Modules ? Financial ? Reports ? Search ? Search
On this page, you can search and view the list of financial transactions that are grouped by the selected general ledger account(s). Based on the criteria that you have chosen, the results of the financial transactions can be filtered and displayed by the division, period, reference numbers, and many more.
To search and view the list of financial transactions, function right 135 — View ledger on screen is required. By default, users with the General manager or Controller role have this function right.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 262 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click this to exit.
Click this to display the results based on the defined criteria.
Click this to clear the defined criteria.
Click this to display the total number of results based on the defined criteria.
Click this to set the search criteria to the default settings.
Click Customise at the title bar to customize the fields, columns, or sections. You can add or remove existing criteria based on your preferences by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes. You can also specify the columns to be shown at the results section as well as the order of the columns. Click Save to save the settings, Default to set back to default settings, or Close to exit. Take note for the following sections or fields:
You can add or remove columns based on the information you want to view. You can arrange the order of the columns by clicking the Up or Down buttons. There are various columns that you can select, such as Account, Cost centre: Code, Division: Description, Free field 1, and Item: Code.
You can add or remove the following columns:
You can define the relevant information on the division, such as the country, continent, region, and many more under this section.
You can define the relevant information on the cost center or cost unit under this section.
You can define the relevant information such as the corporate or division general ledger accounts, and general ledger account categories under this section. You can also define the type and subtype of the general ledger account.
You can define the relevant information on the items such as assortments and the serial number under this section.
You can define the relevant information on the account such as the type, sector, classification, and many more under this section.
You can define the relevant information on references such as the order number and payment reference under this section.
You can define the relevant information on the project under this section.
You can define the relevant information such as the transaction type, subtype and the origin in this section.
You can define five types of free fields under this section.
You can define the relevant information such as the creator and date under this section.
Type or select a division code to display transactions linked to the division.
Type or select a corporate general ledger account number or the range of corporate general ledger account numbers to display financial transactions linked to the general ledger accounts.For more information, see Creating and modifying corporate general ledger accounts.
Type or select a division general ledger account number or the range of division general ledger account numbers to display financial transactions linked to the general ledger accounts. For more information, see Creating and modifying division general ledger accounts.
Select the account linked to the financial transactions.
Select a year or the range of years linked to the financial transactions.
Type a period or the range of periods linked to the financial transactions.
Select Date or Reporting date and type or select a date or the range of dates to display the financial transactions accordingly.
Type the our reference number linked to the financial transactions.
Type the debtor/creditor reference number to filter and display the reference numbers that start with, contain, or equal to a certain letter or number.
Note: Click the icon to switch between the required filters, which are starts with, contains or equal to.
Type the entry number linked to the financial transactions.
Type or select the person linked to the financial transactions.
Select this to display only the debited or credited financial transactions or both. You can select one of the following options to display a specific search amount:
Select one of the following options to group and display the search results:
The columns displayed are the groupings that you will see when you click Show.
You can save your search criteria as a template. For more information, see Creating and modifying search templates.