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What is SSCC and how can I use it with E-WMS ?

WMS documentation

This document describes the basics of SSCC, and the possibilities and basic functionality of using SSCC registration in E-WMS, based on the functionality per product update 412.




SSCC in general

SSCC (Serial Shipment Container Code) refers to the unique number assigned to a transport or shipping unit (in many cases a pallet).

SSCC also refers in general to using the system of applying SSCC numbers, or to the shipping unit holding a SSCC label.

A SSCC label is the barcode label attached to the unit, to identify the unit and making it possible to scan the SSCC number.



SSCC numbers are typically linked to units of outgoing goods (orderpicking process), and the recipient of these goods is informed electronically (by EDI messaging, Electronic Data Interchange) about the shipment before these goods are received.

Upon receipt, the recipient only has to register (scan) the received SSCC numbers, instead of scanning the possible many different items or batch numbers on each pallet.

Since this results in a great gain in efficiency in the receipt process, many (larger) buying party has forced his suppliers to supply their goods using SSCC.

The SSCC system is regulated by the GS1 organisation (former: EAN International). For instance, the usage and layout of the SSCC labels is regulated by GS1.


SSCC unit

Each SSCC unit can contain a single item code and batch code, or many different item codes or batch numbers. This difference dictates the type of label that can be used:

  1. SSCC's with a single item code (and single batch if applicable) - also referred to as  'uniform' or 'homogeneous' SSCC's:  the SSCC label can show the item code and batch information.
  2. SSCC's with multiple item codes or batch numbers - also referred to as 'heterogeneous' or 'mixed' (Dutch: 'bonte pallet'):  the SSCC label can not show the item code or batch information, but just the SSCC number.

The unit itself can be any shipping or transport unit; a pallet, a case or box, a rolly etc.


SSCC label

These are samples of a SSCC label; for a uniform SSCC, and for a mixed SSCC:   



The dimensions, barcode density and for instance the margin between edge and barcode, are all regulated and standardized by GS1.

You need to be registered and apply for a GS1 company number - this is part of your item GTIN codes and also part of the SSCC number.

SSCC labels used for shipping to chain partners need to be certified by GS1, before use.


GTIN item identification

On the first label, the item is referenced to by using a 14 digit GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) code - also regulated by GS1.

All of the items used in the logistical chain have to get a unique GTIN code. Even when not printed on a label for a mixed SSCC, these GTIN's are still electronically communicated to the trade partner, in the EDI messages.

The first part of the GTIN code contains the company (producer or shipper) prefix, the last digit is a check digit.

There are different types of GTIN barcodes, varying by length. In these samples, GTIN-14 (GS1-128) is used.


SSCC number

A SSCC number is always 18 digits long. The last digit is a check digit.


The 'application identifier' is not part of the SSCC number itself, but is added to a GS1-128 barcode, to identify that the next part of the message is a SSCC number (and not a batch number or an item code).



Exact E-WMS supports SSCC registration in a number of ways. The goal of this registration is to be able to communicate the content of a shipment to the recipient, so on receipt he only has to scan the incoming SSCC numbers.

E-WMS does not provide EDI functionality. When picked sales orders are processed using E-WMS, the scanned SSCC numbers are stored in WMS tables linked to the Exact Globe Next order history tables.

This way, any EDI software can include this SSCC information when extracting data from the Exact Globe Next database.

These are the different methods supported by E-WMS. When referring to 'order picking process', this can mean the E-WMS 'order picking' or 'order packing' process.

  1. 'Scanned SSCC'
    • E-WMS does not generate SSCC numbers. During the order picking process using an E-WMS hand terminal, SSCC numbers are just scanned.


    • This means, it is assumed that labels with SSCC numbers are already available. For instance because:
      • there is a stack of pre-printed sequenced SSCC number sheets or labels available. When building a 'new SSCC' during orderpicking, a new sheet is taken from the stack and is used to scan and register the new SSCC number.
        • these labels are 'blank' except for the SSCC number, no item information or customer information could yet be printed on this label
        • it would be possible, using E-WMS BarTender integration, to generate SSCC numbers and print these as barcodes, when sending sales order picking. This would work only when then number of SSCC units can be calculated/predicted.
          In that case, it would be possible to include customer- or shipping information on the label.
      • the shipped pallets are also produced by the same company, and during production a SSCC label was attached to the pallet. This means in most cases that this pallet will be shipped 'as produced' (same quantity, same item/batch).
        • these are typically uniform SSCC's, with one item code and one batch - so item information is available on the label
        • customer information could be included on the label, when there was a link available between the production order and the sales order when printing the label
    • The SSCC number is just an input field during the scan flow, in which the SSCC number can be scanned
    • It is possible to combine different sales orders or even different debtors on the same SSCC number.
    • It is possible to register both an 'outer SSCC' number (pallet) and/or an 'inner SSCC' number (box).
    • It is typically not possible to include customer-specific or shipping address information on these pre-printed labels.
      When this is required, then another SSCC label can be printed after reading back or processing the picked sales order, using the E-WMS BarTender integration.
      This second label will have the same SSCC number as used before, and the label can now include specific customer- or shipping information.
      Of course, it is essential to be very precise when putting this second label on the correct SSCC units.
    • Possible validation of the scanned SSCC number during scanning: minimum and maximum length of the SSCC number (to avoid scanning the wrong barcode by mistake)
    • Possible validation of the scanned SSCC numbers after picking, in the back-office: uniqueness
    • It is possible to configure SSCC registration as 'mandatory' or as 'disabled' per customer. Default SSCC registration is 'optional', which means the SSCC number can be left blank.
    • When also using E-WMS SKU Management, it is possible to copy the SKU numbers as SSCC numbers. This means the SKUs are shipped 'as is', without repacking.
    • Available in E-WMS I and E-WMS Lite

  2. 'Generated (multi-layer) SSCC'
    • During the orderpicking process on a hand terminal, new SSCC numbers are generated by E-WMS and new labels are printed (by a BarTender server process).
      Sample scanning screens are available in this document.   
    • This means the label printer has to be located near the order picker, to avoid walking back and forth
    • These SSCC numbers are generated by E-WMS, based on settings to configure e.g. GS1 company prefix and starting sequence number.
    • The SSCC labels are printed using the E-WMS BarTender integration (requires BarTender and configuration of E-WMS BarTender integration)
    • For the first scanned item, it is mandatory to generate a new SSCC number (screen will pop up automatically)
    • Generating a new SSCC number can be done by the operator for an outer SSCC (pallet), inner SSCC (box), or both.
    • The last generated SSCC number remains active and is linked to the scanned items, until the operator starts a new SSCC, or until the orderpicking screen is closed.
    • Since the label is generated and printed during order picking, it is possible to include specific order information on the label
    • It is not possible to combine different sales orders on one SSCC, unless E-WMS order collection or E-WMS advice collection is used
    • When splitting sales orders to different scanners (to divide workload or to use specific picking equipment), the different operators can not use the same SSCC numbers
    • SSCC registration can be enabled or disabled per customer
    • When also WMS SKU Management, it is not possible to copy the SKU numbers as SSCC numbers
    • Available in E-WMS I and E-WMS Lite

  3. WMS SSCC Shipment Builder or 'Autopack'
    • Used by companies who do not want to use hand terminals to scan orders, but do require SSCC registration and EDI messaging for the shipped items to their customers
    • Available in E-WMS I and E-WMS Lite by configuring specific settings, uses 'Generated SSCC' techniques
    • Also available as free independent license module in Exact Globe Next: SE1387 SSCC Shipment Builder (cannot be combined with another E-WMS license module).
    • Requires BarTender and configuration of E-WMS BarTender integration
    • The SSCC numbers are generated by E-WMS and the SSCC labels are printed from the WMS Control Center, using BarTender
    • Generic process, started from the control center 'sales order fulfilment':
      • E-WMS generates a 'shipment', dividing the selected order lines over different SSCC's
      • the quantity of each SSCC (dividing a sales order line of 1.000 into 10 SSCC's of 100) is determined based on configured 'SKU per item' - a small part of E-WMS SKU Management master data is used for this purpose
      • this proposed shipment with different SSCC's can be viewed (and edited, to some extend) in the 'Shipment builder' screen
      • labels can be printed for this shipment
      • these labels have to be attached to the right shipping units (items / batches)
      • when processing the order in the control center, the generated SSCC numbers are stored and linked to the order history tables

  4. SSCC Shipment Tracing

    This E-WMS functionality offers the possibility to verify if a shipment was loaded completely, by scanning the SSCC's again on the shipping dock, based on previous created (processed) SSCC's for a shipment.
    This document provides more information.

SSCC in combination with other WMS and Exact functionality

  • E-WMS SSCC and E-WMS SKU Management

    There are are similarities between SSCC and SKU;
    • A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) can be the same type of unit as a SSCC (a pallet or a box)
    • Both a SKU and a SSCC get a unique number assigned
    • An E-WMS SKU number is in fact a SSCC number: 18 digits long
    • Both must have a barcode label to identify the unit
    • The label on a SSCC unit or on a SKU can be the same label.
      Especially when the shipping company is also the producer of the SKU, the SSCC label can already be applied at the end of the production process, where this label can be used internally (SKU) and also when shipping the pallet (SSCC).

    However, SSCC and SKU are not the same thing;

    • SSCC's are created during the orderpicking process, while SKUs are created during stock receipt processes
    • SKUs are used in the internal warehouse process, while SSCC's are used between trading partners
    • a SKU is a stock storage unit, which is recognized by E-WMS when scanning a SKU number. SSCC numbers are not recognized by E-WMS (except in SSCC Shipment Tracing).
    • a SKU label is not regulated, since it used internally only. A SSCC label however, has to conform to GS1 standards.
  • E-WMS Pick&Pack - two stage order picking

    Pick&Pack offers the possibility to pick sales orders in two stages: first collecting from the warehouse and transferring the picked items to a central packing area, and then scanning the items again at a packing location or packing table. When E-WMS 'scanned SSCC' or 'generated SSCC' is enabled and working with 'Order Pick&Pack', then practically the SSCC will have to be scanned in the second stage (order packing), although it will also show as scan field in the first stage. Generated SSCC cannot practically be combined with Order Pick&Pack, but can be combined with Bulk Pick&Pack

  • Exact E-EDI

    The building block Exact E-EDI Delivery note (which has been replaced some time ago by other EDI software) includes SSCC numbers in the delivery note export file created for EDI software, when the license includes E-WMS.

  • Exact T-Wise

    The building block Exact T-Wise recognizes SSCC numbers, as processed in a WMS control center


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