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PU 424 | 423 | 422 | 421 (Globe) and 501 | 500 (Globe+): Sales register audit file JPK_FA(4) is available (Polish legislation)

Effective 1 April 2022, the Polish tax authorities require you to submit your XML audit file for invoices using the latest schema. The JPK_FA(4) audit file now replaces JPK_FA(3) and this updated version is now available in the system.

If you are using the old schema of JPK_FA(3) which has been rendered ineffective, we urge you to run your product updater at your earliest convenience. This ensures that you can continue submitting your audit files efficiently.

In line with this, we made some changes to the XML file to support this upgrade. The examples of the changes are highlighted in the following table:

 Area of change     Description
  • The exported XML filename reflects version 4.0, for example: JPK_FA(4)_PLN_220420.xml
 Element <Naglowek>
  • Sub-element <KodFormularza> reflects version 4.0, for example <KodFormularza wersjaSchemy=”1-0” kodSystemowy=”JPK_FA(4)”>JPK_FA</KodFormularza>
  •  Sub-element <WariantFormularza> displays the value “4”
Element <IdentyfikatorPodmiotu>
  • NIP displays the company VAT number instead of namespace, for example: <NIP>1234567890</NIP>
  • PelnaNazwa displays the company name instead of namespace, for example: <PelnaNazwa>TEST Company</PelnaNazwa> 

For more information on the latest schema, see Note that this enhancement is applicable to the audit file for sales invoices.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.713.406
 Assortment:  Date: 20-05-2022
 Release: 424  Attachment: