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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Viewing login report

Menu path

Modules ➔ System ➔ Reports ➔ Log ➔ Login


This page displays the login information, such as the login date and time, person, and status. However, if the user fails to log in, “ExactWebGuest” will be displayed in the Person column.

If you have been denied access to any of the pages, the information will be displayed on the Log: Application page at Modules ➔ System ➔ Reports ➔ Log ➔ Application with the message, “Access Denied : <name of the application page>”. For more information, see Application log report. The maximum length of the message is 80 characters. If the message is more than 80 characters, the message will be truncated. This functionality is only applicable for the form authentication.

Roles and rights

Only users with the Administrator role or users with function right 1062 - Allow to view logs can view the login report.


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 260 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I view the login report?

  1. On the Log: Login page, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Show.



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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 28.084.291
 Assortment:  Date: 03-11-2021
 Release:  Attachment: