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Product Updates 418, 417, and 416: Exchange rates improved for invoices (Hungarian legislation)

The currency and VAT exchange rates for the normal, aggregate, and periodical invoices have been improved whereby the exchange rates will now be based on the exchange rate settings and invoice types. The conversion of the exchange rates will be based on the input time, print time, or the fulfilment date that has been defined in Invoice settings.

Exchange rates basis

Refer to the following table for the exchange rate basis for the different invoice types:

Input time

When the Input time option has been selected as the exchange rate basis, the exchange rates for the invoices will be based as follows:

Exchange rate

Normal invoice

Aggregate invoice

Periodical invoice

The exchange rate in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the transaction date.

The VAT exchange rate in the Conditions screen.

The VAT exchange rate will be based on the transaction date.

The exchange rate for the invoice layout.

The exchange rate will be based on the final exchange rate that is displayed in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date of each invoice line.

The exchange rate will be based on the final exchange rate that is displayed in the Conditions screen.

The VAT exchange rate for the invoice layout.

The VAT exchange rate will be based on the final exchange rate that is displayed in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date of each invoice line.

The exchange rate will be based on the final exchange rate that is displayed in the Conditions screen.

The VAT exchange rate will be displayed in the Extra data screen.

The VAT exchange rate will be based on the final exchange rate that is displayed in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the latest fulfilment date in the invoice line.

The exchange rate will be based on the final exchange rate that is displayed in the Conditions screen.

Note: The transaction date will only be used to provide the default values for the Currency and VAT exchange rate fields in the Conditions screen. However, the values at the fields can still be modified manually. The provided values will be the final exchange rates.

Fulfilment date

When the Fulfilment date option has been selected as the exchange rate basis, the conversion of the exchange rates for the invoices will be as follows:

Exchange rate

Normal invoice

Aggregate invoice

Periodical invoice

The exchange rate in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the current date.

The VAT exchange rate in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date in the Conditions screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the current date.

The exchange rate for the invoice layout.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date of each invoice line.

The exchange rate will be based on the invoice date.

The VAT exchange rate for the invoice layout.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date.

The exchange rate will be based on the fulfilment date of each invoice line.

The exchange rate will be based on the invoice date.

The VAT exchange rate will be displayed in the Extra data screen.

The exchange rate will be based on the latest fulfilment date in the invoice line.

The exchange rate will be based on the invoice date.

For the aggregate invoices, when either the Input time or the Fulfilment date option is selected as the exchange rate basis, the value of the VAT exchange rate in the Extra data screen will be based on the latest fulfilment date in the invoice lines. However, the exchange rate in the invoice XML file will be based on the fulfilment date of each item.

Note: The existing behavior will be applicable when the Print time option has been selected as the exchange rate basis.

Extra data

The Extra data button will only be enabled if the invoices are subject to the tax submission. To qualify the invoices for submission, the invoice taxes must be greater than, or equal to the VAT amounts that have been specified in the settings for the NAV online invoicing system (accessible via Invoice ? Reports ? NAV online invoicing system).

For the aggregate invoices, when either the Input time or the Fulfilment date option is selected as the exchange rate basis, the value of the VAT exchange rate in the Extra data screen will be based on the latest fulfilment date in the invoice lines. However, the exchange rate in the invoice XML file will be based on the fulfilment date of each item.

For more information, see Product Updates 416 and 415: Online submission of invoices via NAV online invoicing system supported (Hungarian legislation).

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.836.816
 Assortment:  Date: 07-02-2019
 Release:  Attachment: