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Exact Globe+   

Updating your license

Menu path

Settings > System > Update Exact Globe+ licence


You can update your license whenever there are changes in your license, for example when you extend the license period, purchase new modules, or add the number of users.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 501 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I update the Exact Globe+ license?

  1. In the Licence screen, the message "Your license can be downloaded from the Customer Portal. If you already have your license file, you can also select it manually" will be displayed.
  2. Click Select file to select a license file.

Tips and tricks

  • You need to apply the correct license update to its respective module(s), be it an extension to a demo version or a previously purchased module. If an attempt is made to download an update for an unlicensed module, the following error message will be displayed: “The license file you have selected does not correspond to your present license”.
  • The "Test license" type is now available. You can use the test license to create a new database and update to a test license if the test license account number matches the account number of the current license. However, the license portal OTP is still necessary when switching from/to the reseller demo or customer demo licenses. If you are using the test license, you will see watermarks on the workflow and document pages.
  • To check what your license consists of, you can generate a list of modules. To generate the list of modules, click Settings, click About, and then click the more details hyperlink under the Licence tab.
  • Remember to define the user rights in the new module(s). For more information, see Overview of user rights.
  • You can only update the license with a username and password that is linked to the license number. This means either the user that is the entity's main contact or the user that has rights to view all documents. If you have multiple license numbers (such as for different legislations), you may have a different authorised user for each entity. In this case, you have to update each legislation using the correct authorised user's username and password.


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