422SP17 |
General information |
Service pack 17 of product update 422 is available as of 6-3-2023 |
422SP17 |
Exported sales order to the central warehouse company sales price shows without VAT excluding (HF 86.248.264) |
422SP17 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The Autofattura e-invoice that will not be validated by the Italian authorities will be generated if the received invoice contains an item code without quantity and unit price (HF 86.216.333) |
422SP17 |
Item is read from the scanner without being picked (HF 86.078.434) |
422SP17 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - The value in the VAT return for VDEK tag is truncated if the length of the value is equal or greater than 50 (HF 86.194.281) |
422SP16 |
General information |
Service pack 16 of product update 422 is available as of 7-2-2023 |
422SP16 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP16 |
Bank |
Improved matching criteria for CAMT.053 imports for Slovak bank accounts (SEPA) (HF 86.160.568) |
422SP16 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Availability of CodiceCIG and CodiceCUP codes (HF 86.160.524) |
422SP16 |
General |
Product updater did not display in the drop down field (HF 86.161.227) |
422SP16 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Check tax declarations gives wrong error on check 'voor de medewerker (jonger dan 21) is Awf-laag van toepassing, maar Awf-hoog is toegepast' in case a component of type 'bruto uren vergoeding' is used (HF 86.178.534) |
422SP16 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - On the 'Extra gegevens' tab of component WHK-DIF a different percentage can be defined for employees in sector 64 and 66 |
422SP16 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The maximum age in some components for sector 12 were not correctly filled (HF 86.186.573) |
422SP16 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The minimum age in components 17171401, 17171402, 17171405, and 17171406 was not correct (HF 86.186.644) |
422SP16 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The 'maximum loon' value in components 28280106 and 28280107, 30300106 and 30300107 was not correct (HF 86.192.011) |
422SP15 |
General information |
Service pack 15 of product update 422 is available as of 3-1-2023 |
422SP15 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP15 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - For a direct invoice it could happen that the debtor's VAT number was missing from the EU sales list (HF 86.050.017) |
422SP15 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Error 1141 could appear when sending invoices to SII (HF 86.099.495) |
422SP15 |
It could happen that a duplicate serial number was created when performing a non-guided count (HF 86.078.198) |
422SP15 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - New taxonomy for the VAT return, VAT correction, and EU sales list in 2023 supported (HF 86.124.481) |
422SP15 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The base of the illness component was not correctly calculated when an employee was sick for the full month and the setting 'gemiddeld aantal dagen maandtabel' was activated and the month has less workdays as the average (HF 86.087.224) |
422SP15 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Bad debt management functionality introduced (HF 86.127.591) |
422SP15 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - When using specific exchange rates, it could happen that the VAT register displayed an incorrect VAT amount (HF 86.093.834) |
422SP14 |
General information |
Service pack 14 of product update 422 is available as of 5-12-2022 |
422SP14 |
General |
9-12-2022 - Microsoft has discontinued the support for Basic authentication in Exchange Online. Changes have been made to Exact Globe/Compact to support sending emails via Exchange Online with OAuth. To configure SMTP in Exchange Online you must select the ‘Exchange Online’ option in the ‘E-mail’ section on the ‘Output’ tab of the user settings in menu System - General - User settings, and enter the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client secret that you can obtain from the Azure portal. Read more (HF 86.079.999) |
422SP14 |
Order |
After changing the date format in the regional settings an error on an invalid sales unit could appear when editing a sales order (HF 85.982.11385.994.301) |
422SP14 |
Invoice |
An error could appear when opening the Intrastat screen (HF 86.061.121) |
422SP14 |
Invoice |
Due to rounding differences the amount in the ubl file of an invoice could differ from the invoice amount (HF 85.909.394) |
422SP14 |
Exact Extender |
It was not possible to enter Polish characters in Extender fields (HF 85.838.904) |
422SP14 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - In specific situations it could happen that duplicate lines were included in the Intrastat declaration (HF 85.976.724) |
422SP14 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - When using the VAT cash system, the payment date instead of the invoice date was used in the VAT Register/JPK_VDEK (HF 86.055.835) |
422SP14 |
Cash Flow |
The exported CAAT file contains commas as the decimal symbol (HF 86.062.052) |
422SP14 |
Transaction A2 and country of origin or assembly are not imported by the XML import for sales orders (HF 86.043.970) |
422SP14 |
Order |
When manually entering a serial number during enrichment of a sales order it could happen that the screen was closed (HF 86.044.246/85.994.301) |
422SP13 |
General information |
Service pack 13 of product update 422 is available as of 7-11-2022 |
422SP13 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
An error could appear when updating purchase price lists in Excel (HF 85.948.262) |
422SP13 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - It could happen that the intrastat type for credit notes was not correct (HF 85.991.586) |
422SP13 |
Legislation specific |
CH legislation - When the payment reference contains more than 27 characters including spaces, an incorrect QR code was generated (HF 85.941.970) |
422SP13 |
In specific situations it could happen that imported accounts weren't synchronised successfully in a CMDM environment (HF 83.979.617) |
422SP13 |
It could happen that an incorrect warehouse was displayed when generating a sub order (HF 85.922.095) |
422SP13 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Improvements to the Intrastat file (HF 85.981.990) |
422SP13 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - It could happen that duplicate lines were displayed in the Intrastat screen (HF 85.982.009/85.926.839) |
422SP13 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The message "Error Journal: Het bankrekening nummer dat u ingaf is niet correct. Gelieve een correct bankrekening nummer in te voeren." could appear when setting up a bank link (HF 85.908.200) |
422SP13 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - When using deferred revenue, the VAT amount was doubled in the audit file (HF 86.006.463) |
422SP13 |
Bank |
The iFile payment file for the HSBC bank in Malaysia was created in the wrong format (HF 85.945.431) |
422SP12 |
General information |
Service pack 12 of product update 422 is available as of 3-10-2022 |
422SP12 |
Bank |
An error could appear when importing a statement via the PSD2 bank link if the bank name did not start with a capital (HF 85.879.782) |
422SP12 |
General |
An error could appear when sending invoices via e-mail when no username and password were defined for a server for which it was not required (HF 85.900.126 |
422SP12 |
Purchase |
Due to rounding issues it could happen that the value of an item in a return was not the same as in the receipt (HF 85.468.276) |
422SP12 |
If the unit factor of the scan code was greater than 1, it could happen that the calculation of the to pick quantity on the scanner was not correct (HF 85.941.939) |
422SP12 |
Bank |
Improvement in the generation of SCT files when processing payments for multiple terms with different cash instruments linked (HF 85.899.245) |
422SP12 |
E-Textile |
Improvement when adding fields to the sales order, invoice, receipt, and purchase order layouts (HF 85.907.680) |
422SP12 |
Measurement Calculations |
It could happen that an incorrect calculation rule was used when performing a count (HF 85.843.841) |
422SP12 |
Bank |
It could happen that the last statement date in the cash instrument selection screen did not match the last statement date in the cash instrument maintenance (HF 85.830.873) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - It could happen that the SoggettoEmittente-tag was include twice when generating the e-invoice via Auto-fattura (HF 85.893.635) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The IDCodice for customers in San Marino was not correct in the Italian e-invoice (HF 85.808.993) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The letter of intent wasn't saved in the account receivable master data (HF 85.855.872) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - When the Flexible VAT system is disabled, the witholding tax reversal entry wasn't created when matching the invoices with the payment (HF 85.654.924) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - When the VAT return is submitted via a 3rd party the XML file did not contain the correct information (HF 85.889.332) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - When the VAT to claim and VAT to pay GL accounts of the VAT code are the same, the Purchase VAT basis on the VAT declaration showed an incorrect amount in case of purchase invoices and purchase credit notes (HF 85.924.012) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
ME legislation - Improvements for e-Invoicing for Saudi Arabia (HF 85.899.708) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
MY legislation - After printing a cash flow entry it could happen that the 'Own bank account' was overwritten (HF 85.907.665) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Certificates updated for Digipoort end point (HF 85.934.150) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - The quantity (IloscUzupelniajacaJm) attribute in the Intrastat XML file was also visible when the statistical units was "0" (HF 85.761.694) |
422SP12 |
Bank |
The EFT payment file for Australian Commonwealth Bank wasn't created correctly (HF 85.884.022) |
422SP12 |
Legislation specific |
US legislation - Some passwords with special characters could not be saved and retrieved from the avalara connection settings (HF 85.898.113) |
422SP12 |
Bank |
When generating a payment file for French banks in some currency, it could happen that the amount had an incorrect decimal precision (HF 85.891.765) |
422SP12 |
Bank |
When processing a SDD for a German cash instrument with a mandate that is used for the first time it could happen that the file was rejected by the bank (HF 85.893.048) |
422SP11 |
General information |
Service pack 11 of product update 422 is available as of 5-9-2022 |
422SP11 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP11 |
Bank |
SESCT.xsl stylesheet introduced for Swedish bank payments (HF 85.853.195) |
422SP11 |
Bank |
CN format for RBC and MCB banks in Netherlands Antilles now supports DCT and FCT transactions (HF 85.817.478) |
422SP11 |
Bank |
Improvements to Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payment files (HF 85.853.188) |
422SP11 |
Bank |
An error could appear when importing a QIF file for the Australian AZ bank (HF 85.659.542) |
422SP11 |
Charges & Discounts |
An error could appear when using charges and discounts for quantities with decimals (HF 85.869.268) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
CH Legislation - It could happen that an invalid invoice QR code was created (HF 85.853.078) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
CH legislation - The invoice QR code for partially fulfilled orders was not correct (HF 85.773.848) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - invoices for non-Spanish customers, with both exempted and non exempted tax could not be sent successfully to SII (HF 85.743.347) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - It is now possible to generate the TicketBAI XML format for direct submission to the Basque government (HF 85.853.034) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
EU legislation - VAT number in delivery address for CMDM now editable (HF ) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
FR legislation - Improvement for the French Intrastat return in INTRACOM format (HF 85.855.672) |
422SP11 |
In specific situations it could happen that no records were displayed when authorising quotations (HF 85.337.814) |
422SP11 |
It could happen that an order with a specific allocation couldn't be fulfilled (HF 85.718.792) |
422SP11 |
Finance |
It could happen that the calculation of price differences wasn't correct when working with SCP classic and partial invoices (HF 85.852.801) |
422SP11 |
Exact Integrator |
It could happen that the entity service did not respond after updating an asset (HF 85.828.698/85.413.021) |
422SP11 |
Bank |
It could happen that the SEPA payment file for the Italian BNL Bank wasn't created correctly (HF 85.827.987) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - After filling the company and VAT number in the Intrastat screen and empty space was created in the Type field (HF 85.874.379) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Improvements for the Italian e-invoice in foreign currency (HF 85.853.023) |
422SP11 |
Finance |
It was not possible to process an entry via the transaction screen (HF 85.785.292) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
ME legislation - Improvements for e-Invoicing for Saudi Arabia (HF 85.828.474) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - After updating a runtime error could appear (HF 85.835.088/85.838.936) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - An error could appear when creating the UPA declaration for PFZW (HF 85.856.931) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - New signal for error code L2202 in the payroll declaration |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The WKO was not taken into account in the 'totaal premies werknemersverzekeringen' in the yearly employee return (HF 85.832.144) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that entries with a different creditor in 'Free field 3 were merged in VDEK (HF 85.736.949) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that the VAT amount for VAT reverse charge was not correct in the VAT register (HF 85.818.540) |
422SP11 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - The fulfillment and receipt values in JPK_MAG did not match the values on the warehouse card (HF 85.833.302) |
422SP11 |
SDK(Financial): SDKFinEntry allows entry of invalid order numbers |
422SP11 |
Order |
The charges/discount descriptions on the quotation layout were only displayed in the default language (HF 85.850.873) |
422SP11 |
Inventory |
The performance when creating a count was not optimal (HF 85.834.734) |
422SP11 |
Inventory |
The performance when opening purchase orders was not optimal (HF 85.785.547) |
422SP11 |
The WMS web services for stock receipts and stock issues did not use the GL account entered in the input (HF 85.730.630) |
422SP10 |
General information |
Service pack 10 of product update 422 is available as of 2-8-2022 |
422SP10 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
AT legislation - In specific situations it could happen that the VAT listing wasn't displayed correctly (HF 85.655.264) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - Year-end return report excludes Box 91 from year 2020 and beyond (HF 85.785.098) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - Threshold values for Belcotax 281.30, 281.50, and 281.71 are now user-definable (HF 85.785.128) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - It could happen that the carry Forward amount in the G/L Card wasn't displayed correctly (HF 85.753.634/85.801.064) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - It was not possible to save Transaction A code for credit invoices (HF 85.785.180) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - XRechnung version 2.2 available from August 2022 (HF 85.787.676) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - It could happen that not all transactions were displayed on the Libro Diario report (HF 84.584.988) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
HU legislation - When processing a credit note error 13 could appear in NAV (HF 85.672.938) |
422SP10 |
Order |
In specific situations it could happen that the quantity delivered was incorrect for part swith the 'Explode at fulfillment' option (HF 84.834.841) |
422SP10 |
Service Management Solution |
It could happen that a time-out error appeared in the in the service request activity lines (HF 85.290.656) |
422SP10 |
It could happen that pick & pack transfers were doubled when the setting for interbranch transfers number was locked (HF 85.695.600) |
422SP10 |
Cash Flow |
It could happen that the BIC code was missing when generating a payment file for an Italian bank (HF 85.753.072) |
422SP10 |
Bank |
It could happen that the opening and closing balance was invalid when importing a CAMT.053 statement (HF 85.794.255) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Improvements to Intrastat (HF 85.787.673) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The payment date for the WHT write off wasn't the same as in the original invoice (HF 85.652.949) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
LU legislation - It could happen that the SAF-T Audit file wasn't created correctly and was rejected by the authorities (HF 85.718.793) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
ME legislation - e-Invoicing requirement for Saudi Arabia Tax Authority (HF 85.713.103) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Component added for CLA 3510 and 3511: Arbeids- en Opleidingsfonds VVT |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - It is no longer possible to send an UPA declaration for CLA betonproducten for 2020 and earlier |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - New hour types added for 'Wet betaald ouderschapsverlof' |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Due to rounding issues there could be a difference between the Excel JPK_VDEK and export XML (HF 85.652.778) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - The value of P_39 was not taken from the correction of JPK_VDEK (HF 85.728.386) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - When generating JPK_VDEK it could happen that the values for the P_68 and P_69 fields were incorrect (HF 85.654.570) |
422SP10 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - When using a VAT reverse charge code it could happen that the VAT amount in the VAT register was not correct (HF 85.690.475) |
422SP10 |
General |
Security improvement for storing the SMTP connection settings (HF 85.760.912) |
422SP10 |
Order |
When generating an invoice for a sales order with a negative amount it could happen that the header charge wasn't included (HF 85.630.233) |
422SP9 |
General information |
Service pack 9 of product update 422 is available as of 4-7-2022 |
422SP9 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP9 |
Exact Integrator |
A 'Duplicate Key error' message could appear during the synchronisation of labour hours (HF 85.727.174) |
422SP9 |
Exact Compactᐩ |
An error could appear when matching bank statements with purchase invoices (HF 85.688.028) |
422SP9 |
An error could appear when uninstalling WMS Auto queue service (HF 85.731.843) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
CH legislation - Improved QR-bill output (HF 85.725.561) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - VAT return Model 303 declaration type “V” enhanced (HF 85.703.390) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Registro previo GGEE o REDEME option and name column added in SII, and improved XML file for sales invoice correction type R5 (HF 85.741.814/85.713.141) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
FR legislation - Updates to VAT return 2022 (3310-CA3) (HF 85.713.395) |
422SP9 |
Bank |
In specific situations it could happen that matching multiple lines to a neutral general ledger account wasn't working properly (HF 85.461.786) |
422SP9 |
General |
It could happen that the calculation with the option 'Tax calculated over net invoice amount including discounts' wasn't correct (HF 85.515.137) |
422SP9 |
Purchase to Pay |
It could happen the g-account amount wasn't synchronized correctly when using Dutch regional settings (HF 85.690.948) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Enhancements to E-Invoice (HF 85.710.837) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - In case of payment conditions with more than one installment, the payment tag in the e-invoice was missing (HF 85.707.653) |
422SP9 |
Finance |
It was possible to select the option 'Reversal entry' when unmatching in a closed period (HF 85.709.108) |
422SP9 |
Connectivity Layer |
Performance issues solved when retrieving data via web services (HF 85.691.299) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Incorrect GTU marking for the same our ref when generating VAT register (HF 85.643.432) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that the VAT amount in the VAT register was not correct for sales invoices in foreign currency (HF 85.651.371) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that the VAT amount in the VAT register was not correct for sales invoices with multiple lines with the same VAT code (HF 85.689.285) |
422SP9 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - The 'TerminPlatnosci'-tag in JPK_VDEK was missing for entries without a your ref (HF 85.652.550) |
422SP9 |
SDK Exact Globeᐩ |
SDK(Invoice): Grouping invoices resulted in InvalidCastException (HF 85.680.680) |
422SP9 |
SDK(Invoice): SDKInvoice mishandles additional field lines when invoice includes phantom items (HF 85.431.627) |
422SP9 |
General |
The performance of the license check has been improved (HF 85.065.279) |
422SP9 |
Purchase |
The value for the last purchase price on the Basic tab of the item wasn't correct (HF 85.593.364) |
422SP8 |
General information |
Service pack 8 of product update 422 is available as of 7-6-2022 |
422SP8 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP8 |
Cash Flow |
Streamlined function rights for Cash flow (HF 85.639.121) |
422SP8 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
An object reference error could appear when importing a debtor csv file (HF 85.678.585) |
422SP8 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
The error "Incorrect syntax near 'Warehouse'" could appear when authorising services activities (HF 85.663.409) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - It could happen that the calculation of the internal year statement was not correct (HF 85.661.304/85.468.264) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Performance improvement when generating the Intrastat return XML file (HF 85.618.892) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - When generating the EU sales list for processed entries the message 'unposted entries found' could appear (HF 85.392.683/85.671.009) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - It could happen that the 'Factura emitida por terceros' information wasn't included when sending the invoice to SII (HF 85.357.308) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
FR legislation - It could happen that the amounts of the VAT overview did not match the amounts in the VAT return (HF 85.480.982) |
422SP8 |
Purchase to Pay |
It could happen that a non-final invoice could be processed in Exact Globe (HF 85.574.780) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Enhancements to electronic invoicing for San Marino (HF 85.623.974) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - All Nature codes will now be displayed in the VAT code maintenance regardless of the VAT percentage. (HF 85.677.768) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - In specific situations it could happen that an additional line was added to the invoice history when reprinting an invoice from the invoice history (HF 85.623.387) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The 'E-invoice details' screen in the debtor maintenance is now also available if the E-invoice module is not available in the license (HF 85.677.769) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Component 13th month reservation with the option 'Niet betalen (wel indien gelijk aan einddatum uitbetalingsperiode)' wasn't working correctly when the payment period is 12 and the end date of the employee is the last day of the month (HF 85.636.263) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - It could happen that the UPA declaration for weekly payments BPL was not correct (HF 85.654.459) |
422SP8 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
Performance improvement when maintaining bill of materials (HF 85.520.475) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - A run-time error could appear when issuing a production order in a Polish company (HF 85.640.578) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Fulfillments of negative sales orders weren't included correctly in the Intrastat declaration (HF 85.253.384) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - in specific situations it could happen that CSPLRVIE has stopped working when creating JPK_VDEK (HF 84.853.396) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that the VAT amount for multiline sales entries in the VAT register wasn't calculated correctly (HF 85.632.992) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
PT legislation - For invoices with multiple items and tax codes it could happen that the calculation for nature 'M1', 'PT-MA RED - Madeira Taxa Reduzida' was not correct (HF 85.653.686) |
422SP8 |
Legislation specific |
RO legislation - The amounts in the purchase register weren't displayed in the correct columns (HF 85.629.081) |
422SP8 |
SDK Exact Globeᐩ |
SDK(Logistics - Stock): CSSDKStock.SDKWarehouseTransfer always fails on insufficient stock (HF 85.648.773) |
422SP8 |
SDK Exact Globeᐩ |
SDK(Project): XWrite on SDKLAborHours resulted in a runtime error (HF 85.674.963) |
422SP8 |
When generating a suborder there wasn't any ! displayed in ' Available stock' the column if sufficient stock is available (HF 85.604.992) |
422SP7 |
General information |
Service pack 7 of product update 422 is available as of 19-5-2022 |
422SP7 |
An error could appear when clicking the ICL button in a sales order (HF 85.570.022) |
422SP7 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
An error could appear when opening the item maintenance and the item card (HF 85.605.747) |
422SP7 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Certificates updated for Digipoort end point (HF 85.608.145) |
422SP7 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - An error could appear when creating the Intrastat declaration (HF 85.570.022) |
422SP7 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - New minimum wages per 1-7-2022 (HF 85.595.332) |
422SP7 |
SDK explode fulfilment for the partial fulfilment of a make item created an extra fulfilment line (HF 85.550.020) |
422SP7 |
Finance |
With specific regional settings an error could appear when saving an entry (HF 85.624.789) |
422SP6 |
General information |
Service pack 6 of product update 422 is available as of 9-5-2022 |
422SP6 |
Order |
After deleting an invoice for a sales order, the additional fields in the sales order couldn't be edited (HF 85.415.736) |
422SP6 |
Cash Flow |
After importing a bank statement, it could happen that no account was linked to the document of this statement (HF 85.536.823) |
422SP6 |
Exact Compactᐩ |
After opening the detail screen of the VAT declaration, it could happen that the screen did not respond (HF 85.529.415) |
422SP6 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
An error could appear when creating a credit invoice (HF 85.552.906) |
422SP6 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
An error could appear when importing a XML file with financial entries (HF 85.568.810) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - In specific situations it could happen that an invoice was included twice in the EU sales list xml file (HF 85.451.172) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
CH legislation - Additional information included in the QR-bill (HF 85.552.509) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
CH legislation - A runtime error could appear when importing CAMT54 statements (HF 85.477.297) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
CH legislation - When the settings 'Journalize payments' and 'Payment in transit' were enabled the message 'Invalid: opening and closing balance' could appear when importing bank statements (HF 85.469.772) |
422SP6 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
ECL(Financial): Update of FinancialPaymentTerms via REST failed (HF 85.536.647) |
422SP6 |
Manufacturing |
For a return of a production order for different warehouses/locations it could happen that incorrect batch numbers were applied (HF 85.308.153) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
HU legislation - Intrastat returns display values of main item in Bill of Materials (HF 85.520.708) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
HU legislation - Error 91 could appear when processing a credit note (HF 85.416.190) |
422SP6 |
It could happen that an incorrect pricelist was applied when importing an invoice (HF 85.396.800) |
422SP6 |
Invoice |
It could happen that the Country of assembly in the Intrastat overview wasn't filled (HF 85.435.351) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - For lines without an item and a quantity of 0, the value of Quantita in the autofattura xml file was not correct (HF 85.547.803) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - For zero invoices the DatiPagamento-tag was included in the Fattura file (HF 85.365.059) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - In specific situations in could happen that invoices lines for Italian e-invoices were doubled (HF 85.335.370) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The 2nd page of the Withholding tax certification report was missing (HF 85.545.225) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The Codice destinatario and TipoDocument values weren't filled correctly for autofattura (HF 85.510.334) |
422SP6 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
It was not possible to browse through the general ledger cards with the arrow icons (HF 85.546.375) |
422SP6 |
General |
It was not possible to create a new database when the license was downloaded directly from the customer portal (HF 85.542.690) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The WKO amount was missing in the correction declaration (HF 85.533.727) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - New VAT number field and error message for Intrastat functionality |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - For reversal entries with VAT charged, the VAT amount in the VAT register was not correct (HF 85.392.735) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - New version of Audit file for Invoices JPK_FA (HF 85.573.055) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - The VAT amount for a sales invoice in the VAT register was not correct if there is a general journal entry with the same our ref (HF 85.470.442) |
422SP6 |
Legislation specific |
TH legislation - The VAT overview did not show the original invoice creditor/debtor when a cash based VAT code was used and the 'Show account information' option was checked (HF 85.545.471) |
422SP6 |
Exact Compactᐩ |
The automatic matching setting in the debtor management wasn't displayed (HF 85.557.860) |
422SP6 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
The database field 'Currency symbol' wasn't displayed correctly in the total block of the invoice layout (HF 85.561.309) |
422SP6 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
It was not possible to use shift-enter to go to the next line in a text field in an invoice (HF 85.560.405) |
422SP6 |
Exact Compactᐩ |
The interactive balance couldn't be opened when two companies were opened (HF 85.541.556) |
422SP6 |
Exact Compactᐩ |
The maintenance of contact persons couldn't be opened (HF 85.532.255) |
422SP6 |
Bank |
When generating a payment file for French banks in some currency, it could happen that the amount had an incorrect decimal precision (HF 85.499.250) |
422SP5 |
General information |
Service pack 5 of product update 422 is available as of 4-4-2022 |
422SP5 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP5 |
Bank |
Improved CAMT53/CAMT54 bank import (HF 85.431.091) |
422SP5 |
General |
Security improvement to remove old log4j files when performing an update (HF 85.443.659) |
422SP5 |
A non-guided count could lead to a stock inconsistency (HF 85.450.262) |
422SP5 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
An error could appear when importing a bank statement via the Rabobank link (HF 85.401.631) |
422SP5 |
Invoice |
An error could appear when opening a debtor without an invoice address, or where the country of the invoice address was not filled (HF 85.309.781) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
AT legislation - New VAT Overview screen (HF 85.449.659) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
AT legislation - Updates to Intrastat 2022 for CSV (HF 85.449.660) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
AT legislation - When an investment transaction was partly allocated to an asset it could happen that the VAT lines of that transaction weren't correctly displayed in the VAT listing (HF 84.346.963) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - The quantity in the Intrastat xml file contained decimals while this is not allowed (HF 85.507.575) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - New component Chilkat to replace log4j in e-Factura (HF 85.431.000) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Unchecking the option 'Cuotas a compensar de periodos anteriores' was ignored when creating a final VAT return (HF 85.354.862) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
HU legislation - When processing a EUR credit note in a Hungarian company with EUR as default currency an error could appear (HF 84.564.279) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
IE legislation - Updates to Intrastat 2022 (HF 85.449.664) |
422SP5 |
In specific situations an error could appear when changing a suspect to a customer (HF 85.347.623) |
422SP5 |
Excel add-in |
In specific situations it could happen that the DEB_DATA function did not display any data (HF 85.431.014) |
422SP5 |
Bank |
It could happen that a CAMT.054 statement for Swiss bank accounts couldn’t be imported successfully due to rounding differences (HF 85.472.512) |
422SP5 |
Bank |
It could happen that the information about the number of rows wasn't correct when generating an iFile for the HBSC bank (HF 85.446.695) |
422SP5 |
Bank |
It could happen that the reporting date was not imported correctly when importing CBI statements for Italian banks (HF 85.453.470) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Updates to Withholding tax certification report 2022 (HF 85.498.578) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - An error could appear when changing the e-invoice format for a debtor with a non-Italian VAT number (HF 85.428.861) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The Numero tag of the XML e-invoice for Autofattura contained the our ref of the sales invoice instead of the sales invoice entry number (HF 85.482.467) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - The year on the WHT certificate was incorrect (HF 85.415.737) |
422SP5 |
Finance |
It was not possible to link entries on te general ledger card while the user had the required rights (HF 85.436.175) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - AOF and WKO were missing on the print of the supplementary and correction payroll tax declaration (HF 85.510.106) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - For an employee with 'RVU uitkering' the 'Code meetelling' in the periodical PWrI declaration was set to Yes instead of No (HF 85.509.444) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - In the details screen of the tax declaration, the amount of opslag WKO wasn't included in the total amount (HF 85.503.069) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The maximum amount for component 13130106 is updated (HF 85.497.386) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The percentage of Sociaal fonds Reiswerk has been changed to 0.35% per 01.04.2022 (HF 85.423.090) |
422SP5 |
Incoming Invoice Register |
No new IIR request was created when changing the authorizers (HF 85.365.064) |
422SP5 |
Connectivity Layer |
Performance improvement for Entity Services to avoid memory exception when using ELIS/CMDM (HF 85.450.200) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - If the output folder contains upper case characters a type mismatch error could appear when generating VDEK (HF 85.431.021) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Improvement for Polish Intrastat (HF 85.452.994) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Incorrect namespace for "Natural persons" for 2022 (HF 85.370.831) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that credit notes weren't taken into account in the Correction of VAT report (HF 84.599.986) |
422SP5 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
Running ProductUpdater_T25 in silent mode via the task scheduler wasn't working properly (HF 85.479.449) |
422SP5 |
SDK(Financial): A Pop-up was displayed when linking a commitment through CSVPADispatcher (HF 85.424.721) |
422SP5 |
Legislation specific |
TH legislation - The Company Name field in the Withholding tax Report was too short (HF 85.480.625) |
422SP5 |
General |
The 'Reply to' option in the SMTP e-mail settings wasn't working properly (HF 85.451.341) |
422SP5 |
Purchase to Pay |
When changing a project in Exact Globe it could happen that the project manager in Exact Purchase to Pay was unlinked after the synchronisation (HF 85.420.016) |
422SP5 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
When printing via a print preview the formatting of the output was different from that of Exact Globe Next (HF 85.412.057) |
422SP5 |
Incoming Invoice Register |
When the period in Exact Globe is closed, it could happen that the IIR request in Exact Synergy could still be approved successfully (HF 85.242.679) |
422SP4 |
General information |
Service pack 4 of product update 422 is available as of 7-3-2022 |
422SP4 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP4 |
General |
Remove and replace files to prevent log4j vulnerability |
422SP4 |
General |
An erorr could appear when opening a database with a Chinese collation (HF 85.362.611) |
422SP4 |
An error could appear when changing a suspect to a customer (HF 85.347.623) |
422SP4 |
Invoice |
An error could appear when processing multiple invoices (HF 85.395.074) |
422SP4 |
Inventory |
An incorrect description was displayed when linking OSS VAT codes to items (HF 85.373.380) |
422SP4 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
Calendar button was not displayed in the invoice Print / Process menu (HF 85.333.201) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Several improvements for the Intrastat return 2022 in XML format (HF 85.350.129) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Historical journals now available for generation (HF 85.381.384) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - For fulfilments, purchase receipts, and purchase credit notes it could happen that the country of origin was not filled in the Intrastat declaration (HF 85.347.350) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - The SII Endpoints for the test environment are updated (HF 85.394.965) |
422SP4 |
Purchase to Pay |
Improved synchronization where new messages are only retrieved when there are no more records pending in the queue (HF 85.370.129) |
422SP4 |
Expense Management |
Improved synchronization where new messages are only retrieved when there are no more records pending in the queue, and the messages are synchronized one by one instead of per batch, and based on status (HF 85.388.070) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
INT legislation - The message invalid reference country code could appear when importing sales orders (HF 85.286.001) |
422SP4 |
Invoice |
It could happen that it was not possible to change the pricelist in an invoice (HF 85.343.765) |
422SP4 |
Bank |
It could happen that the payment file for an urgent EUR payment to a Brtisch bank account was rejected by the bank (HF 85.312.132) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Intrastat codes for services changed (HF 85.344.917) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Generating XML eInvoice based on Autofattura (HF 85.392.651) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Incorrect outstanding credit note with split payment VAT (HF 84.986.531) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - When sending e-invoices to SDL the fiscal code of the sender will now be used (HF 85.364.926) |
422SP4 |
It was not possible to correctly scan a SSCC barcode for WMS shipment tracing (HF 85.287.258) |
422SP4 |
It was not possible to process the return for explode items (HF 85.298.109) |
422SP4 |
Finance |
It was possible to import an entry without a project, while in the debtor/creditor GL the project is defined as mandatory (HF 85.362.659) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - For employees with a weekly calculation the REGLN value in the UPA declaration was not correct (HF 85.347.968) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The Intrastat 'Search code transaction A2' was incorrect for code 6 and 8 (HF 85.391.585) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - When using payroll components based on 'werkelijke uren' an unknown error could appear during the payroll calculation (HF 85.289.230) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Enhancements to the Intrastat functionality (HF 85.402.801) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that CSPLRVIE did not respond when generating the VAT register in 'Overwrite' or 'Add' mode for a specific VAT code or journal without any transactions in the reported period (HF 85.366.460) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that CSPLRVIE did not respond when selecting second date criteria in 'Override' mode in the VAT register (HF 85.361.689) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that the due date/payment date wasn't displayed in the JPK_VDEK XML file (HF 85.361.146) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that the Saldo PLN value from "Dostepne srodki" and "Zestawianie przeplywu" did not match (HF 85.402.150) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PT legislation - SAFT Audit file enhanced (HF 85.344.925) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
PT legislation - Improvement with regards to the TaxExemptionCode for the Portuguese e-invoice CIUS-PT UBL2.1 format (HF 85.292.696) |
422SP4 |
Legislation specific |
US legislation - AvaTax Connector upgraded to TLS1.2 (HF 85.414.653) |
422SP4 |
Finance |
When a user clicks the print button twice when returning VAT, an error message could appear (HF 85.198.341) |
422SP4 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
When an invoice is linked to an asset, an error message could appear (HF 85.305.138) |
422SP4 |
Exact Globeᐩ |
When emailing an invoice it was not possible to select a covering letter layout from the invoice history (HF 85.333.604) |
422SP4 |
Bank |
When generating a payment file for French banks in South Korean Won, it could happen that the amount had a decimal precision of 2 instead of 0 (HF 85.345.555) |
422SP4 |
Order |
When multiple items were selected at once during the creation of a sales order it could happen the totals weren't calculated correctly (HF 85.340.894) |
422SP4 |
When scanning a replenishment order with SKU a location in use error could appear (HF 85.249.859) |
422SP4 |
When the status of the main division of an account was blocked it could happen that the status of the other division(s) was not correct (HF 85.393.143) |
422SP3 |
General information |
Service pack 3 of product update 422 is available as of 7-2-2022 |
422SP3 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP3 |
General |
Remove IRMarkDOS to prevent log4j vulnerability (HF 85.309.588) |
422SP3 |
An error could appear when changing a suspect to a customer (HF 85.294.030) |
422SP3 |
Bank |
An error could appear when importing MT940 bank statements for 2022 (HF 85.269.831) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - An error could appear when generating recurring entries (HF 85.283.418) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - An error could appear when sending the VAT listing to Intervat (HF 85.283.197) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Taxonomy 6.4 supported (HF 85.285.242) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Improvement for the Intrastat return 2022 in XML format (HF 85.262.004) |
422SP3 |
Connectivity Layer |
Error during concurrent sales order processing (HF 85.087.869) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - VAT Modelo 303 declaration form improved for year 2022 (HF 85.293.385) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - security improvement for INTECO XBRL (HF 85.304.563) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
FR legislation - Support for updated 2022 Intrastat (HF 85.285.239) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
HU legislation - It could happen that the VAT revaluation entry was created twice when the VAT code is linked to 2 VAT boxes (HF 84.719.638) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
HU legislation - When using specific regional settings error 13 could appear when sending a credit note to NAV (HF 85.201.445) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - VAT rounding for multiple tax amounts supported for electronic invoicing (HF 85.293.417) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Security improvement for eFactura (HF 85.282.926) |
422SP3 |
Bank |
It was not possible to create a SEPA payment file for Croatian bank accounts (HF 85.230.110) |
422SP3 |
Bank |
It was not possible to link an existing bank account of the debtor/creditor to that debtor/creditor without the function right 'Maintain bank numbers for accounts' (HF 85.230.081) |
422SP3 |
Bank |
It was not possible to recode a Croatian bank account to a IBAN account (HF 85.235.972) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - An error could appear when printing or processing the payroll tax declaration (HF 85.264.776) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - An error could appear when processing the UPA declaration (HF 85.314.952) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Changed age of WIA WN in sector 12 (HF 85.322.079) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Cumulative amount of budget was not correct on payroll slip when component type 1918 was used (HF 85.286.904) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Field 'Soort regeling' added in component type 1015 (HF 85.277.643) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - In component OPSLWKO - subtype 2524 it was not possible to change the debit GL (HF 85.264.483) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - It could happen that it was not possible to submit a VAT declaration in Exact Compact (HF 85.277.779) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - New components 10100109 and 11110109 for RVU are added (HF 85.281.125) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The amount for component WKO was not displayed in the tax declaration screen (HF 85.294.046) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The calculation for construction CLA's used 261 instead of 260 days (HF 85.283.258) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - The 'Levensloopverlofkorting' field in the payroll data of the employee will no longer be displayed from 2022 onwards (HF 85.242.177) |
422SP3 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Changes in JPK_VDEK schema (HF 85.289.100) |
422SP3 |
When generating picking advise for a production order issue the message 'Insufficient stock' could appear while there was enough stock (HF 85.190.852) |
422SP2 |
General information |
Service pack 2 of product update 422 is available as of 4-1-2022 |
422SP2 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP2 |
General |
Linking multiple items to OSS VAT codes (HF 85.169.938/85.169.899) |
422SP2 |
Assets |
After changing the depreciation journal in the general ledger settings, the system still used the old journal when processing depreciations (HF 85.211.282) |
422SP2 |
Assets |
After linking a purchase entry to an asset, the investment amount stayed 0,00 (HF 85.163.244) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - 2-digit transaction codes (NoT codes) introduced for Intrastat declaration in year 2022 (HF 85.169.947) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - XRechnung version 2.1 is available for 2022 (HF 85.169.940/85.180.985) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Transaction codes (NoT) improved for Intrastat declaration (HF 85.169.945) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Declaration of VAT returns affected by bad debts (HF 85.169.942) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - VAT return form for financial year 2022 supported (HF 85.169.943) |
422SP2 |
Charges & Discounts |
Discount codes with special characters could not be opened (HF 85.210.726) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Export to include VAT numbers in Intrastat return (HF 85.204.263) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Changes in Modelo 390 format (HF 85.205.860) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - An unknown error could appear when clicking the Info button in a recurring general journal entry with a retention tax code (HF 85.167.435) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Negative invoices weren't included in box 120 of Modelo 303 (HF 84.985.509) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
FR legislation - Changes in VAT return 2021 (3310-CA3) (HF 85.169.950) |
422SP2 |
Purchase to Pay |
Improved synchronisation of the payment details in case a G-account is used (HF 85.185.548) |
422SP2 |
Purchase to Pay |
In specific situations it could happen that the total invoice amount was calculated incorrectly when using a non deductible VAT code (HF 85.152.252) |
422SP2 |
Purchase to Pay |
In specific situations it was possible to process a non-final invoice (HF 85.163.850) |
422SP2 |
Cash Flow |
It could happen that the SEPA payment file was rejected by the Dutch ABN AMRO Bank when the payment is in foreign currency and the creditor is in the Netherlands (HF 85.158.120) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - Support for recording letter of intent (HF 85.204.265) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
IT legislation - VAT basis and VAT amount is now displayed in EUR (HF 85.190.236) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Changes in INTRASTAT return for year 2022 (HF 85.099.572) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - New XBRL message headers for VAT reporting year 2022 (HF 85.099.568) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - 'Errorcode 70 onverwerkbare fout' could appear when sending the APG declaration with a correction line (HF 85.182.837) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Improvement in the UBL2.1 version SI2.0 format for electronic invoices (HF 85.161.012/85.153.634) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - It could happen that a negative fulfilment wasn't included properly in the Intrastat declaration (HF 83.750.072) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - When defining the freefield5 to 13 digits and 2 decimals an error appeared when opening the PK list (HF 85.057.358) |
422SP2 |
Legislation specific |
PT legislation - E-invoicing CIUS-PT UBL2.1 format introduced (HF 85.099.573) |
422SP2 |
Purchase orders created via SDK did not include the supplier lead time (HF 85.079.510) |
422SP2 |
SDK(Financial) - SDKPaymentTerms allows entry of non existing bank account (HF 84.570.965) |
422SP2 |
Bank |
Tag 71A was missing in the payment file for the Czech CSOB Multicash bank (HF 85.074.557) |
422SP2 |
Order |
The 'Delivery to' address wasn't correctly displayed in the sales orders by date report (HF 85.210.687) |
422SP2 |
Cash Flow |
The function rights were not properly applied in the Cash flow statement report (HF 85.088.210) |
422SP2 |
Order |
When generating a purchase order for a sales order a WMS related error could appear in a license without WMS (HF 85.158.449) |
422SP2 |
Incoming Invoice Register |
When the period in Exact Globe is closed, it could happen that the IIR request in Exact Synergy could still be approved successfully (HF 85.090.623) |
422SP1 |
General information |
Service pack 1 of product update 422 is available as of 6-12-2021 |
422SP1 |
General information |
Important: This update contains a database change. After installing this update your database will be updated when opening the database |
422SP1 |
Purchase |
A 'Data in use' message could appear in price management configuration, even when the other user has closed the screen (HF 84.959.304) |
422SP1 |
Order |
After changing the tax code in the order lines it could happen that the amount for PROJECT_TERM was not correct (HF 84.982.116) |
422SP1 |
Manufacturing |
After deleting a line from a production order it could happen that the note of another line was removed (HF 85.049.987) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
BE legislation - New 2020 Internal Financial Statement (HF 85.066.443) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
DE legislation - Intrastat return in XML introduced (HF 84.946.836) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Boxes in the Annual tab enabled for editing for VAT return Modelo 303 (HF 85.039.154) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Support for updated SII (HF 85.039.157) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
ES legislation - Checking/unchecking the 'Cuotas a compensar de periodos anteriores' field of the VAT return had no effect (HF 85.023.220) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
GB legislation - Update for MTD (HF 85.007.142) |
422SP1 |
Invoice |
In specific situations it could happen that no invoice could be generated after fulfilling and returning a sales order (HF 84.691.598) |
422SP1 |
Bank |
It could happen that a SEPA payment file for a supplier from Great Brittan was rejected (HF 84.938.187) |
422SP1 |
It is now possible to make a selection on a serial number only, when viewing the serial number at
fulfillment report (HF 85.070.793) |
422SP1 |
Purchase to Pay |
Link non default bank account to supplier and support for non IBAN bank types (HF 85.046.741) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
MY legislation - It could happen that the iFile for the HSBC bank was not created correctly (HF 84.943.078) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Incorrect value in field REGLN in the UPA declaration (HF 85.007.969) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
NL legislation - Possibility to create a csv file for the pension declaration for 'Piekarbeiders' |
422SP1 |
Performance improvement when scanning serial number with the Android scanner (HF Hotfix - 85.078.307) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
PL legislation - Data management and schema version for JPK_VDEK format enhanced (HF 85.060.258) |
422SP1 |
Legislation specific |
PT legislation - It could happen that the VAT amounts were not displayed in the QR code when the 'Use Tax module setting' was disabled (HF 84.706.113) |
422SP1 |
Exact Extender |
The columns for the extender fields were not available in the quotation selection screen (HF 84.995.786) |
422SP1 |
Purchase to Pay |
The payment information was not synchronized (HF 85.042.694) |
422SP1 |
When creating a sales order using SDK the discount was calculated in the line even though the pricelist is 'SALESPRICE' (HF 85.021.266) |
422SP1 |
Manufacturing |
When exporting production orders the notes weren't exported (HF 85.032.142) |
422SP1 |
Bank |
When recalculating the opening balance after reallocating the revaluation transaction was not excluded (HF 84.723.569) |
Info |
Updating Exact Globe Next |
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System requirements Exact Globe Next |
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Overview release notes Exact Globe Next per product update
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Overview release notes Exact Synergy Enterprise per product update
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Overview release notes Exact Globe Next per product update
- Dutch |
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Overview release notes Exact Synergy Enterprise per product update
- Dutch |