You can configure up to ten Free: GUID fields in a request type. The Free: GUID fields are very flexible and you can use them to record several types of entries in the system by using their "Globally Unique Identifier" (GUID) codes. The available entries are requests, documents, accounts, contacts, transactions, and items.
In a request, the Free: GUID field is displayed as a text box with a Search icon that the user can use to type or select an available entry in the system according to your settings in the Selection section. The GUID of the selected entry is stored in the request and the system checks the entry with this GUID to display a description of the entry with a hyperlink to that entry such as a request form, a document, or an item card.
The function is similar to the Free: Number and Free: Text fields. Using Free: Number the user can link entries that use numbers as unique identifiers, namely people and assortments. Using Free: Text the user can link entries that use text codes as unique identifiers, namely items and projects. Notice that you can use Free: GUID or Free: Text to link to items. Item codes uses alphanumeric text as the unique identifier but the system also creates GUIDs for items.
The following describes only the settings specific for the Free: GUID fields. For more information on the menu path, roles and rights, buttons, and other settings available in most request fields, see Customizing Request Type Fields (Main Document).
Select Requests, Documents, Accounts, Contacts, Transactions, or Items as the entry type that this Free: GUID field refers to. You can also filter the available entries using a partial SQL statement in Selection.
If you select Accounts, you can also configure the relationship of the account selected in the Free: GUID field with the Account field in the request. In this case, you should also configure the Account field. For more information on the Account field, see Customizing Request Type Fields - Account.
If you select Contacts, you can also configure whether the selection page lists all contacts, contacts linked to the Account field in the request, or contacts linked to accounts selected in another Free: GUID field where the entry type of that Free: GUID field is Accounts.
Technically, the GUID of the selected entry is saved along with other data of the request in the requests table called "Absences". The system does not record the entry description in the requests table but stores the entry type the GUID refers to in the request field options table called "RequestFieldOptions". This technical information is useful if you plan to use the data in other functions where you can use SQL statements to manipulate the data.
Select the relationship between the account selected in the Free: GUID fields to the account selected in the Account field of the same request.
Leave this setting blank if you want the selection list to show all accounts. For more information on the relationship, see Viewing Account Cards.
Note: This setting is available only if Reference in Selection section is Accounts.
Select a request field that defines the account of the contacts. The selection page will list only contacts related to the account in this request field.
Leave this setting blank if you want the selection list to show all contacts. For more information on account contacts, see Viewing Account Cards.
Note: This setting is available only if Reference in Selection section is Contacts.
Type a partial SQL statement, which is used as part of an SQL 'where' clause by the system, to list only employees matching this statement.
For example, you select Accounts in Reference and you want to list only accounts saved with the security level equal to or higher than Security Level 10. The SELECT statement used by the system refers to the accounts table "cicmpy" with the alias "c". In this case, type c.SecurityLevel >= 10. The following is a truncated sample SQL selection statement to illustrate where the partial SQL statement you typed into this box is inserted in the 'where' clause:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... AND (c.SecurityLevel >= 10) ORDER BY ...
Click Show to preview the selection page and the effect of your SQL statement on the selection list.
You can do the same for the other tables based on the entry type selected in Reference. You can see some information on the reference Table, the table Prefix to use in your SQL statement in Selection, and an Example of an acceptable SQL statement below the Selection for the relevant entry type selected in Reference.
Note: The preview list displayed when you click Show takes into account only your partial SQL statement regardless of other settings in the Selection section. The selection page may present a different list in an actual request during run-time when other settings, which may include settings in other request fields, are taken into account.