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PU 502 | 501 | 500 (Globe+) and 424 | 423 (Globe): Changes to Spanish VAT 303 annual model for year 2023 (Spanish legislation)

Modelo 303 is a tax return form where companies collect VAT on behalf of the tax authority from the buyers of their products and/or services. The invoices are documented in the form and reported to the tax authority.

In this product update, we have updated the values for the Clave field under the D.Est tab at Finance > VAT / Statistics > Value added tax. You will see the following values in the Clave field:

  • A01: Arrendadores de bienes inmuebles
  • A02: Ganadería independiente
  • A03: Resto de actividades empresariales no incluidas en los dos subtipos anteriores
  • A04: Actividades profesionales de carácter artístico o deportivo
  • A05: Resto de actividades profesionales
  • B01: Actividad agrícola
  • B02: Actividad ganadera dependiente
  • B03: Actividad forestal
  • B04: Producción del mejillón en batea
  • B05: Actividad pesquera, excepto la actividad de producción de mejillón en bate
  • C: Actividades no iniciadas

The updated Clave and Epigrafe I.A.E values will be reflected in the text and XML file.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 31.262.098
 Assortment:  Date: 07-04-2023
 Release:  Attachment: