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Exact Financials   

Release notes Exact Financials versie 7.31.00

IDOpgeloste Problemen

  84.826.900Import file: when copy file name is used and file name has wildcards, file name is shown with wildcards
  84.818.244Import file: when using header / line table, import 'file name' option also overwrites line table

Electronic Banking
  84.806.125Bank statement itemization: chr(1) added to 'reference' which can frustrate SOAP request since this is an invalid XML character
  84.730.313Create payment file: empty file when directory path is "<TEXT>"
  84.648.707Itemize bank statements: error 20003 when bank journal has entity state 'inactive (for manual entry)'
  84.593.963Create payment run: payment discounts after first have no effect
  84.567.318Maintain bank statement line: VAT of scenario is not used
  84.547.787Import bank statements: inactive debtors can be matched
  84.537.285Create payment run: inactive creditor can be selected
  84.511.721Manual matching: can no longer select on 'Structured reference' (Dutch: 'Kenmerk')

Excel Add-in
  84.780.464Login: Exception running ABL procedure (12.2 only)

  84.843.641Journal entry: 'Outstanding item: Invoice number (Back up)' field format incorrectly defined with 10 instead of 12 digits
  84.783.398Journal entry business logic: debtor can be filled when g/l account is not a debtor g/l account
  84.696.665Scheduler: document linked to scheduled job log not deleted
  84.630.066Maintain scenario: scenario can be deleted when used by journal
  84.597.062Maintain journals: create new journal can result in error when closed periods before lowest year exist
  84.536.874Journal entry business logic: when currency not provided, outstanding item currency should also use journal currency

Finance Enterprise Edition
  84.547.809Journal entry: non-deductible VAT amount not used in period allocation

Fixed Assets
  84.578.227Maintain fixed assets: 'This period is closed' message regarding period prior to first depreciation

  84.616.263Journal entry: create intercompany outstanding item can result in 'IC Outstanding item currency code 'EUR'. Invalid value. Should be '''. when using EDIS or Web Services

  84.621.495Exchange rates: do not show irrelevant exchange rates in subsidiaries
  84.562.378Copy company: copy non-EMU subsidiary of EMU master can result in incorrect currencies
  84.555.961Maintain exchange rates: invalid combinations of source and target currency allowed

  84.690.562Delete project budgets: project selection search screen shows no projects
  84.649.611Journal entry: scenario with intercompany project results in error 87
  84.547.776Journal entry: non-deductible VAT amount is not entered on project when using VAT charged

  84.563.810Invoice Gateway: 401 can occur when refreshing access token
  84.537.888Sales invoice entry: currency field covered by exchange rate (WebClient only)
  84.411.849Sales invoice: scheduler does not create pdf

System - Functional
  84.849.852Workflow: deleting a rule can block other entities from saving
  84.808.997[zoeken] exit can result in 'Total width characters: invalid value x it should be y'
  84.771.565Report AppServer log: nothing shown when using PASOE
  84.428.519Maintain data authorization: term 'Dagboek (Overzicht)' instead of 'Dagboek (Verslag)'

System Layer
  84.826.776[verwerken / overzichten] 'case only' updates ignored
  84.806.430[onderhouden] cancel reopens rejected entry
  84.797.676[rest] GET ledger: empty nested stbent shown
  84.794.346[rest] GET: fields cannot be used when entity has no company and using wildcards
  84.783.395[overzichten] 'balance' formulas exported with incorrect label
  84.730.476Maintain consolidation company: 'link g/l accounts' performance WebUI vs WebClient
  84.653.775Create scheduled task: save results in 'Layout '<company>/900709/?': Does not exist. (60002)'
  84.649.195[rest] get debtor / creditor with bank accounts results in error 500
  84.623.098Installer: web handler for REST not added
  84.585.668[onderhouden] when entity deleted by another user, error 12326 can occur
  84.585.223[onderhouden] if document category is used in form layout documents of specified category are not deleted
  84.584.168[rest] get: entity that does not exist results in an exception instead of 404
  84.543.029[rest] create financial entry: document not created
  84.445.763[onderhouden] empty document suppressed and deleted upon saving when 'thumbnail' enabled
  84.396.785Journalize collection list: document indicator not shown (SQL Server)
  84.391.033Data authorization: journal entry can be updated with restricted cost center
  84.389.244Consolidate: g/l account search screen filters on 'is_matching'
  84.328.143Journal entries: cannot update line field
  84.321.700[rest] process action: action filters not applied
  84.321.192[rest] admdat_copy / admdat_create: remove get
  84.158.995[onderhouden] generate to browse: cells of records generated after row already exists are updateable
  84.158.991[onderhouden] generate to browse: 'modified: time' and 'modified: user' are ?
  83.848.369[onderhouden] when entity has been deleted, do not create new entity
  83.842.430[verwerken / overzichten] adding 'table id' translation field to report results in multiple rows (oracle / sql)
  83.830.399[onderhouden] test value in browse reset to default when value of field it is dependent on changes
  83.507.279[ifall] search / find: add 'no rights' error when user has no rights
  82.826.036[verwerken] form layouts not printed when scheduled

System Layer - Web UI
  84.819.419Maintain menu rights: results from multiple entities can be shown in browse
  84.811.366[onderhouden] exit confirmation: typo in Dutch translation
  84.811.275[onderhouden] 'description' emptied when dropping document without leaving field
  84.803.063Maintain menu rights: javascript error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" can occur
  84.789.831[verwerken] changing columns in link table of selection results in javascript error
  84.685.150[onderhouden] entity status is 'in use for entry' after closing (Firefox only)
  84.684.879[verwerken] filler header incomplete when selection is empty
  84.684.841[verwerken] referential test value changes from text to number when row selected
  84.683.845[onderhouden] ctrl+alt+5 to enter '?' also activates folder
  84.666.121[overzichten] edit: 'no database assign' fields are cleared
  84.664.697Bank statement itemization: adding line results in JavaScript error in console
  84.616.185Maintain closed periods: Cannot read property 'join' of undefined can occur when adding columns
  84.589.360[onderhouden] error not reported when leave fails
  84.563.023Journal entry (bank / general): outstanding items added incorrectly
  84.562.117[onderhouden] entering invalid date in a browse cell results in 'Cannot read property 'uiWindow' of undefined' error
  84.511.110Workspace: click on chart tile does not show report results
  84.505.524[verwerken] scrolling on selection tab after processing can throw JavaScript error
  84.498.924[onderhouden] when mandatory column added on save, JavaScript error
  84.483.937Import dashboard layout: existing charts not deleted
  84.483.828Maintain company structure: base level without children folded inside sibling
  84.458.291Maintain project schedule: 'Already exists' when deleting a line
  84.451.209Report sales revenue: column 'year/period' strange behavior
  84.445.602Workspaces: changing when session expired throws javascript error
  84.431.731[verwerken] Failed import cannot be restarted
  84.399.666[verwerken] sub-totals not removed after processing
  84.390.354[verwerken / overzichten] export results: progress bar title is 'Import'
  84.390.339Data import: progress bar has title 'Import (web)'
  84.384.458[overzichten] formulas rounded incorrectly
  84.382.220[overzichten] hidden column shown
  84.327.371[verwerken / overzichten] cannot paste date values into date fields
  84.327.367[verwerken / overzichten] 'date thru' changed to 'date from' when value unchanged 'date from'
  84.264.277[overzichten] maximum numbers truncated
  84.225.667[structuur] 413 payload too large
  84.071.652[overzichten] export to 'printer' (html) throws CSP errors to console

XML Server
  84.581.038Import XML: incremental download timestamp TSPaging not populated

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.303.326
 Assortment:  Date: 11-09-2021
 Release:  Attachment: