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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Performing Document Cleanups

Performing Document Cleanups


At this screen, you can cleanup unnecessary documents in Exact Synergy Enterprise. The actions that you can perform are:

  • archiving documents
  • archiving and moving documents to a different database or server, or
  • deleting only documents with attachments or images.

When you delete documents, the files linked to the corresponding documents with an active status will also be deleted. However, the documents are not deleted, archived, and moved immediately. Instead, they will only be deleted, archived, and moved  when the Exact.Jobs.Documents background job is executed. For more information, see Background Jobs for Exact Synergy Enterprise.

Menu path

Go to Documents/Reports/Documents/Search, and click Show. Then, click Cleanup.

Roles & rights

To perform document cleanups, function right 563 – Allows to catch cleanup documents is required. By default, users with the Administrator role have this function rights.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to display the total size, and quantity of documents that meet the defined criteria.


Click this to process the cleanup.


Click this to clear the defined criteria and define new ones.


Click this to exit.


Criteria section

Select one of the options to perform one of the following:

  • Move + Documents: Cleanup – Select this to archive documents that meet the defined criteria and move the documents to a new database or server.
  • Documents: Cleanup – Select this to archive documents that meet the defined criteria. Selecting this will disable Server: Name and Database: Name under the Move: Server section.
  • Delete – Select this to delete documents that meet the defined criteria. Only documents with image or attachment will be deleted.

Move: Server section

Server: Name

Type a server name to move documents that meet the defined criteria to this server.

Note: This is enabled only when you select Move + Documents: Cleanup under the Criteria section.

Database: Name

Type a database name to move documents that meet the defined criteria to this database.

Note: This is only enabled when you select Move + Documents: Cleanup under the Criteria section.

Exclude section

Document type

Select a document type to perform cleanups on documents that meet the defined criteria but exclude those using this document type.

Main category

Select a main category to perform cleanups on documents that meet the defined criteria but exclude those from this main category.

Note: You can only see this in the Classic mode for document structure. For more information, see Document Structure in Classic Mode.


Select a category to perform cleanups on documents that meet the defined criteria but exclude those from this category.

Note: You can only see this in the Classic mode for document structure. For more information, see Document Structure in Classic Mode.


Select a subcategory to perform cleanups on documents that meet the defined criteria but exclude those from this subcategory.

Note: You can only see this in the Classic mode for document structure. For more information, see Document Structure in Classic Mode.

Filter section

Unread: Last

Type a number in terms of days to perform cleanups on documents that have not been read more than the number of days.

Older than

Type a number in terms of days to perform cleanups on documents that have been created more than the number of days.


Select the Draft, Pending, Rejected, Approved, and/or Archived check box(es) to perform cleanups on documents with the corresponding status(es).

Size: Attachments >

Type a number in terms of kilobyte (KB) to perform cleanups on documents with total attachment(s) size per document that are the same as or more than this value.

Include section

Person: Inactive

Select this check box to perform cleanups on documents that meet the defined criteria, including those linked to inactive employees.

Account: Inactive

Select this check box to perform cleanups on documents that meet the defined criteria, including those linked to inactive accounts.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 17.938.075
 Assortment:  Date: 27-09-2010
 Release:  Attachment: