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Creating Target Agreement Requests


After target agreement profiles have been generated, the process of creating review requests can be done immediately at the target agreement profiles generation screen. Otherwise, you can wait for the background job to be completed to generate the requests automatically.

Alternatively, the HR personnel can monitor the activity of the profiles and perform the operation of processing requests manually at the target agreement requests generation screen, which will be discussed in this document.

This functionality enables you to display the people that are linked to target agreement profiles and create requests to the reviewer via workflow. A target agreement request is a workflow request used for the following purposes:

  • to request the reviewer to set the targets of a target agreement profile with a person and approve it,
  • to request a person to complete the approved target agreement profile by agreeing with the set targets,
  • to request the reviewer to review the person based on the completed target agreement profile, and
  • to request the relevant personnel (for example, HR personnel) to complete the reviewed target agreement profile.

Apart from that, you can also monitor the status of each target agreement profile from this screen.

Menu path

HRM/Setup/Target agreement/Generate target agreement request

Roles & rights

To create target agreement request, function right 95 - Maintain target agreement is required. Users with the 11- HR role have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to display a list of people based on the defined criteria.

Note: Once you have clicked this button, the name of the button will change to Refresh.


Click this to update the list of people according to the defined criteria.


Click this to create a request workflow linked to target agreement profiles with the status Open. The request type used is defined at the division level at HRM/Setup/Organization/Divisions, if any, or at corporate level at HRM/Setup/General/Settings in the Target agreement section. For more information, see Defining HRM General Settings or Creating and Modifying Divisions. Once created, the status of the target agreement profile will be updated to Draft.


Click this to delete the selected target agreement profiles with the status Open. For more information on how to generate target agreement profiles, see Copying Target Agreement Profiles.


Click this to exit.


Criteria section

In this section, you can define the criteria of the people that you need to display in the results. Only people with target agreement profiles linked and matching the defined criteria will be displayed. You can click the hyperlinks to view the corresponding information.

Note: If you are generating target agreement requests via the target agreement profiles generation screen, the start date of the profile and the information filled in the Criteria section will be transferred to this section.


By default, the division of the person who is currently logged on to the system is displayed. Type or select a division to display the people under this division. This is mandatory. Once you have selected a division, you can view the details of the division by clicking the name of the division displayed next to the box. For more information, see Viewing Division Cards.

Cost center

Type or select a cost center to display the people under this cost center. For more information on cost centers, see Overview of Cost Centers. Leave this blank to display the people under all cost centers. For more information, see Creating and Modifying Cost Centers.

Job group

Type or select a job group to display the people under this job group. Leave this blank to display the people under all job groups. For more information on job groups, see Overview of Job Groups.

Job activity

Type or select a job activity to display the people that are linked to this job activity. Leave this blank to display the people that are linked to any job activity. For more information on job activities, see Overview of Job Activities.

Job title

Type or select a job title to display the people with this job title. Leave this blank to display the people with any job title. For more information on job titles, see Overview of Job Titles.


Type or select the person's ID to display the direct subordinates of the selected person.


Type or select a person to display the selected person. Leave this blank to display all the people. For more information on creating entries for people, Creating and Modifying Entries for People.

Profile: Start date

Type or select the valid start date or range of start dates of target agreement profiles to display the people that are linked to target agreement profiles with this start date or within this range of dates. Leave this blank to display the people that are linked to target agreement profiles with any start date.


Select the Employee, Contractor, Student, and/or Temporary check boxes to display the corresponding types of people. Leave the check boxes blank to list all types of people.


Select the Open, Draft, Approved, Reviewed, Completed, Confirmed, and/or Final check boxes to display the people that are linked to target agreement profiles with the corresponding status. Clear all the check boxes to list the people that are linked to target agreement profiles with any status.

After defining one or more criteria, click Show or Refresh. The people will be displayed in this section, as shown in the following screen:

Select the check box in the header of the listing to select all the people at once. Select the check box for the corresponding person(s) to select only the particular person(s).


This column displays the IDs of people.


This column displays the names of people. Click the hyperlink to view the corresponding information.


This column displays the names of the reviewers. Click the hyperlink to view the corresponding information.

Profile: Start date

This column displays the start dates of the profiles.

Target agreement: Status

This column displays the status of the target agreement profiles, as described below:

  • Open — The target agreement profile is in this status when newly created. If the background job is scheduled to generate the target agreement request automatically whenever a target agreement profile is created, then the status will be Draft. Nothing is required to be done by the reviewer at this stage.
  • Draft — The target agreement profile is in this status when a target agreement request is created manually or automatically.
  • Approve — When the reviewer has set the targets for the target agreement profile of his subordinate and performs the necessary workflow step (for example, Realize) in the corresponding request, the status of the target agreement profile will be updated from Open to Approved.
  • Complete — When the person agrees with the targets set by the reviewer and performs the necessary workflow step in the corresponding request, if required, the status of the target agreement will be updated from Approved to Completed.
  • Review — When the reviewer has reviewed the person and performs the necessary workflow step (for example, Approve), in the corresponding request, the status of the target agreement profile is updated from Completed to Reviewed.
  • Confirm — When the corresponding personnel (for example, HR personnel) has confirmed the reviewed target agreement profile and performs the necessary workflow step (for example, Process) in the corresponding request, the status of the target agreement profile is updated from Reviewed to Confirmed.
  • Final — When the status of the target agreement profile is updated to Confirmed, a scheduled background job will update the status to Final.

Note: The workflow step is realized, approved, or processed, depending on the request type defined at the corporate level at HRM/Setup/General/Settings or at the division level at HRM/Setup/Organization/Divisions in the Target agreement section.

Request: Status

This column displays the status of the requests such as Approved, Realized, or Processed, depending on the flow defined for the request type used. Request types are defined at Workflow/Setup/Requests/Request types.

Process: Status

This column displays the status of the stages for target agreement requests that are being generated after you have clicked Create:

  • Creating — This indicates that the system is creating the corresponding request. Once completed, the status of the request will be updated to Created: Request.
  • Created: Request — This indicates that the corresponding request has been created. The status will be removed once the status of the request is updated to Approved.
  • Data already exists — This indicates that you have attempted to create a request linked to a similar target agreement profile and the system has prevented you from doing so.

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 Assortment:  Date: 20-10-2010
 Release: 230  Attachment: