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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Exact Synergy Enterprise Class Reference: Term

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Class name:   Term
Namespace:   Exact.Core
Assembly   :   Exact.Core.dll


The Exact.System.Term class is used to translate words and phrases into a user's language.

  • The Term object for the current user is available to all ASPX applications as the variable named "term" in the base page class.
  • The Term class uses translations from the Terms.XX.resources files in the resources subdirectory, where XX is the language code.
  • The Term class is implemented in Exact.System.dll.

The most common use of the Term class is with the "String" method:

Dim msg As String = term.String(12, "Resource")


Name Type Description
New(env As Environment, Language As String) Sub Can be used to create a new Term object for another language than the current user's language
Language Read-only property: String The language of the term object
DefaultLanguage Read-only property: String The default language for the Exact Synergy Enterprise software (British English)
SystemLanguage Read-only property: String The default language for the database
RightToLeft Read-only property: Boolean Indicates if the current language is a right-to-left language
String(TermID As Integer, Optional DefaultString As String = "") Function: String Translates a term into the current user's langauge
ConstructTerm(TermID As Integer, DefaultString As String, SuffixID As Integer, Suffix As String) Function: String Combines 2 terms, with the following rules:
  • If the first character of Suffix is "-", "+", or "/", the result is (e.g.) "term1 / term2"
  • If the suffix is a number, the result is "term1 number"
  • In other cases the result is "term1 (term2)"
Comparer Read-only property: IComparer A Comparer object that should be used when sorting translated terms
CultureInfo Read-only property: CultureInfo A CultureInfo object associated with the current language
WeekDay(Day As Date, Optional Format As DateName = DateName.Full)
WeekDay(Day As Integer, Optional Format As DateName = DateName.Full)
Read-only property: String Returns a translated day name, based on a date, or a week-day number (monday=1, sunday=7). The DateName options are:
  • DateName.Full
  • DateName.Abbreviation (2 or 3 letters)
  • DateName.FirstLetter
Month(MonthNumber As Integer, Optional Format As DateName = DateName.Full) Read-only property: String Returns a translated month name.The DateName options are the same as with the WeekDay property.
FormatDateTime(d As Date, dtf As DateTimeFormat) Function: String Returns a formatted date time, according to the default behavior for the language of the Term object. This should only be used for formatting dates for non-users of the system (such as in mail-merged letters to customers)

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: SDK  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 09.454.419
 Assortment:  Date: 19-05-2018
 Release:  Attachment: