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E-WMS: important notes to stock setting 'Enable ASP stock check' and changing the setting 'Picking advice'



This document describes current restrictions and rules for WMS setting 'Enable ASP Stock Check' and the consequences of changing the 'Picking advice' setting.



From E-WMS product update 403, an important change was made to the rules for E- WMS stock reservations. This change made it necessary to clarify restrictions and rules for the WMS setting Enable ASP Stock Check and for changing the 'picking advice' setting.

All mentioned settings can be found in Globe menu System, General, Settings, WMS General, the setting 'Picking advice' can be found in the specific WMS settings per module.

Enable 'ASP Stock Check' setting

The setting 'Enable ASP Stock Check' should be disabled, when:

  • you are not using Route Optimizing (=setting 'Picking advice' is disabled for Sales Order Fulfillment, Production Issues or Replenishment)
  • and you are using Globe 401 or 402,  or you are using Globe 403 but with setting 'Use Stock Reservations table' disabled

When you are using Globe 403 and also when WMS setting 'Use Stock Reservations table' is enabled, you can enable the setting 'Enable ASP stock check'. When using Globe 403 and 'Picking advice' is enabled, and when 'Use Stock Reservations table' is disabled, you can also enable the setting 'Enable ASP stock check'.

The effects of enabling the setting 'Enable ASP Stock Check' are :

  • Stock issues are already validated on the hand terminal instead of only after reading back to the Control Center. You will either see a warning (allowing to continue) or error message (not allowing to continue) on the hand terminal when issuing stock that is reserved or not available
  • WMS stock checks include transactions currently being picked on ASP hand terminals. When this setting is disabled, the stock reservations are calculated from the WMS tables used in the Control Centers. Quantities on a hand terminal are however more real-time (actually picked, or actually received but not read back yet) than quantities in the Control Centers.

Currently, the message on the hand terminal will always be 'stock is reserved', even when Globe shelf stock is zero.

Changing the 'Picking advice' setting

When changing the 'Picking advice' setting for Sales order fulfillment, Production Issues or Replenishment:

  • and when the setting 'Use Stock Reservations table' is enabled, the WMS stock reservations table has to be rebuild
  • and when the setting 'Use Stock Reservations table' is disabled, you will have to read back, or roll back all pending orders in above mentioned WMS Control Centers, since the reservations for the transactions in status 'picking' will be incorrect after changing the 'Picking advice' setting.


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