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E-WMS - SSCC Shipment Tracing

WMS documentation



This document describes the functionality of E-WMS SSCC Shipment Tracing, as per product update 409.


SSCC Shipment Tracing, introduced in release 405, offers the possibility to track & trace fulfillments done with E-WMS and when using SSCC registration.

With SSCC Shipment Tracing you can:

  • track movements of SSCC's by scanning different sources and targets for a SSCC during the shipping process
  • validate whether all expected SSCC's are scanned as part of a shipment; based on the assumption that all SSCC's for one delivery debtor and one delivery date are in one shipment number      
  • report your scanned SSCC movements based on several selections

Shipment Tracing has no Control Center as other WMS processes do, since this is an scanner application only. There is a report available to view SSCC shipment history.


  • License:
    • SE1380 E-WMS I  (or SE5700 Pick-IT Basic + SE5760 Pick-IT RF)
    • SE1385 E-WMS Terminal User (or SE5791 Pick-IT Terminal User)
  • Communication type: ASP
  • SSCC registration enabled in WMS SSCC settings ('scanned' or 'generated' SSCC)

Using E-WMS SKU Management is not required to use SSCC Shipment Tracing. SKU Management and SSCC are not necessarily related, but it is possible to use SKU numbers as SSCC numbers in E-WMS SSCC scanning.

Using E-WMS Autopack or Shipment Builder is not required to use SSCC Shipment Tracing, but you could use SSCC Shipment Tracing for SSCC numbers generated in Autopack. Typically, Autopack will be used when not using hand terminals for order picking, and SSCC Shipment Tracing can only be used on hand terminals.

Terms and entities used in SSCC Shipment Tracing

  • Shipment number: a unique (SSCC) number assigned to a batch of shipped goods of one delivery debtor and one delivery date, which can consist of one or more outer SSCC's.
  • SSCC number: an 18 digit number, as prescribed by the GS1 organization, used to uniquely identify goods shipped between trading partners
  • (Outer) SSCC: a pallet or other larger stock keeping unit, which can hold one or more sales units, or "inner SSCC's"
  • Inner SSCC: a box or other stock keeping unit, which holds one or more sales units, and can be stacked on an outer SSCC
  • Source: a 'location' or dock, where SSCC's where placed before transferring them. In SSCC Shipment Tracing this is not a real warehouse location, and the scanned value is not validated. It is intended for 'registration' and reporting only.
  • Target: a 'location', dock, load carrier or truck, where SSCC's are moved to. In SSCC Shipment Tracing this is not a real warehouse location, and the scanned value is not validated. It is intended for 'registration' and reporting only.


  • You can only scan SSCC numbers which are part of processed fulfillments
  • You can only work at one shipment at a time on a hand terminal, until you leave and select the 'Scan shipment' function again.
  • When using recurring SSCC numbers (for example, crates with RFID chip and bar code) in your fulfillment procedure, the most recent delivery note for that SSCC will be used to link with the current scanned shipment
  • One shipment:
    • can only be used for one delivery debtor for one delivery date
    • can hold multiple SSCC's
  • One SSCC:
    • can only be in one shipment per date (scan date)
    • can be scanned with different sources and/or targets for the same shipment


To provide access to the ASP scanner menu for SSCC Shipment Tracing scanning, you first need to enable the setting 'SSCC shipment tracing'  in menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, General scanner settings.

Next, you can configure the functionality of SSCC Shipment Tracing in menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, SSCC shipment tracing settings.
This document describes these hand terminal settings.

Hand terminal: menu

When general hand terminal setting 'SSCC Shipment tracing' is enabled, SSCC Shipment Tracing is integrated as submenu in ASP hand terminal menu Orders. Select menu 'Orders, Shipments' to show the submenu:


Scan shipment:  this menu allows you to scan SSCC's and link these to shipment numbers. The shipment number is either scanned or automatically generated.
Select shipment: this menu allows you to first select a previously scanned shipment number and continue scanning for that selected shipment.

When SSCC Shipment Tracing is enabled, you will have to select one extra menu to start order picking.

For order picking or packing, please select menu 'Orders, Order picking' first:


Shipment scanning screens

Depending on your configured hand terminal settings, you can scan the following fields in ASP menu Orders, Shipments, Scan Shipment:


  • Shipment number
    The shipment number identifies which group of pallets for the same debtor and same delivery date is now being scanned.
    This number needs to be scanned when the setting 'SSCC number' is set to 'Scan', so then it is assumed you already have a shipment number bar code label available.
    When the setting 'SSCC number' is set to 'Generate', then a shipment number will be automatically generated (and applied) after scanning the first pallet SSCC number.

    When continuing scanning SSCC's for an existing shipment, you need to make sure to scan the same shipment number as used earlier, unless you are indeed using different shipment numbers for the same debtor.
    It is possible to scan different shipment numbers for the same debtor on the same day, but only when 'scanning' shipment numbers. When generating shipment numbers, all pallets for one debtor will get the same shipment number.

    Currently there is no validation on the length of the scanned shipment number, but it would be best practice to use 18 digit SSCC numbers.
  • Reference
    The reference field can be skipped or scanned, depending on the hand terminal settings.
    This reference is assigned to the shipment, and not per single pallet, and can be left empty.

The following fields can be scanned repeatedly, depending on the hand terminal setting 'Focus to':


  • Source
    The source 'location' can be scanned depending on the hand terminal settings. This is not a warehouse location but a free text, for registration and reporting purposes only.
    When the 'source' is enabled, it is mandatory to scan a text.
  • Target
    The target 'location' can be scanned depending on the hand terminal settings. This is not a warehouse location but a free text, for registration and reporting purposes only.
    When the 'target' is enabled, it is mandatory to scan a text.
  • SSCC
    This is the pallet SSCC number. After scanning this number, following is validated:
    • the SSCC number has to exist in WMS order history - so you must have used WMS order picking with SSCC registration, and the fulfillment is processed
    • the SSCC number has to be linked to the same delivery debtor and delivery date as previously scanned SSCC's for this shipment number.
      If this is not the case, the message "SSCC number: not part of this shipment" will show.
    • when scanning the first SSCC for a shipment, that SSCC determines for what debtor and delivery date the shipment will be linked
    • you cannot scan the same SSCC as scanned the same day for another shipment number.
      This means when you scan multiple source and target movements for one SSCC, is has to be the same shipment number in all scans.
      When scanning the same SSCC as previously scanned the same day for another shipment you will see the message "SSCC number: already scanned".
    • you cannot scan the same SSCC for the same shipment number + same source + same target. That would be a duplicate transaction and is regarded as an error.
      The message "SSCC number: already scanned" will show.

    The 'browse button' behind the SSCC number will show a list of SSCC numbers from WMS order history, from the same delivery debtor and delivery date, that are not scanned yet.

All lines are scanned

Following message will show after you scanned the last SSCC for the shipment you were working on:


This message will only show when the scanner setting 'Validate complete shipment' is enabled.

STOP button

When pressing the STOP button you can indicate that you are done. A shipment is however not set to 'ready' as would be usual with other WMS transactions like orderpicking, you can continue scanning for the same shipment later.

When the hand terminal setting 'Validate: shipment complete' was enabled, and there are still SSCC's in WMS order history for the same delivery debtor and delivery date which are not scanned now, you will see the message "There are still SSCC numbers missing for this shipment. Do you still wish to stop scanning?".


After scanning one or more SSCC's, you can view, edit or delete the scanned SSCC numbers:


The options menu can be used during scanning, or you can use hand terminal menu 'Select shipment' to view or edit an existing shipment.


A report is provided to select and report the scanned shipments. Please refer to this document for more details.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 23.859.157
 Assortment:  Date: 24-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: