate — This is an account that has no product-related business relationship with the company. Examples of associates are members of the board, investors, and competitors.
  • Reseller — A reseller sells and supports your products by managing one or more of your customers.

By default, the type of debtor displayed depends on your selection before creating the debtor if you are creating the debtor at CRM  Accounts  Maintain accounts. Otherwise, Customer will be displayed if you are creating the debtor at Finance  Accounts receivable  Maintain.

Select the status of the debtor such as:

  • Active — Select this status for an active debtor which you regularly sell products or provide services to and with whom you have a good relationship. Active is a status that indicates that the debtor is actively dealing with the company. By default, this is displayed.
  • Blocked — You can use this status to prevent incurring costs, but you can still receive payments for delivery in the past. With status “blocked” you can still enter orders, send invoices and receive payments. However, you can not send (fulfillment, shipment) goods. Financial entries will trigger the message that customer is blocked, but user can continue the entry.
  • Pilot — Select this status for the debtor who uses products that have not been finalized for commercial use.
  • Reference — Select this status for the debtor whom you have a good relationship with.
  • Passive — Select this status for the debtor who has purchased products in the past and does not contribute further to the company’s revenue.

Note: These boxes can be edited only after you have saved the details of the debtor.


Click this to change the status of the debtor to Inactive. The system will then display a request screen that allows you to state the reason for deactivating the account (to define the inactive request, go to System  General  Settings, in General settings at Request: Inactive, under the CRM section). The system also allows you to change the status to Inactive if there are financial transactions linked to the debtor by clicking the Set to inactive button at the Overview screen. A warning message will be displayed. Click Continue anyway? to change the status of the debtor to Inactive, or click Cancel to abort the process.   

Note: This icon is enabled only after you have saved the details of the debtor and is available only if you have E-CRM in your license.


Type a code for the debtor. This is a unique code. A debtor code is normally used to differentiate the debtors that exist in Exact Globe. The debtor code is user-defined. Instead of typing the name to search for a debtor, you can use the debtor code to make a quick search.

Note: The debtor code is automatically generated if you have defined a range of numbers at System  General  Settings, under Number settings in the Accounts section. This box cannot be edited once you have saved the details of the debtor.

Title / Contact name

Type or select a title of the contact person for the debtor. This is mandatory.

Type the name of the contact person for the debtor. This is mandatory.

Click this to enter further details of the contact person such as initials, first, middle, and/or last name. Last name is mandatory.

Job description / Title

Type the job description of the contact person for the debtor.

Type or select the job title of the contact person for the debtor.


Type or select the classification code of the debtor. You can create classifications at System  General  CRM  Classifications.

Business card

Click  Business card to insert the business card of the debtor.


Type a note for the debtor. You can also click  Timestamp to insert a timestamp to the note.

Show notes upon entry

Select this check box to display the note at Note in the conditions screen (go to Order  Entries  Sales orders, Order  Entries  RMA orders, Order  Entries  Recurring sales orders  Maintain, or CRM  Entries  Quotations, click Open or New, and then click Conditions) when creating sales orders, return to merchant authorization (RMA) orders, recurring sales orders, or sales quotations.

Address section

Address types / Countries

Select the address type. By default, the address type is Visit. You can select one of the following:

  • Visit
  • Delivery
  • Invoice
  • Postal
  • E-mail

For more information, see Creating and maintaining accounts receivable – Contact tab.

Type or select a country code for the debtor’s address. You can create country codes at System  General  Countries  Countries.

 Count: Addresses

Click this to display the various addresses that you have created. The addresses are displayed based on the address type selected at Address types. When more than one address is created, the bracket in the icon name displays the number of addresses that exist. You need to point to the icon to see the address count.

Address 1

Type the first line of the debtor’s address.

Address 2

Type the second line of the debtor’s address.

Address 3

Type the third line of the debtor’s address.

Postcode / City

Type or select a postcode for the debtor’s address.

Type the city of the debtor’s address.


Type or select a state for the debtor’s address.


Click this to view the debtor’s address on the world map. The map will be displayed in Google.


Click this to view the location of the debtor’s address on the map. The map will be displayed in Google.

Phone / Fax /

Type the telephone number of your debtor. This is usually the general phone number.

Type the fax number of your debtor.

Click the  icon to make a phone call within the system.

Note: The  icon can be used only if the modem is enabled. There are some other components that need to be configured before you can make use of this functionality.

Results section

This section displays the process flow which shows the progress of the debtor from a suspect, lead, prospect, and finally to a customer. Information about the revenue, previous year's revenue, outstanding balance amount, and the amount to be invoiced are displayed. Information about the number of invoices, sales orders, quotations, and activities for this debtor are also displayed. 


Click this to view the number and type of activities created for the debtor.

Note: This icon is enabled only after you have saved the details of the debtor.

Customer satisfaction section

This section displays the results from the customer satisfaction survey conducted on Product and Service. By default, Not available is displayed if there are no surveys conducted. For more information, see How-to: Creating customer satisfaction survey.


Advanced / Simple

Click Advanced to define more boxes and view more tabs.

Click Simple to define only certain boxes and view less tabs.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.

Organization chart

Click this to view the organization chart of the debtor such as the debtor’s subsidiary, contact person, type of debtor, and debtor status. The organization chart is displayed in Microsoft Excel.

Note: This button is enabled only if the debtor has subsidiaries and after you have saved the debtor’s details.


Click this to send an email to the debtor’s contact person. In the Contact persons screen, select a contact person, and then click Select.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.


Click this to view the items purchased by the debtor in a graph. The graph will be displayed in Microsoft Excel. In the Excel: Graph screen, type or select the item or range of items to be displayed in the graph at Item or select the All check box to display all the items in the graph. At Assortment, select the items to be displayed in the graph based on the selected assortment(s), or you can leave the box(es) blank to display items with any assortment.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.

Debtor card

Click this to view the debtor’s transactions. For more information, see Viewing debtor cards.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.

Conversion history

Click this to obtain an overview of completed and incomplete converted sales orders. From the overview, you can view the selected sales order or view the invoice linked to the selected sales order. For more information, see Overview of converted sales order history.

Note: The sales information is converted from the Macola Progression® database to the Exact Globe database using a conversion tool. This button is available only if you select the View sales history conversion check box in Conversion history settings. For more information, see Conversion history settings.

Word merge

Click this to create a letter for the debtor based on the document layout that you have created in Microsoft Word.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.


Click this to create a sales quotation for the debtor. For more information, see Creating and maintaining quotations.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.

New order

Click this to create a sales order for the debtor. For more information, see Creating and maintaining sales orders.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.


Click this to create an activity for the debtor. In the Activity types screen, select an activity type, and then click Select. For more information, see Creating and maintaining CRM activities.

Note: This button is enabled only after you have saved the debtor’s details.


Click this to save the debtor’s details.


Click this to create another debtor.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 14.708.729
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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