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Exact Globe   

PU 423|422|421 (Globe) and 500|422|421 (Globe+): Updates to Withholding tax certification report 2022 (Italian legislation)

In this product update, we have made the following changes to the withholding tax certificate report for year 2022.

  1. The DOMICILIO FISCALE ALL values will be “1/1/2021” and “1/1/2022”, and the values are flexible. The first DOMICILIO FISCALE ALL value will be the year of the date range of the declaration (refer to the following image), and second DOMICILIO FISCALE ALL value will be the year of the submission of the declaration.
  2. New codes must be used in the withholding tax certificate in Box 6. The value “7” will be changed to “21” and the blank value will be changed to “22”. If the non-taxable amount is not zero, the value in Box 6 will be “21” and if the non-taxable amount is zero, the value in Box 6 will be “22”.


 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.628.073
 Assortment:  Date: 20-05-2022
 Release: 423  Attachment:

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