This document describes the configuration of a SKU type per item, in menu WMS, Setup, SKU, SKU per item, (or for SSCC Shipment Builder, in menu System, E-WMS, SKU per item), as per release 413.
An item can have one or more SKU configurations, or one Autopack configuration. These configurations can be maintained in menu WMS, Setup, SKU, SKU per item for E-WMS licenses or in menu System, E-WMS, SKU per item for SSCC Shipment Builder. Press Delete to delete an existing SKU-item configuration. Press Open to edit an existing SKU-item configuration. Press New to create a new SKU-item configuration.
In this document, 'Outer SKU' refers to the main stock keeping units or shipping units ('pallet'). 'Inner SKU' refers to the smaller stock keeping units or shipping units, stored on an outer SKU ('boxes on a pallet'), or when configured as 'boxes' not stored on 'pallets'.
When you are not using SKU Management, then this screen is only used for Autopack/Shipment builder. Item code Select an existing item code, this can be an item of type Standard or Bulk.
SKU Item Description This is the description (30 characters) for this specific SKU per item configuration, and will be shown on the hand terminal when the user has to choose from multiple SKU configurations for this item.
Section: outer SKU SKU Type Select an existing outer SKU type, when applicable. The combination of item code + outer SKU type + inner SKU type must be unique. Leave this field empty, when you want to create an inner-SKU-only item configuration.
Quantity When this configuration is only an outer SKU configuration (only the 'pallet' has a SSCC number): enter the number of standard sales units in one outer SKU. When this configuration is a two layer configuration (both the boxes on the pallet and the pallet have SSCC numbers): enter the number of inner SKUs in one outer SKU. This must be a number greater than 0.
Description This information is read-only and shows the description of the selected outer SKU type. From release 413, it will show the description of the linked SKU type. In earlier releases, it will show the SKU type description at the time of creating the SKU item configuration.
Dimensions: Height, Length and Width These are the dimensions for the selected SKU type. When creating a new 'SKU per item' configuration, the dimensions from the SKU type are copied, but can be changed per SKU/item configuration. The dimensions cannot be changed anymore as soon as the SKU/item configuration is in use (after SKU numbers have been generated).
Section: inner SKU SKU Type Select an existing inner SKU type, when applicable. The combination of item code + outer SKU type + inner SKU type must be unique. Leave this field empty when you want to create just an outer SKU per item configuration.
Quantity Enter the number of standard sales units in one inner SKU. This must be a number greater than 0 when you selected an inner SKU type.
Description This information is read-only and shows the description of the selected inner SKU type. From release 413, it will show the description of the linked SKU type. In earlier releases, it will show the SKU type description at the time of creating the SKU item configuration.
Dimensions: Height, Length and Width These are the dimensions for the selected SKU type. When creating a new 'SKU per item' configuration, the dimensions from the SKU type are copied, but can be changed per SKU/item configuration. The dimensions cannot be changed anymore as soon as the SKU/item configuration is in use (when SKU numbers were generated).
Section: properties Allow stacking of SKU This setting indicates whether it is possible to store more than one SKU, on locations which also supports 'stacking'. E-WMS cannot know whether the SKUs will be really 'stacked' on top of each other, or placed next to each other. This setting is used for Directed Put Away.
Allow breaking up SKU This setting indicates whether it is allowed to pick sales units from the SKU, for example for order picking. When enabled, Route Optimizing may advice to take 4 sales units from a SKU holding 672 sales units. When disabled, only the whole SKU can be advised, which may result in the advice error message 'Insufficient stock available'. This can be solved by maintaining pick- and bulk locations and allow to pick sales units from picking locations but not from bulk type locations.
Allow receiving more In release 411 and earlier, this setting was named 'No maximum quantity'. This setting determines whether it is possible to store more on a SKU than the default quantity in sales units. Enabled: you are able to receive more than the default quantity (from 412, the allowed quantity depends on the next setting 'Maximum quantity') Disabled: you are not able to receive more on a SKU than it's default quantity Maximum quantity This setting is available from release 412 and is only available when previous setting 'Allow receiving more' is enabled. The 'maximum quantity' determines the maximum allowed quantity that can be received on a SKU - since this could be some more than the SKU default quantity. When exceeding this maximum quantity in a receipt scan, the following error will show: 'Quantity: Exceeded: Maximum quantity (110)' (where '110' is the configured maximum quantity). When 'Allow receiving more' is enabled and this setting is configured as zero, then there is no limit to the maximum quantity.
Full SKU replenishment This setting was introduced in release 404 and determines how this specific Item/SKU configuration is to be handled when used in WMS Replenishment. You can find more information about this setting in document E-WMS Replenishment and SKU Management: replenishing by full pallets.
Autopack This setting does not apply to E-WMS SKU Management but to Autopack/Shipment builder functionality. This setting selects the default item-SKU configuration to apply in E-WMS Autopack, to divide the ordered quantity into separate pallets and/or boxes. There can only exist one 'Autopack' SKU configuration per item code.
Active This setting was introduced in release 406 and gives you the possibility to de-activate a configuration. De-activating a SKU configuration affects the following functionality:
Please note that de-activating a SKU configuration does not offer the possibility to create a new (changed) active SKU configuration for the same item and SKU type. The combination of 'item + outer SKU + inner SKU' still has to be unique, regardless of 'active' status.
Development notes: possible improvements
A possible improvement to the this maintenance screen, is allowing to change properties like 'quantity per SKU' or the dimensions, once the SKU configuration is in use. This would require the creation of a version control system, like for a manufacturing BOM (Bill of Materials). If you would like to have this changed or require other improvements, please contact Exact support to have a 'solution feedback' created.