At this page, you can view all the child divisions which have been linked to a shareholder. In addition, you can also link new divisions and maintain the investment records of the shareholder in the child divisions.
All users can view the list of the linked child divisions but only users with function right 62 – Maintain subsidiaries and shareholders can link new divisions to the shareholder as well as create and maintain the investment records. Users with the General manager and Controller roles have this function right.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 266 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click this to refresh the screen. By default, this screen is always refreshed automatically.
Click this to link a new child division to the shareholder. For more information, see Linking divisions to shareholder.
Click this to view the share purchases and disposals transaction records. For more information, see Viewing share purchases and disposals transaction records.
Click this to exit.
This displays the shareholder which the child divisions are linked to. This is also the division which you have selected in the overview of division. For more information, see Overview of divisions. You can click the division link to view the division card of the shareholder.
In this section, you will see the details of the ordinary shares investment by the shareholder in each of the linked child divisions. The Divisions column shows the child divisions linked to the shareholder, the Total no. of shares held column shows the number of shares owned by the shareholder in each child division, and the Total % of owned to date shows the percentage ownership of shares held by the shareholder in each child division. You can click the total number of shares held by the shareholder in each child division under the Total no. of shares held column to view the share movement records between the shareholder and a specific child division. The Remark column shows the remarks for transaction records in which the total number of shares held equals to “0” or no data was entered in the field when you register a share transaction record. For the latter type of records, you can delete the records by clicking . For more information, see Registering shares purchased or disposed by shareholder.
Note: If the shareholder also owns preference shares in child divisions, you will see the Preference shares section displayed below the Ordinary shares section. This section displays all the details of the preference shares investment by the shareholder in every child division.