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Product Updates 422, 421, and 420: Import of e-invoice X-Rechnung 2.0 for purchase is now supported (German legislation)

The import of Xrechnung 2.0 to purchase for creditors with country code 'DE' is now supported.

Note that the import of the data will only be processed successfully if the name and VAT number of the creditors in the creditor maintenance cards match with the XML files.

For more information, see Product Updates 422, 421, and 420: Route ID (Leitweg ID) supported for XRechnung (German legislation), Product Updates 421 and 420: XRechnung version 2.0.0 available for 2021 (German legislation), and Product Updates 421, 420, and 419: Introduction to e-invoice XRechnungver. 1.2.2 (German legislation).

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.136.916
 Assortment:  Date: 01-06-2021
 Release:  Attachment: