At this page, you can view the balances of the general ledger (G/L) accounts on the consolidated financial statements for each child division.
Go to Financial/Reports/Financial consolidation/Consolidated balance sheet, define the criteria to view the consolidated financial statements and then click Show to display the consolidated financial statements. Next, click the G/L account hyperlink to view the consolidated balances for each child division. The hyperlink is only available if you are viewing the consolidated financial statements based on the reporting entity’s G/L schema.
Go to Financial/Reports/Financial consolidation/Consolidated profit and loss statement, define the criteria to view the consolidated financial statements and then click Show to display the consolidated financial statements. Next, click the G/L account hyperlink to view the consolidated balances for each child division. The hyperlink is only available if you are viewing the consolidated financial statements based on the reporting entity’s G/L schema.
Click this to update the overview of balances per division based on the criteria you have defined at Show. The Show criteria is described in the following Description section.
Click this to exit.
This displays the reporting entity you have selected to view its consolidated financial statements. You can click the division link to view the division card of the reporting entity.
This displays the G/L account which you click on the overview of consolidated financial statements to view the account balances per child division. You can click the G/L link to view the G/L card.
This displays the presentation currency and the factor you have selected to view the consolidated financial statements.
This displays the financial year and periods of the reporting entity you have defined to view the consolidated financial statements.
Select Summary to view the balances per child division in a summary view or Details to view the balances per child division in a detailed view. In the summary view, results will show the total account balances of each child division after taking into account of the translation and elimination entries. As for the detailed view, results will show the amount of translation and elimination entries for each child division. Click the elimination entries amount under the Debit or Credit columns and the system will open the page where you can see the overview of elimination entries. For more information, see Overview of Elimination Entries.