This document describes how to manually force a database updated, and the points of interest when starting a database update when you are using E-WMS or ICL.
This document contains following sections:
A database update can be forced by starting Exact Globe Next menu System, General, Settings, Add-ons and choosing 'Initialize', 'Start', 'Yes'. When the update is done, a message "Installation completed successfully" will show.
During this database update, single user access to the database is necessary. Following is required for a successful database update:
A database update is started automatically by Exact Globe Next when opening a company, and when a change in 'database versions' is noticed. This change is database version can be related to Exact Globe Next standard functionality, when updating to a higher release, or to an add-on within the same or a new release.
The database versions are determined and compared from these two sources:
The Exact Globe Next database will be automatically updated when one of these events occurs:
Depending on database size, server performance and database changes to be done, this database update can take considerable time. When this database update is performed, other standard Exact Globe Next scripts are also executed, besides the SQL file which triggered the update. Therefore it is not advisable to run these scripts directly in SQL Query Analyzer.
When opening a company and this message is shown, it means that the SQL script now has a lower version, than the last used version, which is still registered in table SDKGroups. After this message, you can still open the company. There is however the risk that you will encounter errors when using specific functionality (WMS or ICL in this sample), because also some program parts may now be too old. This message means there is a local inconsistency between the installed SQL file, and the last known (expected) version of that SQL file, registered in the database. So this message may show on one workstation and not on others. You can check following:
The fact that the 'Version script' in this local SQL file is too old may have following causes:
Please remember that this problem may occur on more than one workstation. The default folder 'C:\program files\exact software' may be a different folder in your situation; on 64-bit PC's this will default be 'C:\program files (x86)\exact software', and on terminal servers a 'c-drive' may not be available.
If the error message persists and the version number in table SDKGroups is not correct, then you can force a database update (see first chapter). That always results in updating SDKgroups.Datamodeldate with the 'Version script' of the currently installed SQL file.