Items can be grouped under different item groups. The item group determines the general ledger account that will be used for recording sales and stock of an item that belongs to the group. Item groups also enable you to subdivide the items for the benefit of the financial-administrative reporting. To create and maintain item groups, go to System/Logistics/Item groups.
Click Search to search for item groups based on the defined criteria.
Click Clear to clear the defined criteria.
Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows to 50, then 50 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 50 rows listed, you will see the Previous and Next buttons.
Click Previous to return to the previous page.
Click Next to go to the next page.
Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word.
Type the item group that you want to search.
Type a full or partial description to search for an item group that matches the description.
Click Recode to assign a new number to an existing item group.
Click Report to generate a report of all your item groups. This report will show all item groups and their respective general ledger accounts.
Click Delete to delete an item group. You cannot delete an item group which is linked to items.
Click Open to view or edit the information for the selected item group.
Click New to create a new item group.
Click Close to exit.