This page allows you to search for the top suppliers or customers. You can search for the top suppliers or customers by defining one or more of the following criteria.
Menu path
- Suppliers/Report/Financial/Suppliers – Top 100
- Financial/Reports/Accounts Payable/Suppliers: Top 100
- Customers/Report/Financial/Revenue
- Financial/Reports/Accounts receivable/Revenue: Top 100
Roles & rights
To search for the top suppliers or customers, function rights 206 – View reports for customers and resellers balance list, A/R, aging and revenue report and 444 – View Top100 supplier accounts are required. Users with the General manager, Controller, Reseller manager, Purchase agent or Customer manager role have these function rights.
For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh and then click the required link under the Role column.
Click this to display the search criteria.
Click this to refresh the results based on the latest criteria defined.
Note: You will see this button after clicking the Show button.
Click this to clear the defined search criteria.
Click this to exit.

Select Year or Category to search for the top suppliers or customers based on the selected option.
Select the group division to search for the top suppliers or customers, and then type or select the division in the selected group division. You can leave the box blank to search for the top suppliers or top customers from any division. For more information on group divisions, see Overview of Groups and for more information on divisions, see Overview of Divisions.
Select the manager of the top suppliers or customers. The managers from the following categories can be selected:
- Associate – Select this option to search for the manager who is in charge of associates.
- Division – Select this option to search for the manager from any division.
- Reseller – Select this option to search for the manager who is in charge of resellers.
- Supplier – Select this option to search for the manager who is in charge of suppliers.
- Customer – Select this option to search for the manager who is in charge of customers.
You can also leave the box blank to search for the top suppliers or customers with any manager.
Note: The Supplier option is available only if you are searching for the top suppliers and the Customer option is available only if you are searching for the top customers.
Group by
You can specify how you want the report to be grouped. Select one of the following:
- Account – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on account.
- Account: Country – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the country.
- Account: Continent – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the continent.
- Account: Region – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the region.
- Person – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the person in charge.
- Person: Cost center – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the cost center.
- Item – Select this option to group the top suppliers top customers based on the items purchased or sold.
- Item: Assortment – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the assortments of the items purchased or sold.
- Division – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the division in charge.
- Division: Country – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the countries of the divisions.
- Division: Continent – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the continents of the divisions.
- Division: Region – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the regions of the divisions.
- Period – Select this option to group the top suppliers or customers based on the period of the purchase or sales orders.
Select the subsidiary to search for the top suppliers or customers. This refers to the supplier’s and customer’s parent account defined when creating the account, under the Relations section. For example, there are two suppliers, “Supplier A” and “Supplier B”. If Supplier A is the parent account of Supplier B, Supplier B will be the subsidiary of Supplier A. The options in this box refer to the subsidiary level of the suppliers or customers to group expenses or revenue. The minimum level is “1:Direct”, which means that the supplier or customer does not have any subsidiary account.
Note: This box is available only if Account, Account: Country, Account: Continent, or Account: Region at Group by is selected.
Select the columns that you want to be displayed in the overview. The options listed are based on the option selected at Category whereby the subcategories (subcategories with type “Profit and loss” that are expense accounts for suppliers or revenue accounts for customers) defined for the selected general ledger account category at Financial/Setup/Categories will be displayed. For more information, see Overview of Categories. You can also leave the box empty to search for the top suppliers or top customers with any general ledger account subcategories.
Note: This box is available only if Category at Report is selected.
Type the year or date range to search for the top suppliers or customers.
Note: The Year box is available only if Year is selected at the Report box. The Date box is available only if Category is selected at the Report box.
Type or select the account name to search for the top suppliers or customers. You can leave the box blank to display all the top suppliers or customers. For more information on how to create and modify accounts, see Creating and Modifying Accounts.
Select the category of the general ledger accounts and then click the icon to select the general journal account to search for the top suppliers or top customers linked to the selected options. For more information on general ledger account categories, see Overview of G/L Account Categories.
Compare with
Select the option to compare the top suppliers or customers with the budget. You can leave the box blank to search for all the suppliers or customers without any comparison.
at the title bar to customize the fields or sections. You can add or remove existing criteria based on your preferences by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes. Click Save to save the settings, Default to reset your selections to the default setting, or Close to exit without saving. Take note of the following fields/sections/columns:
Type the number of top suppliers or customers to be displayed. For example, if “10” is defined, the top 10 suppliers or customers will be displayed.
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