At this page, you can link the division general ledger account to the general ledger account of the reporting entity. Before mapping G/L accounts, the following pre-requisites have to be fulfilled:
· Holding level must define its own Chart of Accounts (G/L schema).
· Each subsidiary (division) must have its own Chart of Accounts for local business operation.
Go to Financial/Reports/G/L Accounts/Chart of G/L’s or Financial/Setup/Master data/G/L Accounts. Select Division at Report under the Criteria section. Then, click Mapping.
To link general ledger accounts, function right 12 – Maintain division G/L is required. Users with the General manager and Controller roles have this function right.
For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.
Click this to display the results according to the defined criteria.
Note: Once you have clicked this button, the name of the button will change to Refresh.
Click this to update the results according to the defined criteria.
Click this to clear all defined criteria so that you can start a new search.
Click this to save the linked general ledger accounts.
Click this to display the linked G/L accounts. For more information, see Historical Mapping of General Ledger Accounts.
Click this to exit.
Type or select a division to display its G/L accounts. For more information, see Creating Division.
Select B/S or P&L to determine the type of general ledger account you want to display. If you leave this blank, both types of G/L accounts will be displayed.
At Subtype, select one of the following subtypes to display the G/L account:
· Asset account
· Bank account
· Cash
· Creditor account
· Debtor account
· Expense account
· Neutral account
· Revenue account
· Stock account
· VAT account
If you leave this blank, all subtypes will be displayed.
Type a general ledger number of the account you want to display. If you leave this blank, all G/L accounts will be displayed.
At Debit/Credit, select Debit or Credit to indicate the type of general ledger account balance. If you leave this blank, both types of account balances will be displayed.
At Exchange rate, select Average, Historical, or Closing to display G/L accounts with the selected exchange rate. If you leave this blank, G/L accounts with all types of exchange rates will be displayed.
At Blocked, select Yes to display blocked G/L accounts or No to display unblocked G/L accounts. If you leave this blank, blocked and unblocked G/L accounts will be displayed.
At Linked, select Yes to display linked G/L accounts or No to display unlinked G/L accounts. If you leave this blank, linked and unlinked G/L accounts will be displayed.
Type or select a reporting entity for the selected division to display its G/L accounts. This is mandatory. If the reporting entity code is the same as the division code, you cannot perform any mapping. However, you can change the Exchange rate type to define it at reporting entity level.
Note: The relationship between the reporting entity and its divisions has to be defined at the division card first. For more information, see Overview of Linked Divisions.
At Year, select the year that you want to start the G/L mapping.
At Period, type the period that you want to start the G/L mapping.
Note: If the financial year/period is not defined for the reporting entity, you cannot start any G/L mapping.
In this section, information such as the G/L of the division, its reporting entity, type of G/L account, and others will be displayed when you click Show or Refresh. You can then type or select the reporting entity G/L for each division G/L that you want to link. You can also select the exchange rate type for each G/L account and then save the information by clicking Save. If Historical is selected at the Exchange rate type, the Exchange rate date becomes available and is mandatory.
Note: The exchange rate date should be before the current date. The Exchange rate type and Exchange rate date are important when doing currency translation. For more information, see Running Currency Translation Process.
· Creating Corporate General Ledger Accounts
· Creating Division General Ledger Accounts
· Copying Chart of Accounts
· Displaying Chart of Accounts
· Historical Mapping of General Ledger Accounts
· Merging General Ledger Accounts
· Overview of Linked Divisions
· Recoding General Ledger Accounts
· Running Currency Translation Process