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Product Updates 422, 421, and 420: BelcoTax 2021 updated (Belgian legislation)

According to the latest changes that have been made to the Belcotax-On-Web (BOW) income 2020, the fields that were related to the directorate general and receipt office information have been removed. This is applicable to the following fiscal fiches:

  • 281.30
  • 281.50
  • 281.71

The changes that have been made in Exact Globe Next are as follows: 

Fiscal fiches screen 

The Directorate general and Receipt Office fields under the Additional information screen will be disabled when the year 2020 or above is selected at Reward type. As a result, the related tags in the XML have also been removed.

Account maintenance cards

The descriptions for the following reward type have been changed as follows:

Old description

New description

281.30 (2080) NL: Niet beroepsmatig verkregen winst of baten

English: 281.30 (2080) - Profit or income not obtained professionally

Belgian French: Bénéfice ou revenu non obtenu professionnellement

281.30 (2085) NL: Winst of baten beoogt in artikel 228, §3, WIB 92 50

English: 281.30 (2085) - Profit or income envisaged in Article 228, § 3, 92 CIR

Belgian French: Bénéfice ou revenu prévu à l'article 228, §3, CIR 92

XML file

The following tags have been removed from all of the affected fiches:

  • <f2014_name partner />
  • <a1003_regiondirectie />
  • <a1004_receiving office />
  • <f2003_regiondirectie />
  • <f2004_receiving office />
  • <r8003_regionaledirectie />
  • <r8004_receiving office />  

In addition, the <a1010> tag with the hardcoded value of “0” has also been removed from the fiches.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.077.099
 Assortment:  Date: 03-05-2021
 Release:  Attachment: