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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Exact.Jobs.CRM - CRM AccountStatus


Exact.Jobs.CRM with AccountStatus background job class is a background application which determines the status and type of an account. When the application runs in the full feature mode, the application will check the status and type of the accounts with contracts. This is done in two runs.

In the first run, all the Prospect, Not Validated, and Associate accounts are checked for contracts. If the accounts have a contract, the account type is set to Customer. The status of the account is dependent on the following:

  • Is the contract still active, i.e. is the final date in the future?
  • Does the contract contain an active service item?

For active accounts with contracts that have no service item, the account will receive the Passive status. When the final date of a contract is in the past, the account will receive the Inactive status.

The second run entails checking all Customer accounts for their contracts. The status of the Customer accounts is dependent on the criteria as mentioned in the first run. Take note that the Pilot, Reference, and Blocked statuses are handled the same way as the Active status. This means that a customer can only have a Reference, Pilot, or Blocked status when it has an active contract with a service item. If this is not the case, the status will be set to either Passive or Exit. Take note also that the two runs described will only be executed when the application is started in the full feature mode.

Apart from the type and status determined by the contracts, the application also handles Prospect, Not Validated, and Associate accounts by looking for possible sales forecast requests linked to these accounts.

  • Not Validated and Associate accounts with a sales forecast request are set to Prospect with an Active status
  • Prospects without a sales forecast request are set to Not Validated account
  • Prospect accounts with an Exit status that has an open or approved sales forecast request are set to the Active status

Technical information 

The following tables are involved when running the background job:

  • cicmpy (Accounts)
  • Items (Items)
  • ItemNumbers (Contracts) 
  • BacoSettings (Last Run date)
  • RequestTypes (Requesttypes)
  • Requests (Requests)

The former syntax is as follows:

C:\Program Files\Exact Software\ Exact Synergy\bin\BLCustomerStatus.exe /S:servername /D:dbname

The new syntax is as follows:

Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory> /ASSEMBLY:<bgJobs Assembly> /CLASS:<bgJobs Class>

This results in:

E:\Program Files\Exact Software\Exact Synergy\bin\Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:SynergyNET /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.CRM /CLASS:AccountStatus


The AccountStatus background process supports the following parameters. The command line parameters are case sensitive.

Enables the background job to run more than once a day. When activated, contract checks will be done. If deactivated, only Prospect, Not Validated, and Associate checks will be done. This parameter is non-mandatory.

E:\Program Files\Exact Software\Exact Synergy\bin\Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:SynergyNET /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.CRM /CLASS:AccountStatus /M:1


As the syntax of this background process is relatively straightforward, refer to the previous paragraph that describes the sample syntax.



Currently there are no known issues.

Related document 

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 17.769.318
 Assortment:  Date: 05-08-2011
 Release:  Attachment: