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Exact Payroll Plus   

Product Updates 266 and 265: Synchronization of employee information improved for Exact Payroll Plus

As of this product update, the updating of an employee’s information in Exact Synergy Enterprise for the following fields will result in the synchronization to the latest active employment number:

  • Inactive,
  • Contract end date,
  • Cost centre,
  • Job title, and 
  • Bank account.

This means the employment with the highest Payroll No. EE that has an empty or future date as termination date are synchronized in the case of multiple employments for the same person. The start date in the person card in Exact Synergy Enterprise is synchronized to the first employment available in Exact Payroll Plus, regardless of the status of the employment.

The synchronization process will not be performed when there is an attempt to reactivate an employee via Exact Synergy Enterprise, when all employments belonging to the employee are inactive in Exact Payroll Plus. In this case, a manual activation must be performed in Exact Payroll Plus to reactivate a specific employment by removing the termination date, so that the synchronization process will be successful.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 29.695.597
 Assortment:  Date: 04-09-2020
 Release:  Attachment:

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