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PU 424, 423, 422, and 421: New VAT number field and error message for Intrastat functionality (Polish legislation)

We constantly improve the Intrastat functionality to comply with requirements by the tax authorities and to ensure your Intrastat submissions are on point. You can access this through Invoice > Statistics > Intrastat.

Based on your feedback, we are implementing two changes to help you compile relevant and correct data before generating your XML file for the Intrastat declaration.

Error message indicating missing VAT number

When you generate the XML file with one missing VAT number or more, an error message is displayed. The message alerts you to the number of lines affected, by which you can edit from the overview of Intrastat declarations screen displaying the debtors and creditors.


New VAT number field in the overview screen

The VAT number field is now available in the overview screen with three options from which you can select. The options are:

  • All – This displays all lines with or without VAT numbers.
  • Existing – This displays only lines with VAT numbers.
  • Empty – This displays only lines without VAT numbers.

Using these options, you can quickly search and check for lines with missing VAT numbers within your selected date range, and make the necessary adjustments before generation.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.666.695
 Assortment:  Date: 09-05-2022
 Release: 424  Attachment: