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32.341.162 - PU 505 | 504 | 503 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Changes to year 2025 VAT return (Belgian legislation)
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
From year 2025 onwards, the process for the VAT refund claims will be changed whereby the Refund check box will be automatically selected if box 72 has a value. If the Refund check box is not s...
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32.060.979 - PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Improved decimal points support in the calculation of the Prorata for VAT return 2024 (Belgian legislation)
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
Since 1st January 2024, Belgium has been using mixed taxable entities to calculate their value-added tax (VAT) deduction using the general pro rata method. To align with the latest legislative changes...
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31.852.423 - PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Prorate VAT return 2024 (Belgian legislation)
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
On January 1, 2024, Belgium introduced the mixed taxable entities to calculate their VAT deduction with the general pro rata method. With this change, you can now manually specify the percentage and e...
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31.181.652 - PU 424|423|422 (Globe) and 502|501|500 (Globe+): Include investment type in purchase invoices (Spanish legislation)
By Wen Da Ho
InSpain, taxpayers use the Suministro Inmediato de Información (SII) system fortax reporting. To comply with the latest legal requirements and changes, weupdated the purchase invoice to record the inv...
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31.181.443 - PU 424|423|422 (Globe) and 502|501|500 (Globe+): Updates to BelcoTax fiscal fiches 281.30 for 2022 (Belgium legislation)
By Wen Da Ho
The Belgium tax authorities made some updates to the BelcoTaxfiscal fiches report for year 2022. New elements supporting sporting achievements at the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, and any European ...
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31.131.323 - PU 424 | 423 (Globe) and 502 | 501 (Globe+): New fields available for the E-invoice custom stylesheet (Belgian Legislation)
By Sarah Paul
We have added two new fields to the E-Invoice custom style sheet for our Belgian customers: the Payment reference and Payment reference Mask. Previously, the 12 digits in the payment reference number ...
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30.820.181 - PU 424 | 423 | 422 | 421 (Globe) and 501 | 500 | 422 | 421 (Globe+): Threshold values for Belcotax 281.30, 281.50, and 281.71 are now user-definable (Belgian legislation)
By Wen Da Ho
As of May 6, 2022, the preparation of tax form 281.50 is mandatory only ifthe total amount per beneficiary and per year exceeds EUR 250. The federalgovernment has added this ceiling to the KB/WIB.To c...
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30.811.449 - PU 424 | 423 | 422 | 421 (Globe) and 501 | 500 | 422 | 421 (Globe+): Year-end return report excludes Box 91 from year 2020 and beyond (Belgian legislation)
By Wen Da Ho
In Exact Globe Next, you can generate the VAT return reportto be sent to the Belgian tax authorities through Finance
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30.420.572 - Product Update 422: New 2020 Internal Financial Statement (Belgian legislation)
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
A new template was introduced by National Bank of Belgium (NBB) in 2020. In line with this, all financial statement reports produced for years ending 2019 and beyond will be required to be in the new ...
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30.223.378 - Product updates 422, 421, and 420: Changes in VAT Modelo 303 (Spanish legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
In compliance with the latest legal requirements for theyear 2021 and onwards, we have included new specifications to the VAT Modelo303 declaration form.The changes include new VAT boxes of the sales-...
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30.136.977 - Product Updates 422, 421 and 420: XML tags improved for Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany E-Invoice
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
Exact Globehas supported electronic invoicing since product update 392. In this productupdate, the XML tags have been improved to standardize the E-Invoice format forthe Netherlands, Belgium, and Germ...
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30.134.248 - Product Updates 422, 421, and 420: EU sales list to include debtor's delivery address VAT number (Belgian legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
In this release, the Belgian EU sales list return will display the debtor delivery address's VAT number if the debtor is in Europe. This means the enhancement that has been implemented in Product Upda...
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30.077.099 - Product Updates 422, 421, and 420: BelcoTax 2021 updated (Belgian legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
According to the latest changes that have been made to theBelcotax-On-Web (BOW) income 2020, the fields that were related to thedirectorate general and receipt office information have been removed. Th...
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29.514.164 - Product Updates 418, 419 and 420: New 2019 Internal Financial Statement (Belgian legislation)
By Chee Wai Tham
A new template was introduced by National Bank of Belgium (NBB) in 2019. In line with this, all financial statement reports produced for years ending 2018 and beyond will be required to be in the new ...
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29.300.239 - Product Updates 418, 419 and 420: Updated support for BIS-UBL 3.0 (Belgian legislation)
By Chee Wai Tham
Electronic invoices in Exact Globe Next now support XML stylesheets. For more information, see Product Updates 418, 419 and 420: New settings for E-Invoice to utilise stylesheets. In line with ...
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