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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Updating Documents in Batches


The following screen allows you to update documents in batches whereby all the documents listed in the search screen will be updated. You can also archive the documents that are listed in the search screen.

Menu path

  • Go to Documents/Reports/Documents/Search, define the search criteria, click Show, and then click Maintenance.
  • Click next to Documents in the left menu, define the search criteria, click Show, and then click Maintenance.

Roles & rights

To update or archive documents in batches, function right 360 — Allows batch update documents is required. By default, users with the Documents administrator role have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to update all the documents that are listed in the Documents: Search screen (at Documents/Reports/Documents/Search, define the search criteria, and then click Show) based on the fields that you have defined such as security level, type, division, and others.


Click this to archive all the documents that are listed in the Documents: Search screen (at Documents/Reports/Documents/Search, define the search criteria, and then click Show).


Click this to exit and return to the Documents: Search screen (at Documents/Reports/Documents/Search, define the search criteria, and then click Show).


General section


Security level

Select the security level to update the selected document(s) with the selected security level. You can select one of the following:

  • All — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to All whereby all the Exact Synergy Enterprise users can view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “0” will be displayed by default.
  • Customers — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Customers whereby only customers are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “1” will be displayed by default.
  • Partners — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Partners whereby only partners are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “2” will be displayed by default.
  • Customers (Specific) — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Customers (Specific) whereby only certain customers are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “3” will be displayed by default.
  • Partners (Specific) — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Partners (Specific) whereby only certain partners are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “4” will be displayed by default.
  • Internal — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Internal whereby only employees are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “10” will be displayed by default.
  • Person (Specific) — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Person (Specific) whereby only certain employees are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “100” will be displayed by default.
  • Project (Specific) — Select this to change the security level for the selected document(s) to Project (Specific) whereby only certain project owners and members are allowed to view the document(s). If you have selected this, security level “101” will be displayed by default.


Select a document type to update the selected document(s) with the selected type. You can select Clear (All) to delete the type of the selected document(s).


Type or select a project to update the selected document(s) with the selected project.

Clear (All)

Select this check box to delete the project of the selected document(s).


Type or select a division to update the selected document(s) with the selected division.

Categories section



Select a document category to update the selected document(s) with the selected category.

Note: You can only see this in the Classic mode for document structure. For more information, see Document Structure in Classic Mode.

Edit rights section

In this section, you can limit the rights to edit documents to people from specific groups at document type level. By default, the editing rights defined at document level will precede the editing rights defined at document type level. All document creators and owners can edit the document even though the individual security level is lower than the security level of the document, unless the document is blocked for editing through versioning. The people from the specific groups will only obtain the editing rights if the individual security level is equal to or higher than the security level of the document.


Select one of the following options to give editing rights to the corresponding people:

  • Clear (All) — Select this to delete the function rights of the selected document(s).
  • Creator / Owner — Select this to give editing rights only to the creator and owner selected at Owner. Once selected, the Owner field will be available.
  • Division – Document — Select this to give editing rights to the people belonging to the division selected at Division in the corresponding document.
  • Division – Creator — Select this to give editing rights to all people belonging to the same division as the creator of the document.
  • Role — Select this to give editing rights to the people with the role selected at Role. Once selected, the Role field will be available.
  • Cost center — Select this to give editing rights to all people belonging to the cost center selected at Cost center. Once selected, the Cost center field will be available.
  • Cost center group — Select this to give editing rights to people belonging to the cost center group selected at Cost center group. Once selected, the Cost center group field will be available.
  • Project – Member Select this to give editing rights to the members of the project selected at Project in the corresponding document.


Type or select a document owner to update the selected document(s) with the selected document owner.

Note: This box is available only if you have selected Creator / Owner at Rights under the Edit rights section.


Type or select a role to update the selected document(s) with the selected role.

Note: This box is available only if you have selected Role at Rights under the Edit rights section.

Role level

Select one of the following options to update the selected document(s) with the role linked to the selected role level:

  • Corporate — Select this to give editing rights to people at corporate level.
  • Group — Select this to give editing rights to people at group level. Once selected, the Reference point field will be available.
  • Division – Document — Select this to give editing rights to people at division level. Once selected, the Reference point field will be available.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected a role at Role under the Edit rights section.

Reference point

Select one of the following options to update the selected document(s) with the role selected at Role and linked to the following reference point:

  • Account — Select this to give editing rights to people who are linked to the account defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Creator — Select this to give editing rights to the creator of the corresponding documents.
  • Item — Select this to give editing rights to people who are linked to the item defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Project — Select this to give editing rights to people who are members of the project defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Person — Select this to give editing rights to people defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Serial number — Select this to give editing rights to people who are linked to the serial number defined in the corresponding documents.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Group or Division at Role level under the Edit rights section.

Cost center

Type or select a cost center to update the selected document(s) with the selected cost center.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Cost center at Rights under the Edit rights section. 

Cost center group

Select a cost center group to update the selected document(s) with the selected cost center group.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Cost center group at Rights under the Edit rights section. 

View rights section

In this section, you can limit the rights to view documents to people from specific groups at document type level. By default, the viewing rights defined at document level will precede the editing rights defined at document type level. All document creators and owners can view the document even though the individual security level is lower than the security level of the document. The people from the specific groups will only obtain the viewing rights if the individual security level is equal to or higher than the security level of the document.


Select a function right to give viewing rights to the corresponding people. You can select one of the following:

  • Clear (All) — Select this to delete the function rights of the selected document(s).
  • Division – Document — Select this to give viewing rights to the everyone belonging to the division selected at Division in the corresponding document.
  • Division – Creator — Select this to give viewing rights to everyone belonging to the same division as the creator of the document.
  • Role — Select this to give viewing rights to everyone with the role selected at Role. Once selected, the Role field will be available.
  • Cost center — Select this to give viewing rights to everyone belonging to the cost center selected at Cost center. Once selected, the Cost center field will be available.
  • Cost center group — Select this to give viewing rights to everyone belonging to the cost center group selected at Cost center group. Once selected, the Cost center group field will be available.


Type or select a role to update the selected document(s) with the selected role.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Role at Rights under the View rights section.

Role level

Select one of the following options to give viewing rights to everyone with the role selected at Role and the following role level:

  • Corporate — Select this to give viewing rights toeveryone at corporate level.
  • Group — Select this to give viewing rights to everyone at group level. Once selected, the Reference point field will be available.
  • Division – Document — Select this to give viewing rights to everyone at division level. Once selected, the Reference point field will be available.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected a role at Role under the View rights section.

Reference point

Select one of the following options to update the selected document(s) with the role selected at Role and linked to the following reference point:

  • Account — Select this to give viewing rights to people who are linked to the account defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Creator — Select this to give viewing rights to the creator of the corresponding documents.
  • Item — Select this to give viewing rights to people who are linked to the item defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Project — Select this to give viewing rights to people who are members of the project defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Person — Select this to give viewing rights to people defined in the corresponding documents.
  • Serial number — Select this to give viewing rights to people who are linked to the serial number defined in the corresponding documents.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Group or Division at Role level under the View rights section.

Cost center

Type or select a cost center to update the selected document(s) with the selected cost center.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Cost center at Rights under the View rights section. 

Cost center group

Select a cost center group to update the selected document(s) with the selected cost center group.

Note: This field is available only if you have selected Cost center group at Rights under the View rights section. 

Add – Tags section



Type a tag name to add the tag to the selected document(s).

Note: Tags will be added to the selected document(s) only if you have selected the Tagging check box under the Allow section at the Documents: Type screen (go to Documents/Setup/Maintenance/Document: Types, and then select a document type). You can type up to a maximum of 100 characters for each tag.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 17.954.465
 Assortment:  Date: 24-09-2010
 Release: 240  Attachment: