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PU 424|423 (Globe) and 501|500 (Globe+): Updated support for Singapore DBS bank GIRO format (Singaporean legislation)

As part of continued improvements, we have updated the support for DBS bank GIRO format. The updated file format is according to v1.7.

To accompany this update, a new Payment type field is introduced when the Process button is pressed when processing GIRO payments or collections in the cash flow processing screen.

An example of this is shown as follows:

For payments, you can specify the payment type to be either Payment or Salary. When you select Payment, you will need to specify the Purpose Code to record the payment description. Conversely, selecting the Salary option will automatically use the purpose code SALA - Salary Payment when generating the GIRO file as this is the only option available currently. For collections, the field will be automatically set to the default value Collection. This cannot be changed.

The above selections will be taken into account when generating the GIRO file. You are advised to install the latest product update to ensure the GIRO file is generated correctly.

The Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) field is added to the collection bank file. You can change the value of the DDA from the debtor maintenance screen. However, you have to enable the customisation of the DDA reference at Accounts: free field 43 in the System > General > Free fields screen.

After you have customised the DDA reference, you can enter the value for the DDA reference under the Extra tab in the debtor maintenance screen.


 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 31.077.770
 Assortment:  Date: 05-04-2023
 Release: 501  Attachment: