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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Creating Competency Profiles



As businesses become more competitive, human capital is becoming one of the key sources to competitive advantage. Thus, it is essential for organizations to have both the systems for recruitment and talent management that are able to deliver better support for decision-making in placing the right people to the right jobs.

A competency profile is a template which consists of set of competences. A competency profile can be created for an employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy to support different decision-making. For example, ratings can be assigned to the competences in a project’s competency profile in order to find the most suitable person to handle the project.

Not only that, values can be defined for the competences in a vacancy’s competency profile to reflect the minimum requirements needed by an applicant to fulfill the vacancy. Thus, the vacancy as well as the applicant must have a competency profile created with values of the competences assigned before a matching of a vacancy to an applicant or vice versa can be performed.

This function is available only if you have set the competency method to Advanced in the HRM general settings. For more information, see Defining HRM General Settings.

At this page, you can create a competency profile for an employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy. If you want to generate multiple competency profiles for people and/or applicants at one time, see Generating Competency Profiles.

Menu path

  • To create competency profiles for employees, go to HRM/Reports/People/People, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Click the person's name under the Name column, click the hyperlink at Competence profiles, and then click Profiles. Next, click New.
  • To create competency profiles for applicants, go to HRM/Reports/People/Applicants, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Click the ID of the applicant under the ID column, click the hyperlink at Competence profiles, and then click Profiles. Next, click New.
  • To create competency profiles for job groups, go to HRM/Setup/General/Job groups, click the description of the job group under the Job group column, and then click Competency. Next, click New.
  • To create competency profiles for job activities, go to HRM/Setup/General/Job activities, click the description of the job activity under the Job activity column, and then click Competency. Next, click New.
  • To create competency profiles for job titles, go to HRM/Setup/General/Job titles, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Next, click the description of the job title under the Job title column, click Competency, and then click New.
  • To create competency profiles for projects, go to Project/Reports/Search/Projects, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Next, click the ID of the project under the Project column, click Competency under the Monitor section, and then click New.
  • To create competency profiles for vacancies, go to HRM/Reports/People/Vacancies, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Click the ID of the vacancy under the ID column, click Competency, and then click New.

Roles & rights

  • To view competency profiles for employees, vacancies, applicants, job groups, job activities, job titles, or projects, function right 505 – View payroll components is required. Users with the HR role have this function right.
  • To maintain competency profiles for employees, vacancies, applicants, job groups, job activities, job titles, or projects, function right 508 – Maintain payroll components is required. Users with the HR role have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to save the profile for the employee, vacancies, applicants, job groups, job activities, job titles, or projects.

Save + New

Click this to save the profile for the employee, vacancies, applicants, job groups, job activities, job titles, or projects and create a new profile.


Click this to exit.


General section

Person/Applicant/Job group/Job activity/Job title/Project/Vacancy

This displays the ID/code and name/description of the employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy which the profile is created for.

Note: The name of the field differs depending on the entity which the competency profile is created for.

Job title (Level)

This displays the job title and the job level of the person.

Note: This is displayed only if you are creating a competency profile for an employee.


This displays the manager of the employee, applicant, or vacancy. You can click the name of the manager to view the corresponding details. For more information, see Viewing Personal Cards.

Note: This is available only if you are creating a competency profile for an employee, applicant, or vacancy.

Profile section



Type the description of the profile. This is mandatory.

Start date

Type or select the start date of the profile. By default, the current system-generated date will be filled in. 

Note: Saving the competency profile with the same start date of an existing profile will prompt the error message, “Profile with the same start date already exists”. If you are copying the competency profile that was previously created or that of another employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy, this date must be less than the start date of the profile to be copied.

Copy section

You will see additional fields depending on the option selected at From.



You can select one of the following options to copy the competency profile template of the selected option to this employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy:

  • Previous — Select this to copy the previous profile of the employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Applicant Select this to copy the selected profile of the applicant to this employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Job activity — Select this to copy the selected profile of the job activity to this employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Job group Select this to copy the selected profile of the job group to this employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Job title — Select this to copy the selected profile of the job title to this employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Project Select this to copy the selected profile of the project to this employee, applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Person — Select this to copy the selected profile of the employee to this employee , applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.
  • Vacancy — Select this to copy the selected profile of the vacancy to this employee , applicant, job group, job activity, job title, project, or vacancy.

In the box next to From, click browser to select the relevant applicant, project, employee , or vacancy with an active status. This is mandatory.

Note: This box is available only if Applicant, Project, Person, or Vacancy is selected at From.


Select the profile to be copied.

Note: This is available only if Person, Applicant, Project, Vacancy, Job activity, Job group, or Job title is selected at From. The options at Profile are available for selection only if the job activity, job group, or job title selected at From and the specific employee, applicant, project, or vacancy selected by clicking browser  has a competency profile. This is mandatory.

Once users have clicked Save to save the profile, the following screen will be displayed:


The columns may differ depending on the entity which the competency profile is created for. For more information, see Viewing Competency Profiles Listing.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 16.141.691
 Assortment:  Date: 10-12-2010
 Release: 230  Attachment: